Online game you love

>online game you love
>devs go out their way to do something really stupid to the game
>get to experience its slow death

what's her name?

Other urls found in this thread:

ace of spades
team fortress 2
tribes ascend

Super Monday Night Combat

It would probably be easier to list the games this did not happen to.

>tribes ascend
I remember there was talk of Hi-Rez renewing support for that game, what happened?
>team fortress 2
Meet your match was a mistake.

speed cap introduced

that's like removing bhopping from quake, why would they do something so stupid?


XP was a mistake


Every time they do a patch it completely fucks with the balance to the whole game.The game itself was pretty good at certain times but like most games they have buffed and nerfed the game so much it's hardly recognizable compared to its original form. Right now they are just trying to buy time until Destiny 2 comes out.

Company of Heroes II