Dude the controls and frame rate is shit on purpose, it's part of the charm!

> Dude the controls and frame rate is shit on purpose, it's part of the charm!

How has somebody not gassed every team ico fan yet?

the shit frame rate is undefendable
but team ico games would be worse without the jank

quite honestly the frame issues are the only thing bad about this game

Even after the patch they didn't fix 100%. I'm not sure but I don't think they will ever release a new(definitive) patch in the future.

>in an artsy walking and climbing sim
I can't tell if people are just retarded or if they're too young to have grown up with anything but standardized console fps controls. Literally 15 seconds to get the hang of, there are like 5 buttons which are used

They are used to Batman where 2 buttons beat every enemy.

You retards are aware that people are not actually complaining about the number of buttons in the game right?

>flagship game is a pile of shit

Sonyfags never learn.

I missed Sup Forums's response to this game. Did they not rike it?

who the fuck has ever said this?

It is what it is, people who played ICO and SoTC like it because they knew what to expect. People who got caught up in the hype not knowing the context of the game and it's spiritual predecessors unsurprisingly don't understand it.

The game has pretty much been forgotten a month after it came it, the Sup Forums response was pretty lukewarm.

It's not terrible, but not amazing either, and there's not too much to discuss it either so figures it never gets talked about anymore.

Can you give me one (1) example of anyone actually saying this? You're not going to find many people who think Shadow of the Colossus is better at 15fps than 30.

>you don't understand it :^)
Fuck off. Trico's "wow so real" AI directly prohibits you from solving puzzles at every turn. Even when you know the solution to a problem, you're forced to wait for his big dumb ass to do what you tell him. The camera is jank and the controls are slippery. It's not good game design, regardless of how much Trico reminds you of your mom's fucking dog.

But you literally don't understand the appeal, it's cool dawg. It's like when my friend hates Resident Evil 4 because he can't run and gun, he just doesn't get it.

It is on purpose, though.

>we literally made it bad because it's art
no it's fucking realistic
video games are not supposed to be realistic unless it's a simulation game and I'm pretty fucking sure you would never market this as a "training a very large dog how to do tricks" simulator

I remember taking out my phone and starting a stopwatch to accurately time how long it took for Trico to get where he needed to go and once it took 3min and 43 sec.

I guess I'm just retarded for not getting the "art" in watching an animated animal walk around like a retard for 3 minutes.

But what if that is exactly what this is and it just got communicated improperly?

You're supposed to immerse yourself enough in the experience to the point you're not thinking it's an animated animal. Obviously, if you meant what you said, the game failed. Maybe the game just isn't for you. It's fine.

tfw too intellegence to watch a video game animal not do what I tell it too for several minutes at a time

>ICO and SoC were fucking garbage
>The Last Guardian is garbage

I wasn't the least bit surprised. No clue how the same people who bash things like TT games and VNs can enjoy these pretentious pieces of shit.

The controls aren't shit. The boy doesn't walk off cliffs or fall on his own; this only happens by mistiming a jump.

Gameplay wise, the biggest issue is the camera.

Framerate was manageable, but no doubt would have 60fps made Trico feel more alive. Still the best game I played last year that was released last year. The experience is haunting.

I get what they were going for, but when even the simple act of getting Trico to eat a barrel could take multiple tries it crosses the line from amusing to just outright annoying.

By the end of the game, I didn't even care whether Trico would live or die as playing alongside him for 11 hours was just frustrating as hell.

I swear the average playtime for this game could be close to 7 hours instead of 12 had they not made Trico retarded and removed the input lag from the kid.

It's way better than Ico or SOTC.

Anyone who disagrees is underage.

SotC > TLG > Ico.

Having said that, TLG hit me REALLY hard, specially at the ending. I was crying like a baby and I never got that emotional at the end of the other two games.

That's all fucking Team Ico games though. Ico was annoying because it was literally just a giant escort mission and the girl you're escorting is functionally retarded. And I'm not sure about the functional part. SotC had your fucking horse who would decide to do his own shit if he felt like and and janky physics that made climbing and other actions bullshit.

Team Ico doesn't make games with good gameplay. They make games with good atmosphere and story and sounds and all the other shit people say make a comfy game. Team Ico exists only to prove that gameplay is the most important part of a game. Its the only thing they can't get right and the games suffer terribly because of it.

>Make a game that looks, plays and controls the EXACT SAME as the other 2
>people complain

I fucking knew what was going on when the reviews started coming in. My personal GOTY for 2016.

I thought everyone wanted realism though. More realistic graphics! More realistic story telling! More realistic characters!

Wait, not that character.

The Last Guardian is a masterpiece and feels like a game from the times of classics like Silent Hill 2 and ICO, even surpassing ICO.

It is just ICO, except better. Sorry friends.



loved ICO and SoTC

this was boring garbage

>TLG hit me REALLY hard, specially at the ending

It's just a boy and a wacky animal that goes on an adventure and separates at the end story.

It's been done so many times in movies, how does it hit you so hard? I mean E.T came out in 82 and then there's the multiple knocks offs that followed after as well.

It's a story beat that lives and dies by its execution, obviously. E.T. didn't invent that in 1982 either.

How's the performance these days after the patch?
It's been slashed to half-price at Big W. I'm thinking about picking it up.

Do not.