Night in the Woods

Whatdya think Sup Forums
>good artstyle
>dialogue that doesn't make me want to kill myself
>platforming is mediocre
>few interesting game mechanics
>repetitive gameplay and story
it's pretty fun though, 6/10 for genuine spookyness at times

devs are sjws

Cool, how does this factor into the game though

How the fuck are you supposed to beat song 3?

What kind of rhythm is that??? 2143212423421!?!
This is fucking brutal, I've no idea how to not just bomb the shit out of it, it's such a massive difficulty spike over the other two songs. They have their hard parts, but they pace you. The entire goddamn song is hard for part 3, and honestly, the worst part for me is the repeated riffs. They're spaced so weird, I can't figure out the timing I need. I either go too fast or too slow, and it gradually slows down for the repeated riffs so you have to slow down but ever so slowly, and it's just odd as fuck. Why did they make this, who thought this was a good idea?
I don't even like this minigame why do I feel the need to "beat it" so badly? The song fucking sucks too, the other two are pretty nice, but Pumpkin Man blows.

Does this bass guitar minigame effect the game at all? I suck ass at it and fail each one.

>dialogue that doesn't make me want to kill myself
its Juno levels of forced quirk. the way it displays mental illness is offensive. It ranges from showing it as overblown teen angst to literally 'depression as an accessory'. The only good thing here is the art style.

Has no impact on the story, changes the drawings you get, and two achievements are related to it.

No not really, your friends have different commentary based on how well you did. That's it.
Yeah same, the first two songs were extremely fair, and then song three comes along and fucks you in the ass super hard. What the hell

Also those dream sequences lag. Especially the "find four dudes" ones, though those have good music.

your description on their commentary on mental illness makes me want to buy the game, it should be a box quote

the devs actually did a good job of not letting their agendas seep into the game

it's really only an issue if you're like me and have trouble separating the art from the artist

This is a huge gripe of mine. Say in Life is Strange, it's safe to say Max was a little depressed in the first episode. But it didn't beat you over the head with it.

This dumb slut dropped out and it's the first thing she's says to old friends and semi-acquaintances who she hasn't seen in years. As some one who dropped out that's not what you do at all. Unless you're some obnoxious meme of a person like Mae I guess.

I'm just gonna copypaste what I said about it earlier.

Mae is your classic young aimless girl with lofty aspirations of what life SHOULD be like who's never had to actually face reality or make hard choices before.
I think a lot of people are missing the point of Mae. She's a shitty person, but not because she actively tries to be. She's naive, inexperienced, and sheltered. Classic young liberal, the kid who wants to rebel but doesn't want to commit, wants to fight the power but doesn't know how.

>what kind of autistic neet is this character
A girl mind raped by a cosmic horror given awful therapy advice who had panic attacks at college because of a statue.
Mae's not a good person, that's not the point of her character.

I'm not sure what you mean.
The only two people with mental illnesses are probably Bea and Mae, who has depression (from understanding circumstances, what with effectively having her life ruined by her mothers death) and Mae (who potentially has psychosis due to her life basically being one long fuckup). Also maybe Angus, what with how his parents beat him. They're handled well, but yeah the Irony Sickness is strong with this game

Tell me again why this shit is popular again? It is because it was delayed on ps4 and all the consolekeks came to PC?

wtf I hate men now!?

The journal is AWFUL. What the fuck is that? Just bad doodles? It gives me no insight into my character and makes it even harder to sympathize and care for the protag. LiS is how you do those in game journal entries well.

I can't believe how LiS stands as some shinning beacon of story and writing next to this when i never held it in that high of regards. Max was a likable real teenager w/ flaws this cat bitch has a meme personailty.


>what is an idealized version of a teenager made by french perverts versus an idealized version of a fuckup made by american sjws

Tell me again why this shit is popular again? It is because it was delayed on ps4 and all the consolekeks came to PC?

Adding on to this. The journal is way to hear how the protag actual feels and provides much needed commentary of in game events. I know people like Mae the way she talks and acts is almost a defense mechanism, so we need actual text on how she feels or thinks. An entry about walking through the woods to get home, hanging out with old best friend, ect.

Instead we only have her dialogue w/ other characters and no greater insight into her which is disappointing.

I still can't decide whether the main character is satire on the bat-shit tendencies of SJWs, or she's a mouthpiece of the direct behaviors/failures of the devs that comes a hair's breadth away from the self awareness that could lead them out of the koolaid room. Or perhaps worse, it's both and they realize their own wretched state but are just going to give up like the main character did quitting school.

>supporting the """""""tolerant""""""" left in any way

It's charming, but it's not $20 charming.
Just pirate it, maybe buy the soundtrack cause it's honestly nice if you like the game.

It's a toss up for me whether I like Dream Song 1 best or Band Practice 2 best.