It's time to discuss the best RPG ever.
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever
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But that's not Skyrim remastered edition silly anonymous
That's not Morrowind.
All TES games are pretentious reddit garbage
Both Gothic 2 and 3 were really good.
Probably my favorite games.
>gothic 3
Final Fantasy VIII.
why was the game world so comfy?
I can remember every part of it.
Maps being huge as fuck ruined RPGs
prove me wrong
entirely true
>muh lore is so craaaazy
that webm should be called: WhyTheWitcher3Sucks.webm
yeah, not being able to murder innocent citizens sucks
Killing people for no reason is deep roleplaying
deeper roleplaying than in the witcher 3
Got any more buzzwords to spew, champ?
Why do mods not delete this thread? I reported two of them today and nothing gets done. They get spammed multiple times per day, every day. Why?
First time I'm seeing this thread, and you can't blame him for shilling, maybe he just really wants to discuss gothic.
I'm glad we've come to an agreement
I'd love to, but doesn't this belong on /vr/?
they should public ban your sorry ass
>lore is pretentious and "reddit"
Gothic fans, everyone
Same :)
there is no lore anymore since bethesda obviously abandoned it you fucking idiot.
Just like they abandoned fallout lore.
go kill yourselves, gothic had more depth than this shit
gothic 1 is better
Why you retards play shitty mods for gothic 2? just wait for the actual mod quality like the history of khorinis
So why is that pretentious?
>gothic had depth
is that a fucking joke? it had the atmosphere of another world. The world building/design was so good, for example, the forest actually felt like a forest
Now go kill yourself
You've been making this exact same threads for months now, man.
>i have no idea what i posting!
>i already know that they said it but i will posting anyway!
>i already know that gothic is better than elder scrolls I just a fanboy that trashes gothic!
>i will just bait this game it's funny!
Why are Gothic fans so aggressive whenever someone dares to criticize "their" game? It's shallow in really obvious ways too, the character building and combat were both shallow, the equipment is just a linear progression, so why get so bothered when someone points it out? Are you also the guy who posts about how the forests "feel real" in every single thread too?
They didn't abandon lore in fallout.
They are just using alternative facts
>spams the same thread several times a day
>kill yourself for not liking my game
>all criticism is bait
What is it about these games that attracts such obnoxious retards?
What does that have do with depth you fucking retard?
Gothic has zero depth. Argue otherwise or shut the fuck up.
I tend to get into heated arguments in RPG threads but this time I'll observe from afar patiently.
What criticism? this game is perfect
it's called an ''opinion''
also it's not criticism since gothic is in fact better than witcher shit and eldershit
i like gothic and i honestly beieve these guys are just spamming these threads and webms because they try to destroy the games reputation
So what is depth by your definition
I understand how you feel.
Took like 5 comments for the shit tonhit the fan.
Yeah is clearly a flaseflag
fable has aged horribly
elder scrolls lore is literally "so randumb" and "dude drugs lmao"
I've heard Gothic fanboys have really high IQs, is that true?
That's not Xenogears.
>gothic has no complexity
What do you think a picture of facebook frog is supposed to prove? Either explain how the game is complex or just don't post
And Gothic is literally DUDE WEED LMAO
The same question back to you
Your mother is a falseflag, fag
Should I jump on into Gothic 4, or start from the beginning of the series? I've never played one before.
Also, how is the sneaking system?
I only see you aggressive towards me, falseflag
>the character building and combat were both shallow, the equipment is just a linear progression
Yep. Gothic 4 is the best game in the series. But this isn't really saying much because all the games are shit.
Gothic combat is so pig disgustingly bad
Risen 3 is about the only PB game where they finally managed to do combat right.
In all other previous games PB seems to have this fetish for making the combat obviously based around 1v1 against humanoid enemies
yet they love to constantly throw hordes of foes against you, or have most of it be against wild beasts and local flora and fauna that has unblockable attacks and shit
As I said
everyone each own
Just kidding, Gothic kicks ass and telling people to kill themselves for not liking a computer game is totally normal
Brilliant arguments
Please god this has to be bait
So the same goes to planescape torment?
Gothic was good because of the progression and freedom and world build up. Combat is indeed meh, but I can ignore it
The fuck is your problem? reverse shitpsoting now?
>and telling people to kill themselves
Are you new to Sup Forums? neofag?
What is Gothic 4?
There are only two Gothic games, don't know what you're talking about
>but [other game]
Gothic haters owned
>site culture
Try thinking for yourself instead of just typing out what other people write
I didn't say anything about other games, I just mentioned it
You should've tried to answer my second paragraph, smart guy
As I said, you think you give some ''constructive criticism'' when a lot of people enjoy it. And it's a fact that witcher and elder scrolls are inferior to gothic
For real now, It's just an opinion
So you are indeed a newfag
>second paragraph
You mean that line where you just list a few things that are unrelated to depth and largely ignore what I'd written?
Depth as complexity? Did you read what I said? tell me about this ''complexity'' then. Do you think gothic is bad? how then
>manages to forget the entire rest of the thread in the space of one minute
I'm actually impressed
You talked about depth, but no one said anything about complexity up till you. Then why don't you elaborate yourself. Are you goalposting now?
>Then why don't you elaborate yourself. Are you goalposting now?
Lmao, bye
Great argument, cancer
>Sup Forums trying to make the game of my childhood into some meme-rpg that everybody hates
damn you
Tell that to this guyHe tries to say it has no depth
It's time to Kys.
This board has some serious cancer
Best RPG ever discussion? K.
What makes Gothic 2 so good?
I've seen this thread at least four times in the last week. it's pretty bad.
The forests...
They just like.....
Feel real....
whos spamming these threads?
That is not Witcher 3.
>not a word about Gothic on Sup Forums since Sup Forums was invented by satan
>tried to make threads about it but they die with just a few posts or none at all
>suddenly about 2 years ago Gothic threads suddenly becomes all the rage and lots of people say they "always loved the series"
Fuck you Sup Forums.
But yeah OP is spamming and he makes this thread every day or so.