>things no one will ever do
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RIP to that 2nd joystick
>in my next video, i go to Detroit to find NS players!
Playing vidya in public makes you a faggot.
That second joystick is getting ruined.
These pants don't fit right to have pockets that big. They probably are so baggy they don't show off your legs/ass = not attractive. Learn to dress yourself.
Only fuckin manchildren have the room to fit this fucking gaylord shin in their pockets.
>Playing vidya in public makes you a faggot.
100% true. Only faggots who play video games in public will defend this.
>These pants don't fit right to have pockets that big. They probably are so baggy they don't show off your legs/ass = not attractive. Learn to dress yourself.
wtf man
No one has carried a gaming handheld in their pocket in over 10 years. They're way too delicate to put in your pocket. They're carried in bags or left at home.
>not wearing fitted clothing
This is the surest sign that someone is autistic.
But I wear skinny jeans?
>They probably are so baggy they don't show off your legs/ass = not attractive.
Jesus user, we know you're gay, but have some self respect.
>Caring a lot about small insignificant shit no one else would think to comment on
Pretty sure that rates higher on the spectrum bruv.
i had a mini tablet that i kept in my pocket at one point. One time i pulled it out and the screen had cracked. touch screen didn't work anymore after that.
Fitted clothing.
Like your cargo shorts, anime t-shirt and fedora?
Yeah, it does. Just try not to walk too hard.
But will it bend?
I do that.... with my Amazon 7inch tablet, my 3ds with its case.
however the switch in its carrying case won't fit from what I can see in this video
I'm not squatting 180kg to have my supple thighs hidden inside dome ugly baggy pants
>That second joystick is getting ruined.
He could have detached it and put it in another pocket.
2 questions.
1: Why do you have pockets that big? It must feel like picking something off the floor when trying to reach your keys inside those pockets.
2:Why would you want to break the screen of your switch by sitting down?
There are skinny jeans with big pockets user.
At least i can fit my 3DS XL inside them without any problem, but i don't because it looks stupid.
Sup Forums BTFO once again!
maybe if your legs suck and you have to wear baggy pants lol
enjoy sitting down
>anime poster
>wears tight pants
really makes you think
>he doesn't own a man-purse
>Worrying about what other people think and not just crushing them with your thighs.
as long as you're not fat and you sit down like a human being nothing will happen to it
but Sup Forums is fatties and ploppers so this won't happen
This video could have been a few seconds long. No narration, no fucking intro, just a dude putting the thing in his pocket.
fucking youtube and their minutes watched bullshit
post your boipussy already.
OwO what's this?
>You need to be fat to break a phonescreen in skintight jeans
worked for me senpai
And where should I put my phone, wallet, and keys?
And don't say "back pocket", that shit is both uncomfortable and unsafe as fuck.
>couch height is same height as belly button
That looks super uncomfortable. I've tried stuffing my tablet in my pocket once and while it fits (and doesn't stick out a full fucking inch) it makes walking and sitting very uncomfortable. Not to mention that from the picture the thing is sticking way the fuck out, and the stick actually in the pocket is going to shit the bed far before your other stick does.
Can you buy a single joycon or do you have to get them as a set? For how expensive they are I don't know why you would want to risk it either way. The PSP nub was pretty low profile but still got fucked up fairly easy.
>not having pockets for your pockets
Don't forget backup battery.
you've got an asshole dont you?
did nintendo send him those jeans with extra deep pockets?
>it does fit
Yeah, and you'll fucking break it if you try to sit down.
>it fucking fits
Well I'll see if other people can do the same because this is the only thing that is keeping me from buying the switch. I don't wear cargo pants and I don't wear skinny jeans, but if it can fit in my pockets like my GBA , dslite, and original 3ds than I am happy.
>it'll break when you sit down
it wouldn't with those big pockets?
Of course it fits. Nintendo wouldn't make a portable console that you can't carry around. You shouldn't fall for memes.
At any rate- was that seriously your deciding factor?
>Oh boy, I love the fact that my new console is needlessly expensive due to including its own screen and smaller form factor while also sacrificing on the power of its hardware in order to be portable, despite the fact that I will spend 99.99% of my time just playing it at home anyway!
Totally off-topic but, non-american here
What's wrong with Detroit ? I always see american people making fun of it like it's the worst city in the universe. I'm just curious
Yeah considering it's a handheld that you're supposed to take with you. I carry my 3ds around everywhere. Same reason I didn't get the biggest version of the 3ds.
Bring back Jincos and I'll take the switch anywhere.
>>it'll break when you sit down
does it?
Detroit is 90% black. It's basically a third world shit hole transposed right into the middle of America.
them samurai jeans look rad as fuck
all weebs should own a pair
Just imagine if somebody wore those outdoors in earnest
You can take the joycons off for a reason
lmao you got him #rekt
OwO that bulge
But will it ship?
>I don't carry a backpack: the thread
This console isn't aimed at you, move along. The only places I'll ever use the switch in its handheld form is in my university or if I'm going away for an extended period of time. Two occasions on which I'm guaranteed to have my backpack.
Wasn't the Wii U promoted as being "portable"?
>Well I'll see if other people can do the same because this is the only thing that is keeping me from buying the switch. I don't wear cargo pants and I don't wear skinny jeans, but if it can fit in my pockets like my GBA , dslite, and original 3ds than I am happy.
Do you really want to do that with analog sticks sticking out? With that screen bare like that?
I watched this episode recently. While I'm sure it's not the full story it gives you a good idea of what happened to the place. It's on Netflix if you have it.
I'm sure some /fa/ faggot does it. I've seen worse on that board.
Never seen someone in Hot Topic pants?
No it wasn't
The Vita has both of those and never had a problem. I doubt the switch will
As someone who lives in Southeast Michigan, downtown Detroit is really nice. It's turning around and the city is cleaning it up. Though once you leave downtown, you quickly see the shithole most of it is from years of incompetent governing that gives it it's bad reputation.
You know, you can just take off the joycons and put them in another pocket.
Or you just put the thing in a fucking bag.
It was the murder capital of America for a long time and is very run down now that most of the factories have left.
What do people do who take portable gaming devices with them into public to game?
to show off, gizmos like portable consoles, cool watches and latest smartphones have always been markers of wealth
literal faggot detected
Sup Forums BTFO AGAIN!
Are you one of those faggots who carries a "man purse"?
I wear skinny jeans so this most likely won't fit in my pockets. Going to have to carry my backpack around.
But girl pants don't have pockets that deep.
i only care if it fits in a blendtec or not.
Great, now the switch is sexist.
Are you too insecure to carry a bag because someone might call it a purse?
girls have internal pockets they can use
>putting things where you can shit them out when you go to the restroom
Don't do this. I've lost more cell phones this way than I care to admit.
what are thooooseee?????
What kind of man needs to carry more than a phone and a wallet day to day?
Girls carry bags around you fucking virgin retard.
I don't know what kind of whores you use, but normal girls can't do that.
A man who also carries keys.
These are common in Sweden actually you fat american pos
that's what your purse is for silly
Just because I want to show off my firm, tight, toned twink butt does not make me gay
Good thing the topic is about pockets and not purses, goalposters.
ohhh!!! city lickers btfo
You don't need a bag to carry keys
Just because my country isn't as effeminate as yours doesn't mean I'm from the US
>you can carry it around!
And I'm sure we'll all totally play it on the train or at the park enough to warrant being portable rather than a home console that's both more powerful and less expensive.
Portability was a fucking mistake. None of you play your handhelds outside your house anyway.
>not taking off the joycons
ultimate clickbait
I still wouldn't pocket it desu, It's either coming in a backpack with all my other shit or not coming at all.
Plus having something that tight in your jeans pockets is beyond uncomfortable
>Sweden bragging about being an effeminate cuckold
pure pottery
Do people actually make fun of cargo shorts in real life? I only bought them cause they fit better I didn't realize they were bad in the fashion world