>In-game Graphics still dont look as good as 90's CGI

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It's 2017, mate.

to be fair, the artstyle is wildly different.
all that is missing is some shading and better textures for the leaves desu senpai.

DKCTF was made on a modified build of UE2

Yes they do.
Nostalgia fag.

Rare was magical in the 80s - 2002

It's 2017

Holy shit, those '92 fingers.

and much higher poly count and shaders. look at those screw on the left cart, those are all polygons,. on the right, they are mostly just textures

What about them?

care to provide an example instead of talking out yoru ass?

It looks like DK is wearing a fur coat on the right, the way his fur terminates so cleanly at his hand.

what about them?

I was playing Parasite Eve II and couldn't stop thinking about how fucking good the pre-rendered graphics are

penis fingers

the dkc2 and especially dkc3 renders look less awkward

justlook at dks fingers in the promo
shit is nightmare fuel they are so bad
the railcart attempts to be realistic because of its dark, iron textured look. the new railcart is just stylized and not bad graphics. its just an artstyle.


What if I went back to the past and told you 2017 anime would look like this

What exactly is "like this" meant to be implying in this situation

That fur though.

Anyone else loves the look of 90's game CGI shit? It tries to look realistic and ends up looking eerie as fuck


You know about all these bad NES LJN games AVGN complains about? Most of them were made by Rare


Is this that hitman level?

No. Because no matter what I'll say you'll disagree.

It looks better.

It's mostly (if not all) CG, it looks like diarrhea.

I'd probably be about as mad as I am now. Now if you told me that there would be a Lulico and a LWA I would be excited.

This shit looks like Abuni Sisterss.

No. I was traumatized by the game-over sequence from this game.

Look it up, if you dare.

>90's CGI
Have you every seen Donkey Kong's fingers?

Jesus christ this render looks so fucking comfy and relaxing. I fucking love the lighting and atmosphere here. So family friendly and makes you want to join in for the picture


>Kids today will never know how good these games looked on a CRT

>fur is a cheap bump map
>skin looks like cheap plastic

>muh 90s CG
>game in that style NEVER EVER
Here, let your Reboot boner go wild.

Isn't the new DK game from 2016? OP probably meant that.

not very

all the rerendered asset ps1 games looked like shit too

Only noteworthy game from them in the 80s was pro am.

the 1992 promo would still take a while to render live render is not an easy thing and needs alot of power most of games are tricks to reduce the amount of compute power it needs

Shit I haven't thought about this game in fucking years

>Isn't the new DK game from 2016?
Tropical Freeze came out in 2014, m8.

Dat chiaroscuro tho

Looks like a moving painting, kid.

Probably for the best.

i swear she took models and rendering techniques from 2007 secondlife or at least learned it in secondlife

That's why it's so good, it's fucking creepy as hell. like that zombie scene in RE, the remake version isn't nearly as creepy

Eh we still can't get fur right today, I can forgive a cheesy bump map. Get those right AND STOP CLIPPING THROUGH EVERYTHING GODDAMNand we'll have a golden age.

No no I don't like being spooked

What is going on with that filter?


Hard part is animation.

Then I have no idea what the fuck he meant.


Ratchet & Clank ps4 had great fur

We might be a long way off fur as good as monster's inc. but it's improved a hell of a lot in the last few years

she he it what difference does it make? that thing aint human


is there any current or last gen games that makes plastic looking 3D models? I kinda dig the style.

They're dead now. Any game of them created now is just forced imitation.

3D graphics never "look good" its just fucking textured polygons. they always will look like crap unless they change the method 3D graphics are done, enjoy your 2017 games that look like fucking poser renders

this looks poor like garbage at best

Skylanders Imaginators?

Suitable seeing how BK was just a reskinned SM64 with gimped movement.

Games look fucking stunning nowadays. The problem is most people cant run them maxed out, and the resolution or lack of anti aliasing obscures all the little detail. But the actual game itself looks gorgeous. Usually good looking games are totally ruined by obscured detail and jagged edges on everything. For example you can make the most detailed, beautiful flowing hair in any game, but it will look like shit unless there is some demanding anti aliasing on it. (See Final Fantasy: The new one)

I'm kind of surprised there's no indie games trying to mimic that 90's cgi aesthetic for real time rendered graphics.

But then again that would require effort.

They do. It's just that Nintendo still uses hardware from 2005.

No. All games nowadays look like shit, literally in your case, shitbrown.

>gun not in the middle of the screen

go tick that option NOW!!

as for 4k i wish they would do 4k OLED so i could upgrade already

>Games look fucking stunning nowadays
>posts DOOM


>All games nowadays look like shi-

I was talking about the level of graphical phidelity being obscured, not your preference on whether or not you like it. Whats the point of a conversation if you start it by saying
>my opinion is a fact and will remain unchanged. I disagree with you
How pointless

>snarky greentext about game you posted in retort


generic, soulless crap. thanks for your input

Stay mad


You should see it in its full 720p glory

>comparing real-time graphics to pre-rendered graphics

>trying to convince post-TORtanic Sup Forums that games can have ANYTHING good
Get outta here, old man. The hip, trendy thing to do is shit on everything.

Terrible. Just a guy walking with a movie playing out in the background.

>I know it looks like shit, but look at the resolution!!!

Graficsfags are the biggest cancer on the industry. Thank god you're all miserable people who stopped having fun with games ages ago.

>Mentioning AVGN

botw looks like crap. literally a ps3 game

>All games nowadays look like shit
>tfw not jaded

Why such a stick up your ass? Not having an argument here, just talking about vidya. I dont understand this mindset where a disagreement in preference with an explanation means you're attacking each other.

Autist sonyfan is here

So mad

you know you can play it in 1080p on a pc..?

posting a generic shooter like doom 2016 in a thread about 90's cgi deserves attack

(((actual graphics)))


>Nintendo and Sony fans get triggered by good-looking games and proceed to shitpost

Do you even read what you're typing? Jesus fucking christ.

I love this board

Exactly my reaction. I already had enough of this shit already.

We get It Sonyfaggots, the Switch has Inferior graphics and BotW looks like shit.

We get It Nintoddlers, BotW Is going to be the best Zelda ever and PS3 has no games.


Notice how it started when a specific fanbase showed up. Hint hint, it's the sony shitters

i wood bai dis gaem in a hartbeet

>Nintendo and Sony fans pretend one is worse than the other

I feel like people are confusing graphics with aesthetic.


literally this post started it with le 2005 hardware shitposting. Get with the progra- Oh, you're that shitter and is now attempting to false flag.

only sony fans can be this delusional

>point out that both fanbases are equally shit, one always starting shit the other always continuously replying
honestly consider suicide