Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem 7

>We recruited the pretty young bard, Priscilla
>A dancer train was not enough to keep Raven alive, and he fell soon after recruiting the pretty pegasus knight, Lucius
>our myrmidon(male), Lyn was reunited with our archer girl and super useful armorknight
>Now, we must try and convince some pirates to give us passage to the dread isle...


Saving Raven from his self-inflicted demise, and then he dies to some no-name cavalry
15+ minutes down the drain

Current party:
Hector: Archer(female)
Eliwood: Armorknight
Marcus: Paladin
Rebecca(dead): Soldier
Lowen: Brigand
Bartre: Mage(female)
Oswin: Axe Lord
Dorcas: Pirate
Serra: Shaman(male)
Matthew: Dancer
Priscilla: Bard
Erk: Blade Lord(Lyn)
Guy: Fighter
Lyn: Myrmidon(male)
Kent: Knight Lord(Eliwood)
Sain: Dancer
Florina: Cleric
Wil: Brigand
Raven(dead): Monk
Lucius: Pegasus Knight

Reminder nigger's stream is active 24/7 for this game

Yes it is.

>A dancer train was not enough to keep Raven alive, and he fell soon after recruiting the pretty pegasus knight, Lucius
RIP. At least he didn't die in vain.

>fucking nigger isn't doing gets for party changes
dont let the 100 viewers get to your head you double nigger

I'm asking in stream for replacements.

Should I keep doing gets in-thread too?

Replace Oswin with Serra

of course you should, else it's Stream plays instead of Sup Forums plays you triple ass nigger

alright, any changes?


Dorcas for Erk

Get in Serra for that sweet Luna machine

any other changes?

replace bartre for serra

Oswin for Serra

rolling for this


Canas is YUGE


Canas is the absolute fucking best even in the randomizer

Hory shet that Def

you’re fucked, nigger

No one can stop him now. Not even snowstorms.

This is fair.

>Game over to Bolting


bitch-ass snow storms can't handle a wyvern

>half an hour in the thread
>game over

the niggatry begins

he's going to kill the fuck out of that snowstorm

alright, doing better this time.

You gonna Arena Abuse?

canas looking pretty snazzy

>arena abusing using a shitty knight with 0 speed and luck
that will go well, keep going

Light Armour Dark Mount is a good combo.

digital camo wyvern


>0 Speed and Res
>Only 22 HP
Jesus. I guess that's why Bolting Damian fugged him.

>still 0 speed
Fucking HOW.

who's guessing deaths this stage?

>18 Str at lvl 10, 0 Spd+ 0 Res

His Speed growth must be

any party changes?

>Spd: 0

it's minimum 5%

Eliwood to every dark mage. I mean shit nigger, you know you fucked up when dark mages double you

Bring back lord Erk and bench Serra

Hey, at least he can now carry every weapon in the game without losing any speed. You know, his only weakness in the actual game

bench Slowood, bring back LynErk

serra hits the bench.

any other changes?

Do you not want to see his endgame? Aren't you excited for his end stats?

He'd probably be even pretty good as a tank on the right side.

Bench Slowood. Field Sain.

it's good, go for it

Oh, god, are they still trying to make this?

I do but there's a shitload of mages on this map and zero Res

>Raven had 5% Magic growth as a Monk.

Nothing of value was lost.

dead units for the record

>5% HP growth

well Rebecca wasn't half bad

dat Raven tho

>5% Speed
>10% Defense
>5% Resistance

They've been silent on it. It's probably dead.

her hp makes her worthless.

here's eliwood.

And I want to say we look at one character growth per chapter, aside from dead people. Does that seem fair?

I am okay with that.

another way for Sup Forums to interact to know more
sounds good nigga, post more

that's cool

Can't blame you for getting Eliwood killed

>That strength
>That skill
>That everything else


we saving him(female)?

Save /our girl/

he never actually smiled to begin with

of coursh!

Ayo hol up you saying you wouldn,t save this fair lady?

What, you gave up on Advance Wars too? You fucking suck at everything you do Nigger.

>impossible to get these speedwings

No Speedwing for Nigger

Not so FAST Nigger. (that pun was terrible and I'm not sorry)

you didn't bring Dart?

advance wars was basically nigger playing all by himself thinking about andy's wrench
it wasn't a "v plays"

don't get him until next chapter.

>4C actually gets paid.
>Says jack shit about it.

They're honestly worse than Comcept.

oh fuck, how is FIORA going to work?

any changes?

>inb4 dancer

Bring back the lord Kent and bench Bartre

all good

no changes


Nope we are good

no changes

everything fine, dont change anything

No changes

Sain will have a part in this. replace one of the females with him

Remove Lucius, add Kent

Bench Eliwood for Kent

alright, time to see someone's growths.

Who's it going to be?


let's see what Serra has to offer

