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no jrpg is worth playing

Once you've played one, you've basically played them all.

draque 6
megaten 3
efu efu 8
tengai makyou 1


but whats the best one?

Suikuden II.
Chrono trigger.

I haven't played that many series but FF6 is my favourite.

Stuff like megaten series is more niche imo.



none of them are worth playing

Sweet Home

Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy V, VI, VII, IX
Legends of Legaia

that's about it

Breath of Fire 3
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 7
Grandia 2 (you do have a Dreamcast, right?)
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne

Why does everyone dick ride FF6?

Simplistic, overly melodramatic story with cringey dialogue, linear as fuck until about half way through, sparse world map, boring limited battle system with irrelevant stats and a relic system that is just frustrating with all the scripted party switching.

It has some nice music and a few cool moments but it's a step down from V except for visuals and sound.

Because its good
now shut up

>because its good
not him but excellent rebuttal

it's not like he deserves more of an answer
i just gave him a (You)

Earth b

Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 6, 7 and 9
Dragon Quest 5, 7 and 8
Super Mario RPG
Kingdom Hearts 2
Tales of the Abyss
Breath of Fire 3
Mother 3
Lunar: Silver Star Story

These are just some of my favorites.

Skies of Arcadia

>Dragon Quest 5
I second this just for the greatest father of all time.

Earthbound and Earthbound.

I'll throw in Xenoblade Chornicles

Holy Trinity of JRPGs

Suikoden II
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VI

Prove me wrong
Protip: You can't

Grandia, Trails in the Sky, and Phantasy Star IV are my favourite JRPGs of all time desu

Final Fantasy VII
FInal Fantasy XII
Trails in the Sky
Breath of Fire IV
Grandia II
New Atelier Rorona
Lufia 2
Chrono Trigger
Suikoden II
SMT Strange Journey
Dragon Quest VIII

I don't understand it either. I feel like they leaned too hard into angst without knowing what they doing. FF7 narrowly gets away with it, though sometimes it gets ridiculous as well. All of the previous games are better than 6 except 1

why the fuck hasn't anyone mentioned pokemon

Tales of Phantasia

I thought this thread was about good games

Grandia 2
Final Fantasy VIII


Yume Nikki

>I thought this thread was about good games
hella f*ckin epik my man

pokemon RBY is one of the greatest game of all time, let alone one of the greatest JRPGs, it still holds up well today

Dark Souls

FFVI is an abortion of bad gameplay concepts and shitty design, Suikoden II has an abortion of a translation, and all three of them are far too easy, with FFVI being the worst offender by far. I can make an argument for CT and Suikoden II being there, but not VI, it's far too shitty of a game.

Tecmo Secret of the Stars
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (Raddest FF soundtrack)
Shadow Hearts
Live a Live
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter


Pokémon is the only JRPG with actually good combat system

Earthbound/Undertale and its variants are all hot garbage.

>All of the previous games are better than 6 except 1
>FFII is better than anything

Violated Heroine

>discount Lufia
>literal obscure trash for hipster cred
>the most generic offshoot
>okay, now you're working towards something
>even better
>the best
5/10 opinion

persona 3


100% agree. Never understood the huge following for this shit.

Any one FF between 1-7, provided you played one of em you are good to go.
Any one DQ from 1-8
Earthbound So you get what load of crock and completely missing the point "Eartbound-Inspired" games tends to be.
Pokemon G1, Since it is BABBYS FIRST JRPG

This is the basics everyone much have done at minimum to be allowed to hold opinions about JRPGs. Even though NONE of these are the best of the genre they are all ones that sjhat out heavy influences in a easy to digest package making them near mandatory groundwork to truly appreciate the better titles and IPs, also counting FFT as Turn Basted Tactics rather then JRPG for this.

why is it that JRPG have little to no "Role" playing?

A Japanese completely misunderstanding the term, in the early days when JRPGs only had a little story.

I think FFXIII devs passive aggressively talked about this when talking about why the west fucking HATES XIII while the east loved it when XIII-2 was announced.

Essentially, the Japanese crowd thinks roleplaying is about playing a role in a (linear) story while the west think Roleplaying as being a role and making a story around it P&P-style.

Could be wrong though, this was fucking years ago now.

Good list

Anyone that says any FF game as a must play needs to stop recommending shit games to the new generation.

>I'll throw in a crusty, stale biscuit

>Suikoden II has an abortion of a translation

Not really. Translation is fine, they just went overboard with ellipses and exclamations. Which can be fan patched.

FF 13 is a must play

I'd recommend FF9 too (fuck 8)

>the Japanese crowd thinks roleplaying is about playing a role in a (linear) story

So literally every video game with a story is a RPG then.

>everything has to be all about the millennials
No, we need to stop catering to these people and shut them out of the conversation. They don't know what's good for them. That's why NES and SNES games attracted them to video games in the first place, but they never beat any of them; those kind of games are better for you than games that are really short and simple and easy.

They are good enough as babby's first RPGs.

This, the translation is fine with a few errors and weird glitches.

It's no Breath of Fire II. Now that game had a shit translation.

Because the original term was Light RPG. Also, Japanese lack the tradition of tabletop roleplaying where western RPGs of old heavily drew from.

Define "roleplaying" for me real quick because it's probably not what you think it is.

DQ 1 and FF1 are RPGS just as much as Wizardy and Ultima were.

>Define "roleplaying" for me real quick because it's probably not what you think it is.


I originally tried to just name iffy obscure JRPGs, but once I got to Mystic Quest I couldn't rememeber many more JRPGs so I just started naming really good obscure games.


>Define "roleplaying" for me real quick because it's probably not what you think it is.
It's where you play the role of a character.

For example, Super Mario Bros. on the NES is an RPG because you play the role of Mario.

>implying FFV isn't still a very good JRPG

Dice rolls and C&C

How come nobody on Sup Forums likes SaGa? Are you SaGay?

Essentially, it is pretty silly.

And that is the crux, they started as the same thing but since RPGs had bigger focus on story then say Super Mario Bros back then the Japanese developed an idea the RPG = Story Focus.

Especially sicne from what i gathered PnP wasn't really a big thing in that area back then, so while the West had stuff like Dungeons and Dragons to provide the base idea for the moniker your average Japanese person did not, and remember, this was before EVERYTHING IS ONLINE.

A good show of this is how Megaman Starforce/Ryuusei no Rockman is "Brotherband RPG" and Tales of sticks a story relevant idea before RPG when describing itself, like Abyss was "Meaning of Birth RPG" and Vesperia was "Find Your Own Justice RPG" and so on, they are enticing people with "THIS IS THE STORY IDEA" meanwhile if you pay attention with Western they tend to have Location titles enticing you with "this is the world you can make your own story in".

Does that make more sense? while originally the same thing audience expectations resulted in two widely divergent directions.

Final Fantasy XIII-2
Revelations: Persona
Barkley, Shut up and Jam: Gaiden

What are some JRPGs where the story isn't about fighting an evil empire?

Many JRPGs don't have an interesting or even coherent story but sell players on number porn, overcomplicated alchemy systems, big cartoon tits and so on.

>megaten 3
There is no such thing.

all video game rpg's have little to no role playing.

Suikoden 2

Breath of Fire III - There's no evil empire. But there is a jerk of a god.
Breath of Fire IV - There is a war but "fighting" the empire is incidental to discovering the true nature of Gods. The war is just a backdrop for a personal journey.

Because they are pussies and Vampire lesbians in SaGa Frontier triggers them.

MANY, it is a common cliche but there are a number of RPGs that don't use it.

A better question would be jRPGs that feature the Empire as the good guys and the Kingdom as the bad.

Dragon Quest as a whole.
Lufia 2
Shadow Hearts
Breath of Fire past the first one

Really there are quite a lot. 3 of the 5 I just mentioned are about fighting Gods though.

Yo, can we fuck? Because that's how I feel.

>SMT Nocturne
>SMT Strange Journey

People who complain about sequel names always forget SMT.

4 Heroes of Light (DS)
Chrono Trigger


Fuck this shit, Give me Call of Duty and CS:GO any day of the week.

Because the games are all highly experimental in nature, and not something many people will enjoy.

I find the SaGa games interesting, but not anything that will hold my attention beyond a few hours each.

Related but I've always thought JRPGs get the soundtrack just right. What are your favourite JRPG themes?


>retro hipster shit

Wild Arms, Wild Arms II and III. Then stop. Just stop.

i never see this track get the love it deserves, everybody circlejerks everything else

What's "hipster" about playing a nes game, retard?

>Phantasy Star IV

Definitely. Give the original and II a go too. Skip III.

If you liked roguelikes play Azure Dreams. It has waifus and town building and a monster raising element. Probably one of my favorite games growing up.


Don't even bother with 4, 5 and XF


Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Tales of Symphonia
Suikoden II
Chrono Trigger
Wild Arms
SMT Nocturne
Persona 2/3/4
Kingdom Hearts 1/2/BBS
The World Ends With You

Most have already been said. There's more but I'm lazy

>Dark Souls
>JoJo xD poster

fuck off faggot.


Lost Odyssey

I recently started playing JRPGs, digital devil didn't hit my spot though. Have some Berseria.