Do you guys actually agree that sexualization in video games needs to end to make it more inclusive? I think these videos spark a bit of a conversation even if I disagree with them.
Do you guys actually agree that sexualization in video games needs to end to make it more inclusive...
Other urls found in this thread:
No, we need more cute waifus.
If SJWs get mad, then put cute husbandos, they like them, they are just tsundere towards men.
>Do you guys actually agree that sexualization in video games needs to end to make it more inclusive?
t. tranny
Did you watch them?
Watch them. He makes so good points.
She'd be perfect if she had bigger tits.
fuck OFF
I don't know man, i like my fiction to be fiction.
i don't want a ugly "trans" thing with zero or emo personality in a game.
and if they put that in one game, good for them but don't force others to follow your bullshit.
I can form my own opinions, no need for anyone to tell me what to think.
As a tranny, I don't want a trans character in a video game to be ugly either.
I don't know why some people think I'd want the character that's supposed to represent me/people like me to be some ugly gremlin.
Not OP but it's not about being told what to think, but hearing dissentive opinions will strenghten your own, wathever they end up being.
An unchallenged position is a weak position.
No he doesn't. That faggot isn't nearly as smart or funny as he thinks he is.
Why would it.
anyone who still gives a shit has been shitposting instead of playing vidjo gaymes
sexualize everyone optionally for any game with a target demographic above puberty and do it as a secret for any game with violence in it otherwise. shooting someone in the face is de facto more adult than seeing a tit, because babies need to see a tit to live
don't sexualize anything and don't make the game violent if you want to sell it to kids
anyone asking to tone female sexualization down is asking to exclude someone's tastes in favor of their own, which will never be inclusive
anyone asking to tone it down in general just wants their arena shooter to have more kids playing and if you're progressive at all you should be skeptical of any reason for doing so that isn't "i profit off of kids spending money here"
tl;dr the only right answer is to go all-or-nothing, equally, with any adult theme if you want to be """inclusive""". anything else is bias by definition
talking of inclusivity, he does make some good points but his tone is extremely patronising and being condescended to for between 10 and 20 minutes at a time isnt that an attractive a prospect desu
>t. Tranny
kill yourself
if you want to shill your channels here you'll give me a summary or get reported
if the video is longer than 10 minutes and i can't know if the base of it is sound or not, i'm not wasting my time
Video games need to be less inclusive
I've seen both of these videos a while back, they're both pretty dumb.
His main argument seems to be based around the fact that male characters are used as vessels for dude who wanna experience power fantasy's and are never explicitly sexualized.
The argument kinda falls flat when you realize that a good amount of content creators apply multiple characteristics to characters in order to appeal to more demographics and groups, even if they have one main demographic in mind. A male character can be used as a power fantasy for men while also being used as hot eye-candy for women. Do these people not think there are women who actually ARE into characters like Kratos and Ezio? Go to deviantart or some time, you'd be amazed at how many female self insert stories and pics there are.
There isn't even anything inherently wrong with appealing to one group. The Twilight films objectify men into these semi-autistic beefcakes with barely any emotions but you don't here anti-SJWs or whatever consistently bitching about it.
If anything, they've called out censorship of male objectification in the past.
Censorship in general is dumb and stopping female sexualization in video games isn't going to get women more interested in gaming. If these people actually knew anything about what women are into they'd realize this. Next time he should be less of a passive aggressive baby and using the "Well, this is what I see it as!" argument.
you first bogshitter
Also these comments are gold. Most of them are just ass-kissing and trying to be funny but god damn.
Women across the world are being stoned to death and aren't considered humans, but some how people expect me to give a shit about how fictional characters are represented in video games. It's Pathetic and somehow hilarious at the same time.
he wants it to be one way but it's the other way
kojima did nothing wrong
if you want a game with fat ugly girls, then go make it yourself
bad comparison
you don't care about real women being stoned either. just admit it.
he's gay?
I'm not comparing them. It's all about real life problems vs fake made up problems that fit to serve people who are too lazy to make real change in the world. The only people I would like to see get stoned to death are dumb cunts like yourself.
Calm down, edgelord.
Sorry I don't agree with your point of view. Stay salty dumb cunt.
Fucking NO. jesus christ what is happening to society, its like no one has blood pumping through their balls anymore
Do videogames need to be more inclusive? The answer to that is no, so the overarching question of should videogames do something to be more inclusive is also no. Videogames like almost every other entertainment product on Earth are targeted toward people that the company believes will buy the product, and tailored to that group's tastes to increase their likelihood to purchase.
If a company believes there is an untapped female market for AAA console/PC games, and curbing the male-centric content/advertising will increase sales, that company is free to succeed or fail based on that belief. But there is no overarching NEED to do that. There is no compelling or legally binding REQUIREMENT that they do that.
If a company wants to make titty ninja 7, they should make titty ninja 7. If they want to make stronk womyn the narrative experience, go nuts. They wanna try to splice the two to get both markets somehow, have at it. But there is no REQUIREMENT to force the game you want to make attempt to appeal to a market that you don't believe it will appeal to.
You just did a thread for this an hour ago with 0 replies and it got deleted.
Fuck off with your shitty outdated video.
Is that all you know how to say? stay classy retard.
>More inclusive
But sexy fanservice doesn't exclude anyone.
I don't care
it excludes women
He kinda is though.
No, it excludes ugly women
>OP literally shilling his own youtube channel
This is against the rules, FYI.
Stop posting this autistic self-proclaimed socialist revolutionary.
How is she sexualized just by possessing an ass?
Do these people not go outside? Do they think the only way a character is un-sexualized is when they wear a burka?
>A man sees a muscular guy
>Eeh, too much work/wish that was me/maybe I should hit the gym
>A woman sees a woman in great shape
If women are butthurt, they can relieve their hurt by taking it up the ass.
It's the pose, you idiot. Nudity and exaggerated body parts aren't the only aspects of being sexualized.
>female character dressed scantily
>she's being objectified
>female person dressed scantily
>she's empowered
I don't get the distinction. What if Tracer likes showing off her ass? That would be a realistic character trait, lots of people dress to show off their figures.
Watch The Wire, you would understand later.
>yet another self absorbed youtube faggot with shitty arguments and circle jerking in the comments
2017 is a great year
More inclusive? Sure I honestly wouldn't care if there was more fan service for girls, but I understand why developers cater more the men since they are the majority consumers.
Personally I don't think they should remove it as much as give the player options. When I was young I would play games for skimpy girls but now I prefer to be able to dress female characters in, not even necessarily less sexy, but practical outfits. Basically, just give me more everyone more options to look how they want instead of catering to one or the other.
As a 54yo man with a wife and 20 years of gaming, I can honestly say that OP's pic is one of the most innocent and naif display of sexualization.
You gotta admit that this particular case, was overkill
Why does it bother you.
why does it bother you or anyone else.
If you're offended by something like that, no I don't think anyone should give a rats ass about your opinion.
Just get used to it. Watch some really slutty porn game or something, see the difference, get used to it and you'll be fine.
I mean I'm a pretty good example myself, I see feminine dicks all the time and now it doesn't even phase me.
Grow some thicker skin.
Stop holding back the industry.
There is literally nothing inherently sexual about that pose.
You're seeing shit where it isn't.
Why is it only videogames that need to be INCLOOSIVE? why not movies, music, literature, knitting, porn, etc (and videogames now are mainstream so don't give me that argument)? this reminds me of the """""need"""" of athletes being "role models" even though nobody cares about other famous people being woeful role models
the bigger question is why are people so afraid of sexualizing, meanwhile the same characters go on a violent shooting rampage and no one bats an eye
that's pretty exual
You are an idiot if you think there's nothing sexual about that pose.
Girls don't want to grow anything that requires personal effort. They are girls. You have to change
No. It should not end. Companies need to stop with the "one angry letter equals thousands of people's views" and start ignoring or outright telling the vocal minority to piss off if they don't like it.
>one woman nearly got Married With Children cancelled
>one whiny bitch made Hasbro bend over backwards because she found "Derpy" offensive
literally go fuck yourself if you're unhappy
No, games should never be censored, at least regionally. If you can see T and A in Japan you should be able to see it in the US, Canada, UK, wherever else. Regional censorship is not fair
This. What happened to the ratings on games actually meaning something. People complain about 'muh children' when they shouldn't be playing the game in the first place. If you don't like you or your kid seeing nudity, drugs, sexual content, whatever then don't let them play the fucking game.
Fuck the [CURRENT YEAR] honestly senpai
What's the cheapest way to get a copy of Overwatch on PC?
I want to get to 25 before the next season, and don't want to keep playing it on my bro's xbone.
>i didn't watch either of the videos OP posted: the thread
t. perverts
nobody wants to watch your videos you fucking faggot, go shill your channel somewhere else.
>Do you guys actually agree that sexualization in video games needs to end
>to make it more inclusive?
>strawmanning and missing the point
why would I watch that.
it's like watching jim quisition when he goes on for 20 minutes about "GETTING OVER THE FACCT THAT DANTES HAIR IS NOT WHITE".
this is that.
the difference is he isn't pretending to be championing women's rights and trying to end sexism, whereas they are. If they actually gave a shit about women's issues they'd be trying to fix issues for REAL WOMEN and not waste their time being offended by FICTIONAL portrayals of women that threaten their cozy first-world bubbles.
what we really need is more cute fat girls.
That image - while sexualised, yes - is nothing compared the the hundreds of thousand of images posted to social media by women that are sexually provocative. Its a multi faceted question but this fact is worth keeping In mind.
The conversation you wish to have probably shouldn't be attempted with predominately shut-in, socially reclusive, and generally undesirable men whose only extra-curricular activities in school were anime club and AP tutoring. Not even trying to roast, this is like trying to talk to the KKK about empowering black folks.
Yes the real solution to SJWs and censorship is to ban women and fags
I'm of two minds of this.
I want to see asses and tits in games all the time. I also want to see some really silly or dumb reasons for them to be in the game, or hell even good reasons for this.
What I don't want is this "THICC" and "oh my god I'm just cumming everywhere" in the fandom.
It's like you're in a church, and mary magdalene is painted with a very feminine dress. You've got two people in the isle.
One going "Oh my god my erection wont stop"
I just like wanna pray games.
>a girl facing her body away from you is inherently sexual
Damn, I knew that girl facing away from my at the party was just trying to seduce me.
No thanks.
It's not even that complex of a conversation when you get down to it, it's literally a case of people feeling alienated and complaining about things that are fairly trivial at the end of the day.
no. The only people who think like that are modern day puritans. It's ok to have sex appeal and it's ok to remove sex appeal to cater to a larger audience. Both are fine and it comes down to the kind of game you are making.
Can I get a summary?
their logic is that the fictional character is specifically created by men to be attractive for men. whereas a woman is dressing herself to be attractive for men. the key element is the woman's agency.
however this logic flies out the goddamn window when we're talking about the agency of a FICTIONAL CHARACTER.
also character designs like bayonetta kinda break this argument too.
>SJWs crusading over a non-issue and going after soft targets as always
This man is known to have actually sexually assaulted a women, forcing her to have sex with him under threat of physical violence.
Anita Sarkeeian has been notified of this.
Have you ever heard Anita talk about him? No.
Is she still griping about boob sizes of video game characters? Yes.
SJWs don't give a shit about actual threats to women, only stuff they can pretend is important because it gets them attention and ad revenue on a shit video site.
>you made it real the minute you started drawing it
That's pretty flawed logic.
Male characters are self inserts and female characters are sex objects.
senpai your link isnt quite complete
clipped the name off, but Adam "Zaush" Wan is notorious as a rapist after a furry site's private notes got leaked, as well as the owner of said site telling the victim to keep quiet.
While you are entitled to your reasonably stated opinion, you do realize that forming a sound, non-inflammatory view on issues is something the majority of your compatriots are incapable of?
>your rights end where my feelings begin
>censorship and witch hunts are fine if it makes me feel good
Seeing feminism & pals in action for the last decade has turned me from a liberal to someone who would vote literal Hitler just out of spite. Godspeed Cheeto-Prez, Mike "Faggot medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence and other triggermasters.
She's literally spreading her legs and bending over a little. It's sexual.
I stated my opinion on the entire issue here.
Don't know if I'm being disingenuous or not.
>t. a complete pervert
jesus man, get your mind out of the gutter
>Pose is literally just standing there with guns
>Do you guys actually agree that sexualization in video games needs to end to make it more inclusive?
No. Sexualize fucking everything.
Here is a question.
What's not objectifiable in a game?
games are nothing but goals/objectives.
No matter where you put the women she is always a game object. not just litteraly, but in terms of mechanics. Unless she has absolutely nothing to do with gameplay.
At that point why is she in the game?
if it's sexual objectification whats wrong with that?
Thats how women work in our society. Men want women, just like women want men. If a woman was trying to become beautiful to find a man that was succesful that would be objectifying the man.
That is simply a goal of the character and real life.
I honestly don't see the problem with this.
everything in the world is like this, we simply want what benefits us. I'm sorry.
Fuck no. Make stuff even MORE sexy!
The clouds should be tits, the guns need tits, the shoes should have tits, tits for eyes, tits for hair...
we need handholding and love triangles.
maybe even kissing!
Inclusivity is just a meme.
It is what it is, and if women dislike it they are free to pursue other hobbies.
You are 100% right. It's just uggos who get butthurt at everything that isn't a clone of them. I just want a well known company to tell someone to fuck off when a complaint about a character 'being too sexy'