This is nice

This is nice.

about time.

>Actually caring about Miis

is that sonic

It's all they have.
No backwards compatibility,no browser...

sonics arms aren't red

>now my mii can look like mai waifu.

we dont need those things

Ah Nintendo.
Backwards innovating

>No backwards compatibility
You're right, Nintendo should have forced an optical disk drive and a second screen with glassesless-3D so that it could have been backwards compatible. What were they thinking, it's over, nintendoomed, etc.

I thought they axed miis

Having more games would be nice, this is a fucking useless shit that anyone could go without. I swear you fuckers are so easy to please

fucking finally

we dont need those things.

Nothing has backwards compatibility. Also, The browser was only ever used for hacking.

>No backwards compatibility

It's okay when Sony has none right?

>no browser.

Who the fuck uses a console / handheld for that. Are you autistic when you have a PC nearby?

Nintendrones always chastise Sony and microsoft about not having backwards compatablity. What comes around goes around.

Why are they still bothering with Miis? They're ugly as fuck.

Because BC doesn't make sense when you're going from disc to cart. It would've jumped up the cost of the system unnecessarily.

Meanwhile there is 0 reason not to have BC when it comes to the Playstation or XBox. Nintendo had it when each new iteration of a console had a disc drive.

>I should be able to shove giant blu-rays into my tablet!

yah bro xbox avatar for the wins

With how short the life of the WiiU was it really at least should have been backwards compatible with that. Honestly it feels like bullshit considering the last two were too.

Eureka. Now I can make a Mii that almost kinda looks like my japanese anime waifu.

I thought they did away with miis and you now use some premade icons?

Is that Rei Ayanami?

Who the fuck uses a console / handheld for that. Are you autistic when you have a PC nearby?

>It's okay when Sony has none right?

>Things that never happened: The post

>he shoves the hotpocket up his ass

>dat You Don't Know Jack half-a-pants outfit

That's a man.

Good taste.

but is their a mwnt dew and doritos one? and can I use it with my call of duty armor?

Sure did.

Forgot your > buddy.

Also you can thank piratefags for all this.

>mii are still a thing

>no backwards compatibility
Yeah, look at all those great wii u game Switch owners will be missing out on them. All 2 of them.

What was his name again? Want to find more pics for reasons.

I'm pretty sure most people have a 3DS, so they don't need to worry about missing out on Smash 4.

But can I have porcelain pale god skin now?

>It's okay when Sony has none right?
No? It's not fucking okay. Why does this board think just because something else is shitty it's okay for this thing to be shitty

meant for

Because the person he is replying to said
>it's all they have
as if the competitors are offering those features.

I can't wait for the new Tomodachi Life game

It's a handheld why would it have backwards compatibility for Wii U games.

This thread is getting stupid. Post miis.


I don't think you understand. The WiiU has an optical drive. Optical drives are garbage on any sort of non-stationary console. Not to mention the fact that the disks wouldn't even be able to fit inside the console as is

Will there be any black people or niggers as I like to call them be in this community?


good, post him in this thread please

Old Nintendo had everything backwards and forwards compatible. I actually think the Switch is the first Nintendo console in a while to not be backwards compatible but I don't keep up with the DS so can't be sure.

The GBA, DS, 3DS, Wii, and Wii U were all backwards compatible.

nope, you can still make miis. the mii creator is kind of hidden, or at least, not very obvious, for some reason though.

Now I can finally make cute anime girls more accurately.


Can you have pale skin now?

all the disc based systems are backwards compatible except gamecube and switch because of cartdisc transition. expect switch not to be bc compatible to the next gen

Fucking nice.

How are the selections for eyes and other facial features?

Why don't they just ditch the fucking miis? Only autist use them.

They seem less utilized now. They no longer have their own menu and are instead pushed into System Settings. You also don't even seem to have to make one after turning the system on for the first time. They're still kind of there, but it looks like you won't have to ever really look at them unless you play with faggots online that use them.