What did he mean by this?
"Were it so easy"
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shit's hard yo
so did you want to talk about the halo games or
Last one I played was Reach but sure
then why did you make the thread
He said that in response to Hood saying "hard to believe [MC's] dead". The implication being that he'd still be alive if their task was easier.
i wanted to know what he meant.
thanks for answering. this has always bothered me
Halo 1 and 2 were great, Halo 3 was good too but upon replaying the gameplay feels less visceral and softer. I wish I had a friend with an Xbone to replay the campaigns but playing through them on heroic back to back was fun as fuck.
I only played like 5 levels of Halo 4 but the art design was shit and the story was garbage, Halo should have ended with 3 unless Bungie wanted to go back to it at some point.
Wrong arbiter there buddy boy
"would that it t'were"
That's no surprise, I haven't played in years
>Asshole, you must be silenced.
what did he mean by this?
The one posted is the halo wars one I forget his name, the one in Halo 2 and 3 is Thel vadam. He looks like pic related now.
He looks like a fag now
What do you think happens when somebody becomes a king
Is he holding the hilt of some ridiculous energy sword variant?
It's a modified version of the energy sword he used to kill Truth with I think, it's called "The prophets bane"
Wasn't the old Arbiter armor worn by the leader of the Sangheili?
Why change it up?
It looks like a fucking colander. Someone slap the design team.
Except thar's Ripa and not Thel you lore ignorant heretic
Halo 5's MP, core gameplay, and forge is actually god tier, a shame the SP is even worse then 4's, even if the story isn't as retarded
Yes, he is
Also, they need to change the main halo art style for the halo wars 2 one, it's years better the one in halo 5
No, he says it at the beginning when Sergeant Johnson tells them to stop trying to kill each other, to which the Arbiter replies "were it so easy", the implication being that he has failed to kill the Master Chief on many occasions. He echos his sentiment at the end of the game to reflect how their relationship has changed over the course of their story.
no, the other kind of thread pls
The arbiter was just a suicide role, but Thel was the last arbiter for the covenant. He's the king of the elite homeworld now so his armor is reflecting that status
You'd like reach, the combat has a good feedback
When will 343 support heterosexual human on alien romance?
I agree with that, halo 5s art style isn't all that great.
For those who got halo wars 2 pic related might be a DLC leader
I can accept the new armor designs, but the cotton candy paint jobs were horrendous
Also they should've kept chief's mark vi armor until he hooked up with infinity and then changed his gear
i wanna fuck that alien
when did Chrom become an elite?
delete this art
>hating on guoh
kys my man
When 343 thought they were Nintendo, might actually explain the art style
If you read the books, MC and Arbiter fought each other before and neither was able to kill the other.
"Were it so easy" implies chief is hard to kill, and the arbiter knows this firsthand. Basically "if only it were that easy to kill him..."
can you even fuck a sangheili? do male elites have dicks to fuck people with?
truth was being an asshole, was called out, then made to be quiet via energy sword to the back
if it's got an orifice then it can be fucked
> we will never get another ODST game
More like this but with arbiter
I think Fred, kelly, and linda's color schemes were fine. They had blues and shit but they were still muted.
I want to visit Sanghelios and actually walk around it during "peacetime" like walking around the Citadel in Mass Effect. I want to see how the Elites and other Covenant societies function when they're not shoving weapons down your throat. Is this so wrong, so sinful?
He says this because he walks right up to the Chief unarmed who immediately moves to engage him. He's pointing out that he's not even here to fight, and taunting Chief with fact that if Arbiter were actually there to fight, Chief's grapple maneuver would never have worked and he should have noticed how easy it seemed to be.
There's a level in Halo 5 without combat that is literally what you described.
nice old image dude
>walk around 1 room that's a bunch of dudes discussing war strategy before heading out again
that's not even close to being the same thing and we all know it, don't be obtuse
>Arbiter was a suicide role
Not before the elites got picked up by the covenant
But really how long before humans absolutely btfo Sangheilis and violate the peace treaty since humans are naturally smarter and always backstab everyone?
>That time Japan made a samurai as fuck anime about an Elite and his honor.
Far as I'm concerned, this shit is fucking canon.
Ripa'Moramee is the one from Wars, just to let y'all know
I want the humans and sangeilis to be friends
in a hypothetical scenario in which the Humans were inducted into the covenant without the whole "connection to the forerunners" gimmick prescribing their doom, what military/civilian role would they play in it?
I want them to be fuckbuddies
Do you thing Sangheili women fantasize being fucked by Spartans?
>johnson comes back
>turns out he survived installation 04B's detonation
>so badly crippled, though that he has to wear a mech suit
>still smokes Sweet Williams Cigars and spouts Apone one-liners
I'd be down for that.
No, before they were recruited into the Covenant the Arbiter was their leader
It became a position for suicide missions to show that even the greatest of Sangheili are only there to die for the prophets
I had a friend in highschool that claimed that the Halo trilogy was one of the greatest stories ever told. I've never played Halo. Was he right, Sup Forums?
>But Chief, what if you miss?
>I won't.
What did he mean by this?
He means he's putting on a brave front because she was freaked the fuck out
no, let him rest
Oh I liked Reach, I just mean 3 should have been the last part of the story.
>Cortana turned into a batshit crazy villain in 5
I'm a Halo fan, but no.
Halo 2's arguably got one of the best stories of any FPS game though
there's literally nothing else for chief to do so they had his ai backstab him
in 6 we'll probably get a mass effect 3 type ending
It's a breddy good space opera, the story itself is generic but there's a lot of love and care put into how they tell it.
Bungie did the right thing by scrapping that idea in CE
If you want to take Halo 5's story into account, they already have a bit where an elite tries to write a poem to Palmer. It's cute
New armor looks like garbage, 343 has a shit eye for it
>hurr muh huge chest pieces
Bulky armor is great
anything is canon if you want it to be user
>all those belts
It's like they put in charge of his design to Square Enix
slave labor
we aren't as swole as elites or brutes
we don't have eyesight as good as Jackals
We don't breed as fast as grunts
We can't fly like the drones
we can't fufill any race's purpose better than they can
he could have fucked his ai
But Elites actually like humanity
I hate how the chest sticks out and the back arch things point out for no reason, it's not like they are jet packs or something.
Humans do RnD better than every race in the Covenant except Engineers who are already in short supply, are top-tier strategists on par with the Elites, and moreover do the one job that no one else in the Covenant is willing to do -- be doctors
humanity would be the nerd and doctor race of the Covenant
also humans tend to make good spec ops soldiers because they're tiny and can thus can sneak into a lot of places easier for D4C ops than elites or brutes can
>don't breed as fast as the Grunts
that's an excuse against using humanity for slave labor because they can't be replaced as fast
Blame forerunners for literally making humans weak lanky manlets
Only drugs and gene modifications can restore them somewhat
Elites weren't in charge though
They had a good amount of sway
do they feel in charge?
Are you a literal fucking autist? All he's saying is that it's not that easy to kill MC. The Arbiter knows because he and the entire Covenant army failed at it.
Jack of all stats, with tenacity and r&d buffs
I don't know, the brutes are big guys.
>there will never be a game set in the Halo universe that follows a squad of ODSTs and spec ops Elites around as they banter like a group of Shepards and Garruses
just kill me
is it agreed upon that The Arbiter is GOAT in halo wars ?
ps he is
Thats true and at the very least he can give you blowjobs and let you cum in his mouth
Literally halo ODST
>female elites don't look like male elites
It's not canon to me, user
>repeating rumors from a fucking wishlist video
That concept art was just to show sizings and shit, it's in the margins of the non-cropped image.
>trying to get a blowjob from elite mandibles
oh shit what the fuck are you doing
I must have missed the point in ODST when a bunch of elites joined your squad and formed a cross-species operator force
The only Elites in ODST were dead, so you're wrong.
Sounds like this idea that was posted in a Halo idea thread a while back.
Is there a canon explanation for them having different armors? Is it kind of like how US Special Forces get some wiggle room in their appearance compared to other soldiers?
Halo CE's story was literally a typical, by the numbers sci-fi fiction. But the way the story was presented, along with some great set pieces made it memorable. Halo 2 focused too much on trying to expand the conflict and introduce so many new factions and world building that it forgot to actually tell a story at all. While Halo 3's story was convoluted as fuck and unless you spent the time reading the novels and shit you would barely care about what the fuck was going on.
Pretty set pieces and catchy one-liners saved Halo 2 and 3's campaign. It wouldn't be until ODST and Reach that Bungie actually bothered to get it's shit together to tell a coherent self-contained story with an actual beginning, middle and end like CE again.
Elite blowjobs for all humans!
By video game standards its pretty good.
Your friend needs to read a fucking book though.