I have no fucking clue what day or month persona 5 is being released

I have no fucking clue what day or month persona 5 is being released.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=Persona 5 US Release date

Why do you care? The game is shit. Play real shin megumi game instead.

Here OP
lmgtfy.com/?q=Persona 5 US Release date

the waifus suck in p5 so there's no point

You could have just googled but I like the OP image you used.


>posting best girl

No, have u fucking seen Futaba?

I am going to buy Persona 5 on April 4th.

All we have is a release window.

That's nice.

Post more armpit pussies.

Not sure if I should get it digitally or physically.

It comes out on April 4th

Flip a coin then.

how do you guys find armpit-fetish specific images? I have no idea what keywords to use

Landed on heads, guess it's physical. That stinks, I might have to wait another day for shipping.

Oh well I suppose.

Tag is literally armpits

If you say so.

I suppose. I've never used one though.

But user, literally every girl with her arms up has armpits. Does that satisfy your armpit fetish needs?

Here. Since you asked. [email protected]

i love armpits

Me too. If they are hairy, it's even better.

Will Persona 5 be better than FFXIII-2 I wonder