Its been a while since we have a Monitor vs HDTV thread.
where is best to play games on Sup Forums, dektop monitor? comfy couch TV?
Its been a while since we have a Monitor vs HDTV thread.
where is best to play games on Sup Forums, dektop monitor? comfy couch TV?
tvfag here. ive never liked desks, so i always went for the couch. playing pc can be a chore moving shit around all the time but i dont mind it
I don't own a couch so If I were to play on my Tv I'd be lying in bed which feels awkward.
use to play on tv then went to monitor now i cant go back
>input lag
>no input lag
There's nothing to discuss
Stop making this fucking thread
Games like Nioh feels really nice on a monitor, very responsive also better for timing ans seeing little details.
but then l play games Like Yakuza 0, beautiful open world but in the monitor looks really dull and small.
mainly just the lag with televisions, i mean playing a console on a tv looks fine and i can handle that but pc to tv is terrible for me personally
monitors, because i actually care about input lag and hz
A good expensive tv doesnt have lag. Stop pretending you are talking about quality tvs.
since i got oled nothing can compare, lag? who the fucks cares, the pciture quality its just fucking amazing.
>Stop pretending you are talking about quality tvs.
I am.
The best TVs still have more lag than the cheapest monitors.
Try again.
lagless monitor + 4k tv here
Depends what I'm playing. I have 1440p monitors as well as a 50" 4k TV. Casual games that can be played with a controller are comfy on the TV. If the game needs low input lag, uses KBM or I can't push 4k 60fps then I play on a monitor.
There are 2000+ bucks TVs out there which have +150ms input lag from big, well known companies...
>literally no lag
>implying there will ever be anywhere close to less than .000000001 ms of delay on any method of display
kys you fucking retards
3440x1440 100Hz for 1st/3rd person, strategy games, pretty much anything casual you play with kb/m.
1440p 144Hz for anything competitive, like LoL and CS:GO.
1440p 100Hz monitor mounted over the bed for casual controller gaming.
nice one autist, lagless enough
>where is best to play games on Sup Forums, dektop monitor? comfy couch TV?
Dark Souls 3
Monitor or big tv?
I am super poor yet even I choose to have both for different reasons.
anyone who says TV is a moron on underaged.
A monitor is always going to be a better bet, you don't have to sit at a desk to use one, the displays are just better.
I've actually got a monitor I use like a TV.
Yeah enjoy your fucking mini screen like your dick.
That doesn't even remotely look poor. Your income is probably above average.
>I can't afford a large monitor so no one can!
Gmes are good on monitros but TV/movies are jsut retarded.
big tvs always.
been playing in TVs my whole life.
are you saying that a PC monitor its better? l have a LG IPS laying around the house
They're for different things intrinsically. I have a 144hz monitor for games but a TV for watching shit on.
Forgot to add
>projector for watching movies, 100" of white wall is better than any TV.
If TVs start integrating with HDMI 2.1, there won't be a need for monitors with freesync or gsync anymore.
Casuals play on big screen tv's. Pro's play on monitors.
Sounds like something poor people say...
>hoi guise look @ me im a profeshunal GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEmur XD
lmao, air hocky > not having a twin bed
very cool apartment though
are u guys saying that this...
Depend what I'm playing
If it's a game I don't care about the lag like a jrpg I play on the tv
if it's a fighting game or a platformer on monitor
Is better than this??
lol you guys are fucking stupid. it's not 2011 anymore.
My consoles are currently connected to my monitor because of convenience but nothing beats the comfiness of a couch.
Which, like I said, is higher than even basic cheap monitors
what monitor do you use?
>I can tell the difference in 7 miliseconds in lag! :DD
you're full of shit lol
do you honestly believe that whatever Asus TN panel shit you use has 0 lag?
As someone who fell for the 144hz fake out by TV Samsung I say stick with large monitors with high refresh rates unless you're planning on getting a TV for other reasons.
I can run games at 4k resolution on it just fine with my GTX 980 though my TV has had trouble with handshake issues.
I think my HDMI cord may be too long and is experiencing some signal loss or signal delay.
My UHD TV isn't really 144hz. It's really 60hz with frame blending hardware by Samsung.
Which I disable on video-games because it blurs HUDs and looks terrible for rotating cameras.
I use my TV for movies, youtube, Consoles, and PC gaming when I feel like it.
Dark Souls III looks really good on a 4K TV, but Dark Souls III has issues in itself.
>If I were to play on my Tv I'd be lying in bed which feels awkward.
Half a frame makes a significant difference for shmups, rhythm games, and fighting games. Sub-16 ms differences control how late into a frame you can make an input without the response having to wait two frames instead of one. With frame-perfect dodges and combo links, this stuff matters.
On top of that, the difference is I can get one of those monitors with sub-17 ms input lag for
No. Of course not. You're retarded if you think that's the point I'm making.
A bunch of retarded faggots (probably including yourself) claimed they had TVs/monitors with no lag, so I posted this Then this extraordinarily retarded faggot replied and tried to claim 17 ms = 0 ms, which isn't true in the slightest.
Is that clear enough, or do you have to lurk more to understand how replying works?
Do you always take everything everyone says 100% literally?
>help I'm a Down's Syndrome faggot and I don't know the difference between lagless and 17 ms
>well here's the difference
>I-I didn't mean that literally
kys faggot
So yes you do, got it
I don't know. I just switch from TV to Monitor whenever I want really. I only regret that my monitor doesn't have G-sync. Too expensive. I know television's definitely don't have it. I just HATE screen tearing I don't understand how people play games with it on.
My HDTV has 40 ms (two full frames) lag and it's still fine. I don't have to ask websites for that, it simply tells my AV receiver to delay audio by 40 ms.