Reminder of what sonybrony's really are

Reminder of what sonybrony's really are.

>making this image

what a poor soul you must be

>thinking I made this image

No, a fellow like minded user can see what Sony's pathetic drones really operate like. I am merely utilising it.

I really have no idea what any of this is, but then again I only got a PS4 3 months ago, all of my games are playing just fine in comparison to my PC which can run modded Skyrim at 80+ fps. I've dropped my controllers a bunch of times and their are no problems with it and what the hell is NeoGAF?

post more apu. He a qt


>He slid past my filter.

>buttblasted sonygger
oy lel oy lel


Thanks. You are a true human bean.

By that image it seems Sonyggers are always right but doubt themselves into massive anxiety until the thing they are right about finally happens and then they reassure themselves and start the process over again.

Did the guy who made this cycle chart think before he made the chart?

People take console wars this serious still?

Yes, it's one of the worst issues Sup Forums has , and moderation is extremely lenient about it.

I wonder how many of these threads are actually made by sonyggers just to justify their samefagging console war bullshit.

All of them.
All of them are made by Wojak posters.
People who seemingly play no video games and just post to be shits about every fanbase.

All fanboys do exactly the same shit. Anyone who says otherwise clearly has an agenda.

We are the gaming industry,
Either join us or perish just like PC/Xboc/ nintendo

How autistic can you be to make every two days a new version of this pic to keep the ratio of actually released games still under 50%?
There must be some godly metashitposting behind this.

Feeding console ware tardposters every week another pic they can brag about that makes them look retarded when you think 2 seconds about it....

Well the more I think about it, it's genius... annoying but genius.

I'll make the pc version of this picture.
>beg for game>beg for game>beg for game>beg for game>petition for game>

I'm surprised that Sup Forums isn't making a shit storm about crash remake being a timed exclusive

This applies to every single shill type around though. Soniggers aren't special snowflakes.

Nobody cares about crash.
It's what Halo is for the Xbox.
Somehow regarded very highly by the console userbase, only medicore for everyone else.

Not acording to sonyfans

>Sonycuck turns Sup Forums into a safespace through filters
You can't make this shit up.

The Sony fans that do the console war shitposting probably aren't old enough to remember crash from anything else but that one part from uncharted 4.

>filtering literally every single videogame related thing on Sup Forums
sadly you probably won't even get to see this (you)

>nintendo hatred threads
999 replies, 90% shitting on nintendo
>sonybrony thread
2 timid posts

v confirmed for shit taste in games

Because everyone else is fed up with the console war bullshit here.