>Sup Forums says a game is great
>it's utter shit
Who else fell for the damn meme?
>Sup Forums says a game is great
>it's utter shit
Who else fell for the damn meme?
I believe they're called opinions, OP. You should take them with a grain of salt, and not complain about it later.
I don't know, Sup Forums has been right about a lot of things too.
I tried Dark Souls when it was catching on, but I didn't like it.
I later came back to it and it grew on me.
Now I love it.
I'm often late to the Sup Forums hype train for current and trending games but most of the time I find that Sup Forums was right in one way or another.
Sup Forums is mostly wrong about predictions, not taste.
>Sup Forums is one person
What game was it?
Your favorite game
Dragon's dogma
What a shitty game. Fuck you Sup Forums.
Witcher 3
Dark Souls
Darkest Dungeon
The list goes on and on...
I-is s-she a racist? B-but she's cute!
Dragon's Dogma
Fallout New Vegas
more of this chick
this holy fuck waht a waste of money. terrible plot
>le eric u were dead the whole time and nothing matters
fuck you Sup Forums
Dark Souls
Balder's Gate
Dark Messiah
Mount & Blade
Deus Ex
System Shock
Dead Space
Bloodborne and Neptunia
Not me, every games I've played due to Sup Forums's recommendations (Xenoblade series, Bayonetta series, Wonderful 101, etc.) were fucking great.
Witcher 1&2
Va-11 Hall-a
hate to break it to ya but those are all shit
Every single game Sup Forums ever said was great turned out to be shit, fuck you all
what games DO you like user?
it's full of sony shills what do you expect
Thanks, now I truly see that the fun I was having was fake all along!
All jrpgs v recommended me were great.
lemme guess, Hyperdimension neptunia panty quest pt3 is the greatest game ever made
Isn't that armpit hair girl?
I'm glad, stop supporting shit games now.
Most of those games on the list. Some of them a great tho, but others are complete and utter shit, which is hyped because of braindead fanbase, which either loves a rare setting, and will gobble anything if it fits their setting of choice, or belongs to the "2hurdcurr4u" kiddie club.
Everyone who bought a PS4 lol
Dark souls 2
It doesn't always happen but at least a third of these threads are often anons who haven't realized they just don't like a genre. These threads would be more productive if people would list a game of that genre they do like if three or more share a genre.
Why would you think she's a racist?
>not liking dead space
nazi symbol.
>Sup Forums
>liking games
I'm afraid I don't follow.
every RPG ever, J or W.
Why would anyone love a filthy console turd which features nothing but corridors, QTE and the most disgusting camera, interface and controls known to man?
>>Sup Forums says a game is great
>>it's utter shit
The Division, Mario 3D World and Until Dawn.
So what you're here for the story time threads?
100% Garbage Juice
I didn't realize it was there. I had it on from that jeopardy thread
Now please take your panties out of your ass and sell them to me
>What is the Witcher 3: The thread
>Last of Us
>Risk of Rain
>Binding of Issac
>For Honor
>Darkest Dungeon
>System Shock
>Deus Ex
>Monster Hunter
>Kerbal Space Program
>Any Bethesda game
>Any modern Nintendo game
>Dwarf Fortress
>Mount & Blade
>Civ 6
>Titanfall 2
The only thing you were right about was Undertale Sup Forums.
>Witcher 3
>Sup Forums harping on about how awesome Half-Life is
>Decide to give it a whirl after someone gifts it to me on Steam a few Christmases ago
>It's boring trash
Nobody mentioned Arcanum, and most importantly, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines? It killed the studio for a reason.
>red dead redemption
I haven't fallen for that since Stalker.
It was just kind of bad. Didn't feel like the game Sup Forums creamed their pants over at all.
It has a ram button for christ's sake. Did they not want to program physics damage? Did they just not give a fuck?
delete this
Fuck you Sup Forums
bad b8
but it'll get someone
Oh Jesus, I forgot the ultimate meme.
Like you!
Get got fagit!
Notice how absolutely every game that Sup Forums hypes turns out a 2deep4u grimdark serious game for serious gamurz.
It's almost like there are no adequate people here. Half are autistic Nintenyearolds, jumping on flowers for 30 years straight, and others are wasting thousands of hours on anything which has darkness, boobs, violence and immature humor.
No lie, I would let her have sex with me.
The driving was supposed to be arcade-y as shit. The game was a good medium between GTA and Yakuza around that time.
I'm sorry you can't find the fun in VTMB. must suck being you.
better than all that westcuck trash
The fuck are you talking about? Bait?
Nigger fuck off with your shit taste. Tha game was shit and shilled like crazy on Sup Forums at PC release.
4/10, made me reply.
I think is one of those games if you dont love the vibe of the game you wont get it.
I loved the feeling of driving around in the rain so much i could overlook nearly all other mistakes.
>Met Expectations Tier:
Barkley's Shut Up and Jam Gaiden
>Really Good but Overhyped Tier:
Dark Souls
Red Dead Redepmtion
>Aight Tier:
SMT Apocalypse
Monster Hunter 4
Mass Effect 2
>The Fuck is this?:
Deadly Premonition
Bravely Default
Mad nigger. At least put bait on your hook.
Fallout New Vegas
Just fuck off, it's the exact same garbage as Fallout 3 but slightly less popular so you guys eat that shit right up.
>Dead Space
Having fun doesn't equal a high quality game. Fun is subjective, it's a buzzword with no meaning.
I've seen a lot of pictures of this girl but I avoid Sup Forums autism, background?
you're really fucking stupid, seriously. you are.
just look up the swastika and all of its uses prior to Nazism.
god damn you're dumb.
Oh, there we go again. It's like when someone points out that a dude is a queer if he wears something with rainbow, and he gets mad saying that rainbows have nothing to do with LGBT.
>even ironically hating on dustforce
EYE Divine Cybermancy
Call of Cthulhu
FTL: Faster than Light
Risk of Rain
I mean usually it's alright, but every so often a bunch of people lose their shit over absolute shit.
What's wrong with FTL except it's difficulty?
The Nazi symbol was edited in by Sup Forums. She's not racist, she's a hardcore liberal feminist. There's video online of her protesting Trump's inauguration (I may or may not have spelled that right) with her friends.
She basically became the temporary princess of Sup Forums. No one really memes her that much anymore.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
Whew. Now I know she can be my waifu.
It's boring. It's not much of a game, you're just figuring out how to rig the dice.
Sure, once you figure out how, you'll always win, but even then it's easily the least engaging of any roguelike I've played.
She's antifa
>Sup Forums says a game is complete garbage and stupid and the franchise is ruined forever.
>It's actually funny and interesting game.
Fall out new vegas
Deus ex
Planescape torment
Fall out 1/2
Ace combat
Any zelda game
Half life 2
Barneys hide and seek adventure
Fire emblem
Smash bros melee
Theres seriously so fucking many, this board has absolute shit taste in video games, and just about everything else
as far as I'm concerned, rainbows weren't really ever associated with anyone else besides maybe hippies.
I don't even get the point you're trying to make, and clearly you replied without first looking up the history of the swastika.
you're really, really dumb.
>t. I only play the finest of VN's
First time on Sup Forums. Also, last time on Sup Forums. Such whiny, entitled faggots.
*laughs* whatever you say. My favorite game is captain america super soldier btw
>believing a swastika can mean anything other than nazism in a post nazi world
next you'll tell me that gay actually means happy because they used to mean it that way a long time ago
Morrowind fucking blows
>Planescape torment
>shmorky gif
And the general consensus has always been that Planescape is a terrible game with great dialogue.
>wtf is ashmorky
Yeah. The gameplay is shit, but that dialogue is really great. Talking Sim 1999 is fun for what it is.
Hated Fallout 3 so I tried Vegas with Sup Forums's advice
Literally the same shit
your post means so little sense, I'm pretty sure you're trolling. bye
quite literally isn't if you look at nothing but the combat