Which one was better?

Which one was better?


season because din, and it's the one I owned. What even were the differences?

Ages. More puzzles instead of hack and slash bullshit. Better dungeons and bosses. Time mechanic felt better implemented even if it created paradoxes out the ass, and only part that was annoying was Jabu's belly dungeon. Veran was a better villain who got to shine in the game.

Also Dimitri is best partner. Fuck Moosh.

Ages has horrible dialog boxes everywhere but a smoother overworld
Seasons has the shittiest dungeon out of the two games (Sword and Shield maze) but no dialog box nonsense

play Ages and link Seasons

Seasons because it plays more like an actual Zelda game.

Are you for real or just trolling?


>What even were the differences?

user, they're two totally different games. It isn't like Pokemon where there's hardly any differences between a pair, it's more like a really long Zelda game was split into two halves and you can play the halves in either order.

I never played the other one or eevn realized there was a counterpart. Yea im retarded but not trolling my man.

>walk into store in seasons
>barely have 350 rupees
>300 rupee horn
>first play through, don't know what it's for
>spend almost entire saving on it
>encounter animal version of boogie
>it's his horn
>stuck with him for the rest of the game

Seasons. Better overworld, better girl, better combat, better everything really except dungeons I guess.

The one with Subrosia.

I liked Seasons better overall. 4 overworld changes, as opposed to 2, and the changes felt more intuitive. Like, you could think, "I bet I could get across this lake if it was frozen during winter." With Ages, you just switched to the future or the past without really thinking if it seemed you were at an impasse.

But everyone knows that Playing them together and being able to fight Ganon was the best part. Also, which game had the underground world where you could go on a date with a pink underground person?

Nigga, you've literally only played half of a masterpiece. Go download ages and just go download a link code (unless you still have the code from when you beat seasons) and "officially" beat the game

Seed Shooter > Seed Slingshot
Magic Boomerang > Longshot level 2
Roc's Cape > level 2 Croissant

Don't remember which game got which, except for the rod and the harp.
That would be seasons I think

Seasons got slingshot, cape, boomerang lvl 2, magnetic gloves

Ages got shooter, level 2 Gloves, level 2 Switchhook, Rod, Mermaid Tail

Cape and lvl 2 boomerang are definitely the best items. Seasons wins, hands down.

You play both and link both, otherwise you're missing out.

New question: which order is the best?




Rick > Moosh > "Have fun being a gigantic and slow target in a river loaded with Zoras" Dimitri

Dimitri is definitely the worst companion in both games.

I want to say Seasons then Ages, but that's just the order I played them in first. I can't remember if there were any significant changes in either game if they're linked.

There is no best order. You play one, then the other and then you play them again in the opposite direction.

They're two completely separate games my dude.

>4 overworld changes
I think this is what makes me favor Season more. I mean, Ages is the "objectively" better game to me. It has better puzzles and all that shit, but I'll be damned if changing the seasons wasn't cool as fuck and how it changed the environment so drastically in some instances .The whole time changing thing did that in Ages of course, but it just felt more varied and interesting in Seasons. Replaying both now actually on Virtual Console and they hold up really well. A shame they're both a bit overlooked.

Dimitri > "Have fun wasting your fucking time jumping up and down a bunch of cliffs" Rick > "Have fun mashing the fly button over an assload of pits" Moosh

I don't know about Seasons but Ages is fucking tedious as shit whenever you have to do anything outside of a dungeon. Probably the worst side quests in the series.

Ages then Seasons

In Seasons, you feel a lot more powerful than you do in Ages. Seasons has a much better last few dungeons, so it feels more satisfying to complete than, and it's always better to save the best for last.

i think Ages is better in my opinion, and it mostly has to do with a much better first few dungeons, which makes it better to play first


There are two ways and only two ways to play the series.

Seasons -> Linked Ages -> Ages -> Linked Seasons

Ages -> Linked Seasons -> Seasons -> Linked Ages

You're missing out if you aren't experiencing unlinked and linked games of both.

>Bump into Maple
>Heart Piece goes flying out of bounds

they're both pretty obnoxious.

probably my least favorite zelda games besides the DS titles and the second.

Ages has a better story, better characters, better dungeons, and a more interesting overworld. I love Ages but find Seasons to be pretty boring to play through. Not a fan of Subrosia at all.

>Bump into Maple
>can't plow her

Why even live?

Don't even fucking talk to me if you don't have 3 linked save slots (at least one of them being started on Seasons and one in Ages) with all 3 companions and each slot 100% completed.

How can one have such shit taste?

Let me guess, your top two are WW and MM

How long do these games take to beat?

I really fucking wish I had bought OoA instead of Shantae on the VC.

But OoS was sweet, especially the final boss.

>released at the same time
>beating both required for main plot
How the fuck was this allowed?

explain what's good about them

>Don't even fucking talk to me if you don't have 3 linked save slots (at least one of them being started on Seasons and one in Ages)
My GBC carts have unlinked regular, linked regular, and unlinked Hero saves on them. Linked Hero saves were done on an emulator because I'm not going to delete my fucking saves, man.

>with all 3 companions
Why would I want to torture myself by taking Moosh in any of them?

>each slot 100% completed.
That's just masochism regarding the rings.

I grew up with seasons and got ages off the eshop. I liked the bosses of seasons and the puzzles of ages.

Seasons, but they're both easily the best Zelda games.

>Which one was better?
They're two halves of one game

are these better than awakening?

>Liking puzzles
Ocarina baby please fucking go and stay go. Puzzles are always the worst part of any Zelda game, except for maybe the DS ones because the rest of the game is garbage.

nintendo being cheap as usual.

To be fair, it's not really the main plot, the games really are fine on their own. It's more of a bonus dungeon

I like how the master sword is optional in both games

They're pretty long for Zelda games, about 40-50 hours to beat both iirc.

Because they're huge games, they were going to make a third one with Farore but they couldn't get the linked game to work properly.

I'm planning to play these fuckers with the linked feature, which one should I play first? Or should I just do it random?

>not denying my statement

Fuck off contrarian newfag

>what's good about them

Everything. I mean that literally

Hmm, probably not to be honest. You get more mileage out of the oracle games because there is two of them but awakening was amazing on its own

Damn that'll probably be extra for me since I take my sweet time with my vidya.

ALttP > Seasons > Wind Waker > Ages > Majora's Mask>OoT > Minish Cap > FSA > Four Swords > 2 > 1 > Skyward Sword > Spirit Tracks > CD-I > Twilight Princess > Phantom Hourglass

well this certainly can't be bait no siree

>that last dungeon in seasons
Fucking every time
I liked seasons but ages was some fucking good shit.
Also that witch.

>TP that low
>Wind "literally count my dungeons on one hand" Waker that high

Your 2d Zelda choices are okay at least.

You're crazy, I spent 16 hours on OoS and that was getting everything but all the rings.

Farore is the best Goddess. Shame she's the forgotten one when she's the one who blessed Link.

>Din is a coalburner with a thing for Jew noses
>Nayru is a lesbian

I'm replaying seasons and I just got to dungeon 4 and I'm about 7 hours in. I haven't stopped to do trading quests or side objectives.

>Forsaken Fortress
>Dragonroost Island
>Forbidden Forest
>Tower of Gods
>Earth Temple
>Wind Temple
>Hyrule Castle

Wind Waker had the perfect amount of dungeons.


Sonic 3&K did it too. Makes me laugh when people talk about the good old days.

So are all the goddesses just going to be swept under the rug as a little Capcom flair, and replaced by "The Goddess" now?

Because that'd be pretty fucking shitty, if you know what I mean.

Ages for Nayru

>counting tutorial forest and hyrule castle

By that logic, Twilight Princess had like 30 dungeons.

Was it a whole dungeon or was it just the Ganon boss? It's been like ten years since I've played them.

I wish capcom would make more 2d zeldas

you forgot the revisit to the Forsaken Fortress, which is kinda like half a dungeon... so maybe it doesn't count


Two of those are not dungeons and none of those are good dungeons.

I can live with Minish Cap's amount of dungeons since they're good. Same with Majora's Mask.

Forsaken Fortress was a full fledged dungeon. Not counting it would be like not counting the Deku Tree and saying there are only 2 child dungeons in OoT.

Hyrule Castle was also an actual dungeon. You can't just discount it to fit your narrative.

And TP was abject shit. Replaying both it and Skyward Sword, I can't think of a single thing TP did better, aside from combat and companion.

seasons had dancing dragon, which was the only theme song that I really liked from both of those

I have not played them to completion, but they were definitely better than nu-zelda

not quite as good as awakening, which just had so many top tier tunes

More like Ages for Veran

Earth Temple and Dragonroost are some of the best dungeons in the entire series. Not God Tier like the Ancient Cistern or Dungeons 3 - 6 in ALttP, but definitely high tier.

And no, all of them are dungeons. Stop trying to change definitions to fit your narrative.

Ages is low key one of the best zelda games

Sonic 3 and S&K definitely were not released at the same time.

TP has some top tier dungeons. Arbiter's Grounds, Snowy Manor and Sky City are some of the best in the series.

No, you're full of shit. Wind waker had nice ideas but it was unfinished garbage. Nobody can honestly defend the open endless sailing, short ass main story, and the triforce hunting.

>nothing good about TP

Lol seriously, fuck off shill

Sonic 3 and S&K were released about 3/4th of a year apart.

You have to play both to get the real final boss

>Hyrule Castle was also an actual dungeon.

It's one room.

S&K was supposed to be part of 3 and some of the game was already on the cart of 3. They ran out of time. If a similar case happened today everyone would be up in arms for having to pay full price for what was supposed to be the other half of a complete game.

Ages is a better game because it's basically just Link to the Past combined with Link's Awakening but Seasons is comfier region.

Can you 3d Zelda faggots take this somewhere else? This thread is for actually good Zelda games.

I'm definitely not counting that pos Forsaken Fortress as a dungeon, and how the fuck is Hyrule Castle and its two whole rooms a dungeon? Are you thinking of Ganon's Tower?

Also, I liked Earth Temple somewhat as a kid but it really is super boring on revisits. That last mirror puzzle is just you going through the motions. Like, pretty much no room at all for confusion.

I marathoned both games in 19 and a half hours, but I remembered a bunch of things from when I played the games when I was younger.

I would estimate that it would probably take 25-30 hours for both games linked.

>none of those are good dungeons
He's just going to come back and say that linear dungeons are good design because the player doesn't get lost. I mean, everyone with a brain will prefer dungeons that require the player to understand their layout to avoid mindless wandering but casuals who don't want to think actually do like the dungeons in WW. I replayed that shit recently and while none of them are good, I think the Earth Temple is actually the worst dungeon in all of the 3D games. For one, all the puzzles are piss fucking easy and actually take longer for you to push everything in place than it takes for you to figure it out. Also, everything you have to push gets locked into the correct position meaning you don't even have to understand what you're doing, you just have to interact with everything you come across until the puzzles solve themselves.

The dark chuchus becoming stone, movable statues is the only thing that comes close to being good

I know that.

Honestly, this is how you make two separate games. Pokemon could learn a lesson with how lazy they always were.

Completely new overworlds, new enemies, new bosses, new items, new dungeons, the whole shebang. And the connectivity bonus that you don't even need the second game for, as you can just input codes. man, such a nice little set of games.

What is the best dungeon in either OoA or OoS?

If you answered Dancing Dragon Dungeon, you are correct!

I agree but I don't think it would sell today.

I'd shit myself in excitement of capcom did announce sequels though.

Arbiter's Ground only because of the boss. Sky City was also pretty bad.

Snowy Manor, and the build up to it, is the only good part of the entire game. I've played TP to completion 3 times, and I've hated almost every single moment of playing it. It's garbage. It looks like hot shit, way worse than Wind Waker somehow, it has lowkey one of the worst soundtracks in a Zelda game Midna's Lament is shit, Wolf Link was a horrible gimmick that made the game worse, hunting for the lightbugs was dumb padding, dungeons were worse than the map somehow, despite the map being empty wasteland only tolerable with Epona and Midna's teleports, the sidequests are shit, too, and the vast majority of the characters look like garbage, too, including Zelda.

As much as I dislike Skyward Sword, it's still far, far better than TP. If Fi could shut her fucking mouth, the soundtrack wasn't entirely orchestrated, it was made on a console that could handle >480p, and you weren't railroaded so hard in the beginning and in the end, it'd be a redeemable game. TP? Not even HD fixed it.

I've heard the other opinion though. That Pokemon does it right since you can trade instead of having to buy another game for the whole experience. It's a cool idea on paper but in execution you won't like having to buy two games.

Elitism will get you nowhere.

Perhaps ignore the posts you consider "shitposting" and continue talking about how much Ages is better than Seasons.

Its not good to focus on so much hate

I was always confused when I first saw people giving capcom shit because I really liked their Zelda games. What happened to them? They went from making solid Zelda games to microtransaction garbage

dungeon 6
dungeon 8

you included my post asking about the oracle games

>ages better then seasons

You can go with them