
So Hi-rez finally killed Paladins with the latest update.

That's another game to add to the List.

We should have never trusted them.

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Anyone here actually remember starseige tribes, and all the mods?

Amazing fucking time

Have they killed Smite yet?

what did they do to paladins?

I quite enjoyed it a few weeks ago before it stopped working on my pc.

what happen


>omg gais they ruin gaem
>do tell of how this game is ruined dear chap?
>no response

I thought they fixed tribes

I stopped trusting them when they destroyed Global Agenda in front of my eyes. Global Agenda was my favorite game ever and its loss sent me into a two year long rut where I was completely uninterested in multiplayer games.

I didn't play Tribes because I KNEW I would love it and that they would ruin it and they did. I followed it just in case they didn't and my fears would be proved wrong but sadly I was right. I didn't ever follow Paladins.

No other company is so good at making great games and then destroying them. I don't understand it.

Long story short, they increased the grind for cards literally tenfold.

Playing Tribes 2 and Diablo 2 was literally the highlight of my gaming life.

oh. ohhhhh that shit don't bother me.

oh well back to game.

Tribes 2 is still active just play the better game.

I remember

Enjoy your no cards, unless you already had them all and need only the approx 700k gold for the new legendaries. You need absurd amounts of dosh for decent loadouts now.

When is Global Agenda 2 going to come out? Literally their only IP I'm interested in.

I remember i bought the game from Costco, no idea what to eplxpect. It was my first online game, playing on the 56k modem. It was my first foray into mods, different game mods, chat rooms in the server lobby.

Fucking glorious time

depends on your definition of killed

I don't rely on cards.

I let my gameplay do the talking.

Finally? They killed it around January of 2016.

this is fake right?

Sure thing. Have fun doing the talking with your heal on Ice Block while the other Evie paid for Wormhole.

Watch out guys, looks like we got a skilled player on our hands. He doesn't even need cards.

If you want to torture yourself check out the voice lines

damn right. I just play for fun.

>Hi-rez releases a little girl
>later Blizzard reveals their little girl

Which do you prefer, Sup Forums?

I quit last month. I'd say yes.
Their esports scene is in the garbage. Barely any viewers or new teams.
The recent meta changes have ruined the pacing of the game.
More focused on appealing to the casuals than to the more invested players. Their updates are more focused on skins and adding meme game modes instead of balancing the game around conquest.

I stopped playing before ob40

seems like I have no reason to go back, season 1 is a mess

The one that isn't in a P2W game.

I couldn't even get past the 3rd voice line without shutting down the page. It's real, and cringey as fuck.


aaaaand closed

I think Smite lasted a lot longer than it's had any right to.

I won't pretend that I knew everything about the game, but I felt that the issue was (during the time I played it) that the meta was so forced that you knew EXACTLY what was going to happen every single game. You knew where your opponents were going to start in the jungle, you knew where they were going to go, laning was a chore where the only thing that matters is not getting hit by some random skillshot and clearing the minions before they get to your tower.

Gods were also so similar and so numerous that many of them were just superior versions of others.


You don't say?