Predict the metacritic score.
Predict the metacritic score
eight point eight
96-99 and I'm not joking
reviewfag here for can't say, just a smaller euro site
Game is legit as fuck, and not in a "10/10 uncharted/skyrim" way.
I mean this stacks up to the true legends. I mean people will stop talking about OOT after this game.
Who remember
fuck off with your alt-right nazi shit back to Sup Forums
37 if I'm generous
Do you think some reviewers may dump on it just to stand out and drive down the score?
Complete bullshit
Real reviewfag here
He's lying
Less than Horizon
That's a little too optimistic. I'd say ~90
From my experience so far, I'll say this. Buy the game, you won't regret it
yup. see
Who here /doesn't care/
I know what I like and what I don't. I know I'm going to love this game.
me on the right
87. It'll be an ok game, but the Zelda effect will drive reviewers to rate it higher than they would have. If it wasn't a Zelda game, it would have received a 75.
It's basically a downgraded Horizon so less than whatever Horizon is getting.
The shitposting here is getting out of control
"10/10 10/10 100/100 best game best game"
94 and likely best game score of the year since I doubt RDR2 will make it out before the year is up.
SS got 93, no way it goes lower than that
After SS it could get a 100 and it would still be at core a 60
Reviewers will be scared to give it anything less than 10/10
Probably 90+ because of paid reviews.
Actual Gaming Journalist here.
Paid Score: 10/10
My Score : 11/10 Sets the bar for Open-world games. Instant classic!
97 near release, but after all the reviews come in, and the score settles down, I'll say around 94.
94 because i can read
Ah yes, paid reviews!
For your info, Sony does that. Nintendo is well known to be hands off with everyone, that's why they get so much shit and bad press in the first place.
It's why they started Nintendo Direct, to skip them completely.
If it gets a 95+ from Polygon that means they begrudgingly like it and it's an actual 100
Lower than horizon because no "strong female" trope and no paid reviews
trust me, the game review illuminati has already decided on it
>It's why they started Nintendo Direct, to skip them completely.
So they can deal with press telling them their games are shit so they made an echo-chamber to trick people to buy said shitty games?
Between 90 - 94
>why they get so much shit and bad press in the first place.
What? Nintendo first party titles get reviewed with the lowest set of expectations of any. No one dares give a Mario title anything less than a 8/10, no matter how one dimensional and played out the gameplay is.
- Mediciore gameplay
- Boring characters
- Big open world with nothing to do, except pointlessly defeat enemies
- Collectathons in game are tedious and uninspired due to size of open world
- Same characters, same names, same game
Screencap this; my name is Alex.
>stale, old and dead IP
Gee I wonder. Max 85 probably.
>I mean people will stop talking about OOT after this game
I was thinking about this exact same thing earlier today. This game will redefine 3d Zelda games and younger folks probably won't be able to go back to games like OoT
Ah yes, who could dare stand up against the great heights that Sony has set up for gamers?
>b-but Sony
>All those markers
literally actually cancelled pre order
this looks like that lord of the rings game I hated
>sony does that
lel only uncharted even broke the 89 barrier
85, because while the gameplay and story were excellent, Zelda was a female that needed saving and Link wasn't a grill.
I know for a fact that I'm going to enjoy this game like no other.
You said Nintendo titles are reviewed at lower expectations, but if that was the case, games like Horizon wouldn't be getting good reviews.
90+ just for being Zelda
I'm expecting my personal score to be around 7-8 but I'd love to be surprised.
>Still shit graphics
What is evolution
I just listened to the french guy that talked about it on stream. The way he talked about the game sounded like it was impossible for him to give it less than 100, and most others wouldn't either.
Why are people hating on this game so much?
How do they top this though? I mean we can always count on the 3DS for smaller scale games but what should they do for the next main game after BOTW? Something "odd' like Majora's Mask and Link's Awakening?
Real reviewfag here. I have my own independent gaming channel. Game is a 6. It's better that OoT, but it's 2017. Almost everything now is better than OoT. The true scale comes from how much it revolutionizes the market in the current era. It does not. It's Nintendo's brand of a run-of-the-mill open world experience with the typical lackluster Zelda story.
>"Zelda killer!!!"
Kids these days sure are stupid.
It's pretty pathetic that Nintendo can pull off a much better looking game on inferior hardware than the ps4 can pull off with its superior tech.
Might even be the Mario Galaxy of this generation
My wife's lover works for Nintendo and he says you're full of shit
Me, exactly. Gonna have a lot of fun with this one. Taking a week off to sink some serious hours into it.
Thank you bro. Appreciate a honest review.
They know deep down that it's going to be an amazing game, probably one of the best of all time.
Typical for a Zelda game, though.
>muh story
>Why are people hating on this game so much?
Why Sup Forums hates any game so much(whether they are good or not)?
I'm getting BotW and waiting for a price drop on Horizon, but if you genuinely believe that BotW is visually more impressive than Horizon, then you're a laughably deluded fanboy fucking idiot.
The funny part is they were right, even as a much more biased Nintentoddler at the time, I didn't like TP because it pandered too much to OoT.
The more I see of this game the more I like it
You can't discount the story. You know what it reminds me of? A slightly better MGSV. Vast reaches of barrenness with strong core gameplay that falls flat quickly because it was ill-utilized.
I can't say what my channel is for embargo reasons. It lifts after release.
prof or no believo
Last two digits of my post number is its score
What's the point of even lying about this? Like no one believes you, you don't even believe yourself lol.
Anyways Zelda will get a 90+, even the shittiest 3D zeldas have a 90+, this Zelda looks miles better then that, since the bar is so low the game will score highly.
Boohoo, pony
First off I never said the game was graphically better, but it does look a billion times more appealing than that generic shit that Horizon has pumped out.
Plus the graphics aren't even horrible, sure some of the textures might be a bit off, but it's far from shit.
just because some fags will rate it 95/100 because it doesn`t have realistic graphics
Agreed, user. I'm trying to keep myself from going in too spoiled, but damn if I don't love how this game looks.
I can't wait to explore Hyrule in its entirety.
A decimal less than Horizon. Sup Forums will be thrown into chaos for like a week
Given all of the praise HZD is receiving simply because GRAFIX, I think it'll do terrible in reviews/scores. The video game industry isn't in a state that cherishes gameplay and art style over realism (currently that is. Hopefully everyone wakes up).
what the industry cherishes is hype and the massive preorder revenue it brings
botw will do fine
Please explain how without breaking NDA. If you can't use any words at all, we can tell you're full of shit.
zelda games start at 9 for ratings
so probably 94 or 95, possibly more
Pretty much. Reviewers these days are trying so damn hard to be mainstream by going all 'muh feels' and 'muh cinematic experience'. Feelz over realz. BotW could be the greatest game ever, but will be graded harshly because Link isn't gay enough or Zelda cried.
On a technical scale, of course Horizon looks better. Zelda has more soul though.
See this webm. Even the frog leaves a path of water. Meanwhile Horizon has our female protagonist stubbling on glitchy rivers.
Oh, and how much do you rate Horizon? If you rate it higher than Zelda, then you're a fucking shill.
Literally impossible to be lower than that.
it's ok
I can't wait for contrarian faggots and shills like Jim Sterling to give BotW a 6/10 after shilling hard for Horizon with a fucking 9.5/10.
I don't expect him to review the game highly. Isn't he like a total SJW cuck? He'll probably rag on the game for no playable Zelda. Plus, doesn't he have a personal vendetta against Nintendo cause of copyright?
The gaming industry is full of Sony cocksuckers and Nintendo-haters (mostly Youtubers like Angry Mexican and Jim "Opinions not worth my weight" Sterling). They will bring the score down significantly unless BotW is so mindbendingly good that they are forced to give it good reviews.
Post your copies.
Watch. Somehow all the positives things they've praised Horizon for, are going to be negatives for BotW.
I already did with what you quoted. I haven't written my script yet, and I really feel like I'd be selling the game short by essentially "ranting" about it on a forum. I was going to elaborate more, but I caught myself about to talk about a specific plot point that didn't make sense, so I deleted it. I need to think carefully on how to word my feelings about it. I can't talk about specifics, so really that's the best response you're going to get right now.
eighty one
That wouldn't break NDA, so that's actually a pretty good suggestion. Webm or video of a timestamp and your copy of BotW should be legit proof.
>No one dares give a Mario title anything less than a 8/10
Duh, because even at it's most basic the Mario games are still extremely solid games trashing a Mario game is basically a sign for people to stop taking you seriously. Mainline Mario aside reviewers are generally hyper critical of Nintendo and games on their system often for reasons that don't really make sense.