We're just a week away from Switch launch

We're just a week away from Switch launch

Are you finalizing your strategies, escape routes, and contingency plans to get one at midnight yet?

>people are actually going to buy a switch
>some of them are even going to line up at midnight to get it early

No, I'm not an autist manchild

I'm going to line up at Midnight at Best Buy just to get the free Zelda poster.

I have my Switch ordered at Amazon.

I landed an Amazon preorder, so I just need to make sure my card won't bounce and I'm fucking golden

Gamestop may have the switch but they don't have battle toads 9000 mudkipz for the wii

ignore it.

let the shit hit the fan.

Get some solid feedback from the masses.

Buy it later for cheaper
with more games
no under supplying
and less bullshit.

You would have to be an idiot to jump all over this a fight scalpers.

i have over 50 preordered and sold on ebay for nearly double the price at a better exchange rate. thanks for no localization nintendo

i pre ordered and im having it delivered to the amazon locker where i work, should arrive just before I clock off.
feels good man.

What is the purpose of getting it at midnight?

Just sleep till noon and get it then.
You won't get to play it any later or sooner in your personal perception of time if you sleep.

Sleeping is like time travelling to the future.

Interest seems extremely muted, to the point if I wanted one, I could go order one right now without any problems. But I'm going to wait, because I can't justify buying one for the one game which interests me at launch when I own a WiiU, since it's releasing for that too.

I'm going to call all my local gamestops two days after to see if anyone didn't pick up their preorder.

Otherwise, I'm gonna have to wait until April

I'm going to tell nintendo I'm dying so they send me one early for free

Because there will be more people lined up hours before midnight than there are Switches in stock.

I work at gamestop.
I'll be hosting the midnight launch, playing video games with bro customers, eating pizza, handing out the systems, then won't get to go home and play mine until 1:30am
and then I have to be back at the store at 8am

>tfw my local gamestop can't into midnight launch

I'll just have to pick it up 10 AM. But hey, at least I get it on launch.

Where does that actually happen?

As a European, I have always been able to just casually buy a console on launch day.
Maybe it's different in the USA.

>Buying a nintendo console within it's first 3 years

Literally no point

>got amazon pre-order an hour after the event in january
>have to work friday but got saturday off without even asking

it's zelda all day

If everyone had that attitude, the console wouldn't survive long enough to get good games.
Gotta take one for the team and buy at launch to guarantee we don't have another virtual boy.

Excuse me, allow me to rephrase what I said

>Buying a Nintendo console before homebrew is available for it

>plenty of good games year one
>no point

Pick one

Name 2 good games.

Splatoon 2

>It's your fault if the console doesn't do well!
No, it's Nintendo's fault for not working hard enough to sell it to me.

Is it inside a mall?

couple of system sellers right there

When was the last time any company had a good launch?
The PS4's killer launch title was Knack.
The Xbox one's was Halo collection.

Hahahaha bomberman
I'm sure you'd cream your jeans for a new Tetris or PAC man too.

Splatoon 2 absolutely is.
Bomberman might be bad, but there's also a new Xenoblade coming out.

3D Tetris and Pacman when?

My local store is probably just opening early unfortunately.

Any Walmart employees here? It seems a little obvious but I want to know if there are gonna be any display changes made for the Switch's release, replacing Wii U display things in particular. If they allow it, I want to try and buy something off them.


Hello darkness my old friend...

Yeah, especially Splatoon 2. You realize how huge Splatoon 2 is in Japan, right?

Also in the first year is Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, MK8 Deluxe, and ARMS. And that's just what we know of right now. For its first year, that is pretty amazing.

>Somebody saved my picture
I feel loved.

Anyway, my plan is to go to my local GameStop at midnight, livestream me in line for the last five minutes until the doors open, then me buying it, then go home and livestream the unboxing and setup

And not surprisingly, I didn't buy my PS4 until there was a decent amount of games to play.

>wake up at 8am
>eat some delicious donuts for breakfast while browsing /lozg/
>listen to zelda muzak and get hype as fuck
>smash through the door when the postman finally rings
>rip and tear the packaging
>set up the switch, handling it like raw eggs
>gorge on pizza and energy drinks while playing

Damn it feels gud 2 b a gangsta

d-did you fug?

Have fun playing Japanese people on wifi since that is the system standard.

But had everyone done that, the PS4 would have died.

With how quickly the Wii U's were replenished I don't think I'll have a hard time finding one when it gets its second game.

I'm feeling generous so I'll count Mario Kart Deluze as a new game. I wonder if they changed the online now that you have to pay for it.

Only midnight release worth going to is Madden releases cause it's like a even drunker, midnight tailgate party

I will, thanks.

I did it on Wii U and never had any problems despite Wi-Fi.

That's the point of free market, better products would have taken it's place eventually

>people are actually lining up to by an underpowered tablet with no games at midnight

fucking kek

It'll most likely get a patch down the line to check if you have paid online. On launch it should play normally like the Wii U.

Joke's on you because I'll stay on my virgin release-day firmware which will have more holes than a jew after the shootingsquad.

She doesn't even know my name

>Go in to local GAME today
>Ask about the Switch
>They say it's online order only in GAME Scotland
>Ask if they have any amiibos
>"what's that?"

I think Nintendo may be too far gone to salvage their fan base in the UK. Retailers have lost all interest

Splatoon currently has a 1:4 attach rate. It released 18 months ago and was a new ip.

It bodes well for the future of the ip

Not him but what's strange is that the EB Games in the mall nearby has had midnight launches before, but now they're not doing a midnight Switch launch. Not too sure why.

im really pissed I did not get a preorder.

has nintendo said when to next expect stock?

Steadily through the rest of March according to Yakuza Man

I had a lot of fun with Splatoon for about a week and then some days off and on, until it got boring.

Splatoon 2 looks just like the same game running in the same engine with a few tweaks.
I see no reason to buy it.

>I had a lot of fun with Splatoon for about a week and then some days off and on,
Sounds like a "you" problem friend

Man, there is no hype for this thing whatsoever
Nintendo really shat the bed with the marketing

Just Dance 2017
Human Resource Machine
I Am Setsuna
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Little Inferno
Skylanders: Imaginators
Super Bomberman R
World of Goo
What the fuck is this? Why would I buy a console at launch for these browser games?

>I didn't like Splatoon and I don't see the point in buying the sequel therefore the 5 million who bought it didn't like it either

Shitposting is against the rules TBF

>touring the US with demos
>Super Bowl ad
>press conference
>Regular TV commercials
>Tonight show demo
I don't think any other Nintendo console has got this much marketing before launch.

>not keeping one that is paid for by autists willing to pay double
3/10 bait.

dont work on Friday and I'm taking Saturday off

>Little Inferno
This shouldn't even be called a game and it released on Wii U years ago.

I'm pretty sure once the novelty of the franchise wears off, there'll be fewer sales, especially if the next installment looks almost like a carbon copy.
But hey, maybe they will release a new trailer soon that shows off some of the actual additions.

It's different in the US normally. I could be out there for a midnight release and still not even get it

You poor, poor child. I used to be the same way playing CS 1.4 on a computer that could only manage 8 fps. I got a beast PC for my birthday/christmas combined and could play at 60fps max graphics and it changed my life. Igorance truly is bliss when you don't know what you are missing.

>the Switch has a much more promising launch year than Xbox and PS4's combined
>hurr Switch has no games, Nintendo is finished

You forgot to mention
>For 0 games at launch and 1 multiplat

So? There are plenty of people who have clocked in 500-1000+ hours into it. Some people only played it a little bit like you, some people played quite a bit, then some people poured as much time into it as they could. This happens with every video game out there.

Almost got me there, OP. My gf works at gamestop and apparently a lot of neckbeards take pictures of her when they think she can't see.

If you browse Sup Forums you are both of those things by default

Ninteniggers just want it to sell millions (and it wont) just so they can "take down sony"

>especially if the next installment looks almost like a carbon copy

Everything they showed off from Splatoon 2 was in line with what we got from free monthly updates in Splatoon.

The more hours you put into that game the less attractive becomes the idea of paying full prize for some new weapons and stages.

>Wii U barely gets any games
>New IP comes out after months of a drought
>People buy it right off the bat to see if its good
>Its shit
Only place I see circle jerking that piece of shit is here on Sup Forums and the majority of it is just discussing porn.

I sincerely doubt it will sell anything close to the first games numbers.

I thought about going to get it at midnight but I never stay up that late so I'm just going to take a vacation day on the 3rd and go pick it up soon as they open and play that shit all fucking day long.

> I'm going to line up at Midnight at Best Buy just to get the free Zelda poster
> line up at midnight
> for a fucking poster

Wow, that's pathetic as fuck.

>Everything they showed off from Splatoon 2 was in line with what we got from free monthly updates in Splatoon.
You mean the sequel contains the same gameplay hook as the first therefore it's a carbon copy..?

How is that a carbon copy? It's in line with what a sequel entails.

It'll sell "millions" on day one. It's lifetime that I'm unsure about

>Shit that never happened

Explain how it has sold steadily if it's apparently "shit". Word of mouth would have stalled it at the week 1 1.2 mil, not the 18 month 5 mil. Your argument makes no sense.

Bought a Wii U just for Splatoon and I've been playing since day 1. Still no regrets on buying a Splatoon machine. So your opinion doesn't apply to the masses.

Splatoon 2 adds more content than the value of the original game which justifies it as a sequel. It's not going to randomly turn into an action adventure because the first game was a shooter.
What are you expecting a sequel to look like?



Sonyggers are called that for a reason, you stupid Sonygger. God you guys definitely do live up to the worst user base title.

look at that poor little vita section being hidden

What's the best attack plan if you didn't get a pre order in? I was thinking be there at midnight in an area with a target, GameStop, and Walmart

I don't think I've ever seen a vita section on the wild

If I look at mario kart all of them are so vastly different from sequel to sequel, while I'm betting with you that Splatoon 2 just uses the exact same engine as the first one.

They just want to ride the wave of success and release a new game ASAP instead of taking time to overhaul the system.

That's why I'm very skeptical and not really interested in buying it. Unless they convince me otherwise in the future.

Animal Crossing has been the same shit for how many years now? 15? What changes between those games is minuscule (save for NF and even those changes weren't exactly mindblowing) and there are lots of people who put 500+ hours into their towns with each installment. This doesn't include town restarts and how much time they put into those towns. Each and every person is different. Some older players may play less, they might put in the same amount of time as the last installment, they might play more. Local co-op seems promising and can absolutely cause some people to play more than last time since there's simply more to do in that sort of sense.

Wait a week my dude

I called you Ninteniggers because you guys act like apes.

Feelfree to use Sonygger though. Neither fanbase is any different.

Jokes on you Sonygger, I don't have any allegiances to a console. But at least you didn't deny that you weren't so that's good.

>If I look at mario kart all of them are so vastly different from sequel to sequel, while I'm betting with you that Splatoon 2 just uses the exact same engine as the first one.
Now you're just being ignorant to save face. MK games are all fundamentally the same, as is Splatoon to Splatoon 2. It's the differences to the core mechanics in each game that separate them.

Splatoon 2, from what we know so far, has all new weapons, all new levels, single player, customisation, specials, etc. By your argument, every MK is the same because it has red shells and it reuses level tropes.

If I get nothing on launch, yeah. I'm still gonna go out just for the slim chance

Good luck my dude

What do you want them to do? Treat it like F-Zero and release a new game once every never? Of course they're going to put their wildly successful new IP on their new console. That makes complete sense. Also, just look at Pokemon and how successful that is. While they add new gimmicks the cote gameplay stays the same and I'm willing to bet that the majority of players are fine with this.

>Splatoon 2 just uses the exact same engine as the first one

What do you think an engine is

I would REALLY like to avoid a midnight launch, but I'm probably gonna give into one.

>handling it like raw eggs
Please, explain.

>It's the differences to the core mechanics in each game that separate them.
The only difference I've seen is that you can now jump and swing the splat roller for a horizontal line, while in mario kart core mechanics like drifting work differently in every installment.

>What do you want them to do?
It'd be much more interesting if some time passed and they started development from scratch instead of reusing and tweaking the engine to have a quick release.

The physics, rendering and general behaviour of the game.

I see all of this as warning signs that make me doubt the game.

>get stupid crush on GameStop girl
>she shares all my tastes
>red head, 7/10
>go back to GameStop after a few days to ask her out
>she treats everyone in front of me in line the exact same way
>get to the front with my star wars trading cards
>she doesn't remember me at all
>play it cool as she asks if I want to pre order a switch

Are all women who work at GameStop whores?

My only hope is my local Walmart Supercentre. It usually opens 7am. I gotta call to see if they're doing any promotional schedule changes.

Being a fucking leaf living in the suburban GTA, I'm thinking it'll be enough if I go scope things out at 6am. Any other leafs wanna weigh in on my sick strat? There honestly doesn't seem to be any hype in my area, but that could just be other launch-day goers playing mind games with me.

Diversity hires to invite more women in.

>The only difference I've seen is that you can now jump and swing the splat roller for a horizontal line, while in mario kart core mechanics like drifting work differently in every installment.
Because you're judging them by playing them and not off a small section of gameplay I guess. The weapons are all tweaked and very different.