I feel like there's a lot more potential hype that Sonic Mania could be riding had it not been for this game having the exact same type of reveal and not even coming close to delivering.
I feel like there's a lot more potential hype that Sonic Mania could be riding had it not been for this game having the...
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Everyone who wasn't a naive dumbfuck knew Sonic 4 Ep. 1 would be garbage when they shown the first 0.5 seconds of gameplay with the 2.5D plastic graphics with Sonic Rush's running animation. Everyone knows Sonic Mania is going to be amazing but they're quietly waiting for it.
Not really, no one has them in the same boat at all in their mind.
>quietly waiting
Sonic 4 isn't "garbage". It's "okay".
I think E2 showed promise.
>exact same type of reveal and not even coming close to delivering.
>Comparing Sonic 4's trailer to Mania's in quality as if it's in Mania's league.
>Sonic 4 isn't "garbage". It's "okay".
Confirmed underaged Modernfag.
>rehash best of concepts in cookie cutter ways
>rehash badniks
>rehash bosses
>shitty looped music
>4 boring ass stages all with the occasional gimmick
>only sonic
>apparently the continuation of the original trilogy
No user, fuck you with that "OK"
I always said the next Sonic game that shits the bed is the last one for me. Sonic 4 didn't, so I'm still here.
I miss Pikachu with a sombrero.
Hope he shoots Sonic in the fucking dome and takes over this shit franchise.
>optimism and bright colors make a franchise shit
>the exact same type of reveal
The fuck are you talking about?
I don't think Sonic 4 really hurts Mania. Most people can identify why 4 was bad and how Mania is different from that.
That said, it would be cool to imagine if Sonic 4 never existed and Sonic Mania was revealed as Sonic 4. In that situation I believe Mania would have more hype than it does now.
This is true.
I don't care what anyone says, Mania is Sonic 4 to me and the abomination that was the original Sonic 4 can cease to exist
Too bad. It exists.
Get over yourself.
The sonic 4 series really wasn't terrible, it was just more of an HD remake of some older zones with sonic rush styled controls. Theyre fast, they work. Theyre just very boring and the music sucks which is an odd thing for a sonic game to have. Ultimately theyre just bland as fuck and forgettable, like the NSMB games
>They're fast
They are fast, certainly faster than any genesis sonic game outside of a few "speed" levels like star lights or chemical plant
I still haven't played 4 and after seeing that shit again still have no intention of going anywhere near it.
Sonic 4 wasn't THAT bad
If you yearn for classic Sonic, seriously check out Sonic Advance 1. Don't be a faggot and shrug it off. They really nailed the physics, pacing and feel for classic sonic. Advance 2 was trash though.
>certainly faster than any genesis sonic game
Unleashfag plz go
>lose all momentum when you let go of a direction
Please stop.
The primary gameplay function of a sidescroller is to go right. You will be going to the right side of the screen the whole game. If that triggers you you have the air dash which greatly speeds you up or the spin dash
>sonic games were sonic stays in the center of the screen when running quickly either left or right giving you even less time to react and effectively wasting half of the screen
Literally git gud.
>If I don't know everything that's in front of me at this very moment, it's shit.
>git gud
There are no sonic games that require any sort of skill.
It's just objectively bad game design
>There are no sonic games that require any sort of skill.
Then why are you bitching about not having time to play the game right? Post your gameplay fag.
They showed straight up what Sonic Mania was going to be. With Sonic 4 they teased it and then slapped fans in the face with ugly plastic textures.
I'd love it really if they ended up calling Mania Sonic 4 retconning this piece of shit. Iizuka is a fucking hack.
Pikachu with a sombrero was the game that I was really excited for.
>linking speedruns which are based on muscle memory
Oh you're actually just autistic my bad.
Opinion discarded.
Really gets that lawn mowing.
The biggest problem with Sonic 4 was conservation of momentum, or rather the complete lack of it.
You could jump while running at full speed, take your finger off of the dpad/stick, and Sonic would come to a complete halt in midair.
There are also some silly clips of sonic standing on walls due to the loop physics being Carnival Night wheel tier.
Why is that bad when you have total control instead of worrying about slipping all over the place? The nes mario games have this problem to. Momemtum is overrated as fuck
Yeah user I like less required skill in my games too
Less skill? You mean being able to suddenly react and decide to cancel your movement so you dont slip off an edge? Having tighter control is less skill now? Shit i hope every game is playable with less skill then
Because Sonic at its core is about building momentum, maintaining it, and using it to traverse stages as quickly as possible. The Marble Zone is an exception, as that entire area was for some reason designed like an orthodox platformer and so not built for speed.
In a well programmed sonic game, you can jump at max speed and without holding the button maintain most of it until you land. This is how physics will work in an environment without wind, because none is simulated for gameplay effect in most games. In Sonic 4 however under the same conditions Sonic will very rapidly lose all horizontal momentum in the air and come to a complete halt. This is just flat out wrong.
Admittedly, you could slow yourself down deliberately in midair by holding the opposite horizontal vector in prior games, but not to the degree that occurs in Sonic 4 without any player input whatsoever.
Your arguement doesn't work because we're talking about momentum while being in the air, while your argument comes from the standpoint of being on the ground.
I don't know, you can very clearly see the much better quality of Mania straight out of the trailer.
Sonic at its core is about being the anti mario. A faster cooler guy. The original games played like how they did because of system limitations. Classic autists unfortunately have this dreadful idea trapped inside their small skulls that that was how sonic was meant to be played for life. It works in 3D but the concept is boring and can barely drag a full game out: see marble blast ultra and other derivative games. But since this is about 2D games and Sonic 4, it does make more sense. But no one searches for realistic physics in sonic, its just a side effect of the engine. This is why its laughable when people say sonic 4 is unplayable, because if they let go of the stick sonic stops moving. So what?
>But no one searches for realistic physics in sonic
Who fucking cares if they do or they don't? It's not for them then. You can't fucking tell people how a game can be played when the series from the start played a certain way, why the fuck do you think so many fans of these games get so assblasted when the developers jump the shark from a completely workable game engine just to pander to nuShitPlayers? A good company would take from what they set upon from the start, and improve from it, never change to pander to normies. Mario did this, why the fuck Sonic can't be like this? WHY should Sonic not play like a Sonic game, ever?
I'm sorry but, pandering to the so called hardcore fans who will nitpick over the smallest thing and limit the overall audience is not something any business wants. You have to grow up and be realistic, a company wanting to appeal to as many people as possible to make more money makes perfect sense. Mario and nintendo? Really? Those are the most normie and recognizable video game names out there
>nitpick over the smallest thing
>When said thing was Sega fucking up the attempts to make Sonic work in 3D, only to just ship from putting effort to hammer in the kinks when they got to Heroes.
>And when Mania shows up, people start proclaiming Sonic is really back to his roots, even the trailer proclaims this.
Really blast my processors.
>the exact same type of reveal
Honestly I don't think 4 affects Mania's hype at all. 4 came out a long time ago and wasn't even marketed heavily. The people who are nostalgic for the 2d games are getting old and jaded enough at this point that they probably don't care about the ~20 shitty Sonic games that have come out since 3&K. They just wanna scratch that itch again.
>Sonic at its core is about being the anti mario. A faster cooler guy.
That's the core of the marketing campaign.
Not the gameplay.
>The original games played like how they did because of system limitations.
Even though the platforming mechanics in the Genesis games are technically much richer and more capable than the modern games.
webm related.
>the largest most important component of what makes Sonic gameplay is "the smallest thing" to nitpick over