Star Ocean

Are you excited?

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Not really, I played it to death back when it was new, but it's cool that it's getting a release on the PSN store.

For what? The existing English language version of the game is already the Directors Cut and I already own it. I've also got the easily obtained undubbed version which I downloaded for free off the intercunt.

There's nothing a new release of this game could possibly hold of interest to anybody with these two existing options. Anybody who pays money for remakes is the cancer killing video games. (Why'd we stop using this phrase? I'm bringing it back right now.)

I saw the announcement on Facebook. Loads of anime profile pic kids were asking for a PC port.

I put them in their place.

I didnt like this game that much. felt really slow, more so that I could stomach.

I would be more interested if it made its way to PC. Sure I can emulate it, but fuck I would love it if I could have it on steam.

>arguing with people on videogame pages on Facebook

As bad as the YouTube comments section.

Did you find this guy on there

Doing God's work. Thank you for sparing us from those insufferable PCfags.

I could emulate it if I really wanted to, I fucking loves SO3 and I would gladly pay for it again.

I never played SO3, and hear about the """twist""" all the time, but love SO1 and SO2 to death, is it actually worth playing?

It's a legitimately good mid-'00s ARPG. It deserved the 7s and 8s it got at the time, I feel.

Better than 4 and 5, but I don't think it's as good as the original two.

To me, SO3 was the last good SO game. SO4 was fucking awful and SO5 was too damn short so the game was never really able to do much. I'd say give it a go.

poor mans tales with even worse gameplay

fuck i knew how shit 5 was and yet i still got it because of that green bitch

>last two games were shit
>instead of look back on previous successes to help make a newer better one lets just rerelease a good one with better graphics

You didn't like REmake, you white faggot?

*teleports behind PCucks*

SO3 was great, best battle system in the PS2 era





oh yes joy, another ps2 game I could buy from amazon for 5 bucks ported to new gen for 60 bucks...

why can't devs make new games anymore?

not even saying SO3 was bad cause it wasn't.

>poor mans tales with even worse gameplay
It's funny that you say this. At one point Tales games were the poor mans Star Ocean. Funny how the times change.

I don't see any news about this. So basically an up-scaled port? If so count me out, that game was tedious as fuck, as are the others. Really tried liking this series, so far have dropped every title I picked up.

Square are throwing a few of their PS2-era games on the PSN store, which is just PS2 roms running on the PS4's emulator with trophy support.

Easily the worst game I've played since the original Hyperdimension Neptunia.

nobody cares about shit ocean anymore

it's time to stop

fuck no.

This game has the worst plot twist ever for a vidya. The characters find out they are just characters in a video game. That's some bullshit writing.

>implying the concept of this perceived reality we live in being nothing but a facade for superior beings is a weak plot device that no one came up with ever before
>in a series whose premise is exactly about exploring the limits of space and finding out new strange shit
sometimes I forget Sup Forums is a highly intellectual tribunal that concedes rights over fiction to only one author at a time, in this case, only Asimov


Anybody know when the release date is ir planned to be?

>people still butt hurt over a twist that fits the context of the game and does not invalidate the previous games

Is this the one with the Matrix shit?

No, I didn't like the game
There's also a game design gripe that I have with nearly all Tri-Ace games, it's how they require very specific and completely non-intuitive actions to trigger certain events.
>Valkyria Chronicles
>beginning of the game
>go out to town
>talk to everyone
>no progression
>ok, what the fuck do I do now
>have to go back in your house, which is the only place where the script will trigger, only available through process of elimination

>you have to go to the beach
>go to the beach, talk to people
>what the fuck do I do next
>have to go back to a certain room back in the hotel you already visited to trigger the event
I'm not against hand holding, but this makes getting through the game in completely trivial locations seem like a fucking deduction puzzle

what you are referring to can only be solved in three casualized resources
>map waypoints
>streamlined maps with reduced explorable area and NPCs
>have NPCs tell you what to do to progress the game, instead of behaving like normal people

Well it's my favourite PS2 game, but I played it to death and don't really feel like playing it again, especially since it's just a fake HD port.

there's also the classic Peter Parker syndrome
>be randomly exploring optional area
>suddenly the character thinks "Oh! I just remembered I have to be at the X dungeon to beat that guy!"
>"welp, maybe I shouldn't be wasting time here and just go fetch those fruits for Waifu-chan!"

I'm not saying that those are good solutions, but wasting the player's time by making them enter random rooms until they get it right is hardly better.
It's not my problem to solve, it's the game designer's, but everyone else has every right to criticize it without presenting a solution.

but that's the problem, anything plot-related can be considered a waste of time depending on each person's enjoyment. while you think you're wasting time just rushing through everything considered "useless" for not advancing the plot, others will consider it useful for presenting a lot of background information on several subjects, which make each place more unique and rich in detail.
>It's not my problem to solve, it's the game designer's
but that's the problem: considering it a problem. "too much content" can be a point made for people who simply aren't interested that much in a game, while others enjoy said game exactly because of this variety.
>but everyone else has every right to criticize it without presenting a solution.
but of course, likewise criticism can also be criticized and what can be perceived as a problem for some might not be considered as such for others who enjoy such a "problem".

>anything plot-related can be considered a waste of time depending on each person's enjoyment
...Not really? It's not a matter of plot, it's a matter of progressing through the game.
When you explored everything a certain section has to offer, you need to progress to the next section.
>others will consider it useful for presenting a lot of background information on several subjects, which make each place more unique and rich in detail
Yeah, but it's possible to explore literally everything in the current section, and then you have to go back and double-check the rooms you've already been to just to find which one will trigger the event you need.
That is objectively a waste of player's time no matter how you look at it.

Sweet, can't wait to play it Only on Playstation*

*also on PC via STEAM

didn't you make this exact post, word for word, in the SO thread yesterday

>When you explored everything a certain section has to offer, you need to progress to the next section.
exactly, that's why the game establishes a fixed point for you to go and progress the story, instead of forcing you towards it to spare you from "wasting time" with everything else it has to offer.
>then you have to go back and double-check the rooms you've already been to just to find which one will trigger the event you need.
yes, in this case a simple text box in the inventory pointing out you need to go back home would have been enough to solve this problem.


>massive conspiracy over how this one tripfag somehow acquired the rights of ownership over Umaru images and could only possibly the only shitposter in the world using them.

once FF IX got ported, I stopped worrying about LITERALLY ANY Square Enix game being forgotten and abandoned.
everything will eventually get a port or remaster, except the quirkiest and nichest stuff they made like Vagrant Story, Einhander and Brave Fencer Musashi.
If even Romancing Saga 2 got translated and ported, you can bet your ass they are waiting for the right time to do the same to Seiken Densetsu 3

He was also behind those all those Bloodborne vs MonHun threads in 2015 and spams SJW comics in LOL threads.

Plus he shilled W3 relentlessly because he's half-Polish and felt like he had an obligation to, which is pretty fucking weird.

He's a real strange guy.

I'm pretty sure the beginning has clear indicators that he wants to play games (like a true Sup Forumsirgin) but he needs to spend time with Sophia first?

I guess there's a clear emphasis on seeing everything the area has to offer and organically "bumping" inti people as you just happen to be exploring.

Yeah it doesn't fit today's gameplay of wanting to progress and knowing exactly what to do and where to go, but it worked back then when jrpgs were less linear and required you to explore things bevause that's one of the features of a jrpg.

360 version only has the English dub and doesn't have the bonus content, yeah.

I do hope it comes PC, but I won't get my hopes up.

X360 version of Last Hope is english dub only, or something, yeah?

I have International version on PS3 but saw this the other day and grabbed it to re-sell later

totally, what a great generation to live in...where every new announcement is a game I already finished ages ago. Isn't nostalgia superb ? And they even let me pay money for it...again...and again...and again.