Would you still love her, Sup Forums?

Would you still love her, Sup Forums?

>loving a nigger
No thanks

Sure, she still has tits and pussy.

I didn't love her before.
Still won't now.


I don't love the original.
but I hate whoever made that shitty edit.

If you aren't white, you aren't alright.

No, it's just racist. Try better next next.

I'm sure she does this face often.

where did the weaves on top of her head go?

I'd make milk chocolate babies with her

>jack white
>300 MPH torrential outpour blues



Why would you bring up sexism?

Not with a weave like that.
Black women that go though the effort of straightening their natural hair tend to be so much more worthwhile human beings

Do you know what a weave actually is?

As long as she doesn't have some light, airy little white girl voice, I'd say you made her better tbhfam

No, he doesn't. He's also talking out of his ass.

>michael jackson
nah dude

i know how to weave you're mom pussy

Yeah, but most niggers don't and just refer to wigs as weaves.
But that has to be an actual weave as most hair doesn't have upwards tension to stand up like that with that much fullness, and a wig would be far too heavy for most adhesives, coming from someone who's used wig adhesive for cosplay before.

>not wanting to fuck black jacko
nigga you gay

You literally don't know shit about what you're talking about, you do know that?
