Explain to me how pirating a video game isn't the same as pirating a candy bar from a convenience store or pirating a...

Explain to me how pirating a video game isn't the same as pirating a candy bar from a convenience store or pirating a neighbor's car for a joyride.

It is the same though.

Piracy is stealing.

That being said, I'm not gonna stop doing it.

>alt-rightist Trumpet detected


Some strings of 0's and 1's are illegal to have on your computer unless you paid for it. Think about how stupid that is

The theft of potential income isn't a thing.

You can't steal anything people don't already have.

In that same vein, telling someone a game is bad and convincing them to not buy it would also be theft.

A random arrangement of elements is illegal to have in your house if you stole them. Think about how stupid that is

People who have to justify themselves are faggots

You can call it whatever you want, just deal with it

>Piracy steals income
If I can't pirate a game than I'm just not gonna play it. I can't steal from you what I was never going to give you.

Different dude, but you don't have to be a trump supporter (I'm not and think he's the worst thing to happen) to think pirating is morally repugnant

Theft isn't the same as copyright infringement.

Some parts of your body are illegal to have inside another human being if they are underage. Think about how stupid that is.

>Piracy steals income
No it does not. If someone pirates software or music, the chances are they would never buy said product and there is no sale lost since they never even consider spending a penny on it. Software is copied, someone downloads copy, nobody loses anything, pirate gains something.

Theft takes something from someone, a object they have bought for purpose of resale of some sort for profit in most cases. The store buys the item, spent money on item, person steals item store loses profit because item cant be sold now.

Fuck off

holy shit op, i simply can't
your crude paint picture changed my mind forever

no seriously, what are laws, you fucking retard?

I'd pirate even ur mom so I could fuck both at the same time ;)

Taking an atom and moving it from its owner to you removes the atom.

It doesn't remove the original copy, so the seller hasn't lost anything bar a sale, where the argument would be that you weren't going to buy it at the sellers price and would rather have went without, so no sale has been lost.

How much merit you give the argument is up to you.

In an age of ever increasing prices and incredibly dubious games quality and the complete DEATH of demo's, it doesn't seem that dreadful though, you can't even tell how well a game will run on your system often - I pirated CK2 before buying it because fuck buying that bloated ass game without trying it first.

I really wish companies would bring demo's back.

>Not paying for goods or services

>Piracy steals income

Piracy denies income while still experiencing the product.

>using a piece of metal to propel another piece of metal in a crowed area is illegal

Explain to me how buying a used game isn't the same as piracy when in both cases there's no income going to the publisher.

Piracy doesn't steal income. In order to prove that it does, you need to prove that a pirated copy is a lost sale, which is impossible.

>mfw i pirate fallout 4 a bunch of times and my bank account is growing since i steal the income

>> Sup Forums

Piracy and theft aren't the same thing

It's why they both have separate laws governing the fines and penalties of each crime, with variances based on the severity of the offense.

Piracy is stealing income, but not in a literal sense. If you are not paying for a good or service, they will not make any income. You are denying their income.

>chances are they would never buy said product
then they don't deserve to own it without an owner's permission

Why is Sup Forums the only board that hates piracy so much? Sup Forums shares rips, Sup Forums can only watch and read the vast majority of shit illegally, Sup Forums has weekly threads ripping all the new comics.

The only other board that comes close is /toy/s bjd thread being so anti-recasting, which is a bit of a different issue.

Because video games require a lot more work and time in order to make even a half decent game.
Pirating a game so you can "try it before you buy" is lazy entitlement.

>Why is Sup Forums the only board that hates piracy so much?
Because it gives lots of (You)s.

I am a pirate. I am a criminal, I steal games in an unjust fashion.
This is greatly convenient for me.
It also allows me to enjoy your tears of rage, buyfag.

there's income going to someone who paid for or found it

The popularity of a board is directly proportional with the amount of actual shills on it

The Nintendo Ds and Ps1 were the most pirated consoles in history, but both sold well, and their game sales broke records and made sony and nintendo rich as fuck

Name just one video game publisher that went out of business because of pirates, ill wait.

Because unlike Sup Forums, people on Sup Forums pirate shit morally and then use that to shitpost. Instead of sharing an album with the board and discussing it, piracy and emulation threads usually revolve around


Piracy is not theft.

Its still a nigger move though. But hey here we make shitposting our religion so its not like morals matter.

>they both have separate laws governing the fines and penalties of each crime
according to most of the people in this thread piracy isn't a crime so try again

the term "you are denying their income" implies that i have to give them money. I dont.

>the most pirated consoles in history
You forgot to mention years after they produced units or even games for them

>why do people look down on criminals? where is muh criminal safe space at?
in jail

I wouldn't say they hate it, id say they are divided. One side pirates, the other doesnt.

>original copy still there
>nothing physical being stolen


I can't afford the amount of video games I "steal."
It's literally like looking at a picture of the Mona Lisa because I can't afford a plane ticket to the Louvre.

SNK and Sega both had references to piracy in games made after their demise (Neogeo Battle Coliseum and Segagaga)

And you don't have to pay for a meal or pay to watch a film in theaters if you don't get caught.

Anyone know where to find a good torrent of Mass Effect 3? not piratebay because that torrent is sketch as fuck

Because fuck paying $50 for 4 dlcs for a 5 year old game. ontop of the base price of the game.

>Implying starving video game developers are Metallica-tier famous

wew lad.

Can't argue with that.

>3ds still in production.
>Literally no excuse threads encouraging piracy.

I don't know Sony's story, but Nintendo is doing just fine.

Ps1piracy was alive and well soon after release. Half the ppl i know got their console chipped. Same with the DS. I wasnt talking about nostalgic emulation.

Most emulators owned the games once upon a time anyway.

>Potential income
Its only potential until you decide to steal; then it becomes lost income.

>because a game with all its extra stuff shouldn't be full price because it happens to be a little old!

It's the only board that even has sides to the 'issue.'

>you can lose something you never had to begin with

ITT: A bunch of butthurt cucks that don't have the balls to take what they want.

What i think is stupid is how a plant that god made is illegal in the eyes of old religious people. That being said WEED LMAO

>if i like it, ill buy it honest

But this is literally okay since we dont get demos anymore and reviews lie.

I bought Dragons Dogma, EDF and Crusader Kings 2 after 'trying them'

When you copy something, someone still has the original.

>implying anyone on Sup Forums is not a beta
go back to sucking cocks anthony

Give your money to whom you want.

Don't give it to people you don't want to have it.

It's really that simple.

Pic related: It's moral fags faces talking about piracy

Guys if everyone could pirate everything everyone would have everything.

Checkmate athiests.

Because Sup Forums is a contrarian board.
I could say Reddit likes to breathe and like ten people would immediately stop.

it's like if you owned a bunch of trees and plants and i took all the oxygen and carbon dioxide out of the planet except for what was in your lungs and maybe in whatever room you're in

The criminalization and demonization of piracy is the example par excellence of the wedge capitalism drives between use value and exchange value.

Piracy only increases the amount of use value available to people by making a good more plentiful, but because it diminishes the exchange value of that good by making the socially necessary labor time necessary to produce it essentially 0, it is considered theft.

only 10? sounds unrealistic

because piracy is copying an "illegal" number. there is no loss of property.

who let the fedora near a computer?

>Acquiring digital rights for free isn't stealing anything

I don't get why its so hard to admit you guys are thieves. No one is saying you need to stop pirating, just admit you're screwing over companies that create your hobby.

If I steal a candy bar, the store now has one less candy bar to sell. If I copy a digital game, there aren't any fewer copies.


This pretty much. Even now days I pirate almost anything I haven't tried before buying. Buying tends to be convenient but I've heard bad things about say steams return policy. I have no problem buying games but if it's something newer or especially if it at some point used GFWL I make sure that shit runs first.

>he uses words i don't understand

>Sup Forums on the whole become more pro capitalist
>Sup Forums as a whole still supports piracy which is an uncaptalistic practice

>Piracy steals income
I know it's bait, but allow me to say,
>Was never gonna buy in the first place
>Pirates because can and try it
>Find it shit and delete it from computer, don't even seed it
>This is somehow taking income away from the hands of some 350 pound executive who sits in an office all day signing papers and yelling at people while his wife is out fucking dolphins

>Explain to me how pirating a video game isn't the same as pirating a candy bar from a convenience store or pirating a neighbor's car for a joyride.
there's a few hundred laws that define it as a different act

but then they would have to learn all about what responsibility is

You're not depriving them of their unit's supply. And some percentages of pirates is not even a part of potential buyers, they simply pirate because they never wanted to buy in the first place.

It's still a crime, but that's the difference

Example A

Person cannot afford [thing]
Person does not buy [thing]
Person does not have [thing]
Seller makes no money off of [thing]
Person loses interest in [thing] over time and moves on to something else. Seller is unlikely to ever profit from this person

Example B
Person cannot afford [thing]
Person makes an illegitimate copy of [thing]
Person does has a copy of [thing]
Seller makes no money off of [thing]
If [thing] become affordable to Person later, Person may purchase a legitimate [thing], at which point the seller has made additional profit

I have two copies of New Vegas and three copies of Portal 2. Go fuck yourself.

>everyone would have everything

And nobody would have anything because nobody would make anything any longer.

I like free games.

>Implying I'm an immoral coward instead of someone who works full time and can afford to support those who make video games, your past time, exist.

You should be thanking us paying customers that you even get a PC port nowadays.

The proper response is actually:

perhaps mercantile capitalism is incompatible with intangible resources such as computer programs

Copying isn't stealing.

Telling the Chinese nuclear secrets is illegal. It's just words bro.

>If [thing] become affordable to Person later, Person may purchase a legitimate [thing], at which point the seller has made additional profit
That's cute.

Just because you can't find the demos on your platforms e-store doesn't mean they don't exist.

Too bad the actual Jesus didn't have magical powers. Neither the power to generate bread or the power to be relevant to the discussion.

Everyone would make everything. Because everyone has the means to make everything.

If you actually had balls, you would take everything you wanted all time.

>stealing food at supermarket
>stealing Piss4 at shop
>raping womyn on their way to work
>stealing electricity at home
>steal everything from work

The only thing you do is copying vidya games, because the chance of getting into problems because of it is basically 0 and that's exactly why you do it.

That's because you have no balls at all.

>implying that everyone else has no morals like you do.
>And no monies.
>And thinks that people should not get paid for their work.
>And can't think a bit ahead
>favorite niche game series doesn't sell well, because losers like you
>niche game series ends
>thanks loser without balls

>what is emulation

This too, I remember when I really fucked up my leg with a PF dislocation, ended up pirating mountain blade when it came out because had no idea when I'd be able to walk again. Had so much fun I bought it after I got better.

Haha, I know that meme!

I have two copies of New Vegas and three copies of Portal 2, both of which I first pirated. Go fuck yourself.

If games were affordable there wouldn't be any need for piracy. Why do you think I buy candy bars but pirate video games, and why do you think Gabe makes millions off of Steam Sales?

There's a fallacy in that logic. If there's no way to capitalize on others since everyone can have everything, those looking to turn a profit stop producing things. People will continue to produce out of the love of their hearts and desire to simply make with no issue relating to finding the money to make it or the risk that nobody will like it and thus they'll never get to make more things due to their money sources turning them down for future projects.

Everyone knows musicians make their money from concerts, anime makes their money from figurines, and comics don't make any money. Compared to that, video games only have video games to really make any money.

Mercantile capitalism is incompatible with many things, luxury items like computer programs is not one of them.

>see a really nice chair at a yardsale
>go home and get plans off of the internet and build the chair I saw
>arrested for pirating chair

>People will continue to produce out of the love of their hearts

Starving artists was never a thing.