>Game doesn't get localized
>Its sequel does
Game doesn't get localized
>game doesn't get localized
>its sequel does, but only on a handheld
>game gets localized
>it's fucking great
>sequel is even better
>doesn't get localized
I'm still waiting on EXCEED
>1st game doesn't get localized
>2nd game doesn't get localized
>3rd game gets localized
>Games in series get localized
>In the wrong order
What game?
Name 64 game series that do this
>game actually gets fully localized, has box art and a full strategy guide ready to go
>doesn't get released
>its sequel does
>it flops hard
>that game's sequel never gets localized
Super Robot Wars Original Generations Saga Endless Frontier
>only one consoles version gets localized
>Games 1-4 get localized.
>Remakes of Game and Game 2 get localized.
>Game Spin Off gets localized in like a fucking month
>No word on Game 5 yet.
>C;H Noah will never get a proper release because it's too old or some retarded shit
Fucking nuke Japan already.
>Series isn't localized.
>Spinoff series is.
>Poor sales so they never localize any title again.
>Game gets localized
>the sequel doesn't
>the third game doesn't
>the fourth game in a different console gets localized but it's localized as the second game in the franchise
>fifth game doesn't gets localized
>the sixth gets localized as the third game in the franchise
>the seventh game gets localized
what the fuck where they thinking?
>Game gets localized
>Everything is original language with subtitles only
>Game series has five games
>1-4 are Japan only
>5th one is released worldwide
>Does pretty well
>No games since
>Game 1-5 are all exclusive to a console
>Next game is exclusive to another console
what the fuck Ace Combat?
Is this a JoJo reference?
>Game gets localized
>Every resemblance of Japanese culture is gone
>an entire RPG series exists since the 80s
>not a single one of them gets localized or translated
>there's a spin-off fighting game
>that one gets localized though.
>game 1 isn't localized
>game 2 isn't localized
>game 3 is and sells, proving there is an audience
>game 1 is finally localized
>it's a port for mobile
>Game 1 is on console
>rest of the game in the series are only on handhelds
>weeb shit
>game series gets localized
>series spinoff 1 gets localized
>superior spinoff 2 isn't localized
>western media-influenced spinoff 3 isn't localized
At least the first two got fantranslated. I'm assuming you meant 7th Dragon.
Surprisingly, you're right
>game gets localized
>filled with memes and woolseyisms
>first game gets localized and whitewashed more than once
>second game only gets released in west decades later and untranslated no less
>fifth game gets localized
>sixth and seventh games don't
>the crossover game it has with another series that is popular enough in the west almost didn't get localized, but then it did years later
>Game compilation doesn't get localized
>2nd one does
>Third one doesn't
which game?
1 and 2 were localized...
Isn't it sad, Etrian?
>Great OP
>Hot ass elf chick with big titties and a gun spear thing
>Cool looking dude with red hair who punched shit
>Guy with arm blades
>Cute blue haired girl with sword
>Haken and Kaguya return
>More crazy juggles
SMT 1 and SMT 2?
Tengai Makyou
>American game franchise
>29 spinoffs are released exclusively in another country
Fucking Sir-Tech
>Game in long-running series suddenly changes consoles
>The target audience of the different console is not the target audience of the game series
>Game is later ported to a more reasonable console choice
>Port doesn't get localized
I am never going to play Tales of Vesperia.