Why do girls spam this

why do girls spam this

because they're stupid unloyal roasties

fuck them

I find that anyone new to Super Smash Bros just spams special moves, regardless of character. When someone uses mostly "A" button attacks, you know to take them seriously.

>invulnerable to all attacks except grab

they don't
they don't play videogames

How did she hurt you, user?

*epic gamer brofist*

Because it's incredibly hard for casuals to beat, because they're don't know how to shield or grab
I've met a lot of casuals who play Kirby just for that reason



everyone spammed special attacks when they were new to the game and stupid

Nah, someone claiming to be a girl needs to show up first. Otherwise it's just a circlejerk about women being evil whores.

>*rolls behind u*
>*charges flare blade*
hehe...nothing personell lady...
>*releases as stone wears off*

I'm a girl.

Also Jigglypuff's side-b

I don't know why user.

Do people still play Smash Bros online on the WiiU?

succckkk me pleeaasseeee :)))))

Yes, but For Glory is just as bad as you remember.
Sup Forums still plays Smash on weekends if you mean that.

Jigglypuff's side-b is great, though.

When I was a kid I used to main Kirby and just spam down B and up B.
Of course, by the time Melee came out I stopped doing that.

So it's probably something people who are not good at vidya do.

>Play as kirby since 64
>Anytime I use that move tryhards start moaning about it
>Stop using it and just that drill kick
>Use it one, ONE time because the opportunity is just to good
>Fag start crying
Why is it with every faggot and that move?

Almost. You have to be more subtle, as if you're "accidentally" letting it slip that you're a girl. For example, someone says, "Women are shit because they do XYZ" and you reply with, "Not all women do XYZ. I actually prefer to ABC." The fact that you offer personal experience as refutation implies that you fall within the group being described, a woman. Do that, and I guarantee you'll get a "LONDON" or two.

women are human, they can be just as evil as men are. try finding some of the alright ones, user.

Nobody who is even close to decent at Smash will complain about that move.

>comes out fast enough to catch the opponent off guard if they aren't anticipating it
>can't be hurt by any attack
>beats out attacks as it falls
>heavy shield damage, maybe breaking shields
>kills at higher percentages
>Casuals don't grab unless maybe they're playing someone with a kill throw

Actually, no, now that I think about it, casuals just like to spam quick-dropping attacks. Toon Link's Dair, Bowser's Dair and down-B, Yoshi's down-B, etc.

>that kid who would use nothing but Samus' charge beam.

That last part reminds me of playing 64 with my roommate. He always played DK and spammed the backwards grab. I could beat him with literally any character, but that grab would usually net him at least one KO.

Cause they like seeing him get hard.

>that kid who would run away and spam projectiles until everyone else had killed each other

Kirby is cute so they play him but they aren't great at vidya so they just do that.

I play Kirby for the same reason, only much less rock spam

Not all girls spam Kirby's down B, I actually prefer to meteor smash with his down aerial.

Gotta hand it to ya, faggot. You know how to shitpost.


Wanting to be a girl doesn't make you a girl user.

Pic related is the true definition of spam.

>I like cute girly stuff
>wasn't born a girl
>my mom wished not to have a girl with curly hair
>gets a boy with curly hair

Was I cheated by a wish?

>Kablam! image
Holy shit, people remember this?

>my mom wished not to have a girl with curly hair
Every parent's worst nightmare.

This, curly hair is horrible and ugly.
t. curly asian

I guess my mom got monkey paw'd which got me monkey paw'd indirectly.

Be careful what you wish for.

I still do that, until it get's to 1v1. mfw I win 90% of the games

>she wants you to grab her


> he thinks this works in 2017

Sup Forums is just as bad at Smash as any random shitter on For Glory, don't lie.

Anyone remember accidentally discovering the earthquake glitch?

That was me as a kid playing with my older brother and his friends desu

Kirby is one of the worst characters in smash and rock is one of the worst moves in smash, literally nobody will complain about it.

Heh. I chuckled.
Kinda cute even.

I've mained Kirby since 64 because he's the coolest character. It always makes me sad he'll be super low tier. Being a Kirby main is suffering

Kirby is the second best character in 64