ITT: Shit levels in vidya

ITT: Shit levels in vidya

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I bet you're such a pleb you needed the ship to get all the red coins

you're mom

Thinly veiled pannenkoek thread

You need to kill yourself right this instant.

canonically, Jooly roger is one of the most interesting ones

and the underwater cave is one of the most comfy place in the game

It requires way too many A presses.

I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this but Tiny Huge Island. Tiny is so claustrophobic and Huge is just vast expanses of nothing.

dinoland was terrible

This is actually one of the best levels in the game. I like the musical progression. You have the theme without strings on the sand. Then, when you get in the water, the strings come in. Then, when you swim down to the cave and walk on land again, the drums kick in. The musical variations in the theme were just made for this level.

Plus, the atmosphere is serene, a foggy, enclosed bay.


i'm betting that pic was unintentional and they forgot to add the changes to the other versions of the map or somethin

that's a neat easter egg though, if you would have asked me to remember I would have said the mist was there all the time

but it's a water level
it automatically makes it shit

I agree, I think that Tiny Huge Island is easily the worst level in the game. Going around the island is so tedious

Pic related and Grunty Industries from Banjo Tooie. Both feel miserable and the gameplay is boring.



>they forgot to add the changes to the other versions of the map or somethin
literally says the fog isn't there even if you go back to the first star

That's not Rainbow Ride or Dire Dire Docks.

Jolly Roger is the most aesthetic level in this game

You posted the wrong water level, OP.

Best water level coming through.

>Grunty Industries

Makes me drop the game every time.

The most likely case is that they realized that having the ship be afloat AND have fog caused frame drops, so they removed the fog after getting the star that brings the ship afloat.

the bug is most likely the fog not coming back if you replay the sunken ship stage

also the best gay bar in N64 games

One of the few water levels done right.

endless, repetitive corridors

Better song

Huh, I always liked Grunty Industries. Music was cool. Guess I can see why you would feel that way, it's an ugly level.

They're both shit for the same reason
>long part where you're just swimming downwards/upwards with nothing interesting along the way
>because of this both levels are split into two small uninteresting sections each

The worst level in the game. Very little platforming and lots of tedious swimming. At least Rainbow Ride had that cool house in the sky and the big maze.

It wouldn't be that bad if it didn't last like 80 years.

I like how you do this part as Vegeta.

Tick Tock Clock is way worse

Nah this level is pure cancer

>not TTC


If we're talking Mario 64 levels, I nominate Bottomless pits the stage

>Not this piece of shit level

Here's another shit water level that also has an amazing track.
>muh atmosphere
that doesn't mean it's not a shit level
You can say the same about most of the game though.

It just felt so tedious having to go back and forth between the floors. And everything looking the same made navigation a pain. I actually like the industrial decay but that atmosphere combined with the monotonous gameplay made it feel like a slog. I usually just skip the level. (actually when I first played the game as a kid I couldn't figure out how to enter the place, the thought of taking the train didn't even cross my mind.)

Yeah but vegeta would've just fucked up the dino.

What is this?

>Dick and balls cummin/urinating?
>Ass taking a shit?
>Ass taking in a dick?
>Ass expelling a dildo?

Replay Banjo Kazooie as an adult and you pick up on a ridiculous amount of sexual innuendo.

I think you mean "Previously Unused Assets: The Level"

Fuck yes, favorite Banjo Tooie level hands down, it's just such a comfy, inviting atmosphere.

Only thing I'd change is make the village slightly bigger with more to explore and make the water section slightly smaller.

Actual shit level coming through.

>i dont rate TTC


Just because you go down a toilet for a Jiggy doesn't mean it's a shit level.


kill yourself

I've always wondered what it was that made this level so off putting.

I think it's the fact that it's a city/village environment that's completely devoid of inhabitants and everything that IS there is trying to kill you, makes it all feel very oppressive and gloomy. I think it's why I had trouble staying in the amusement park in Tooie for a while too, same idea, though that one is much more intentional.

I also think that's why I have such fond memories of Sunshine. Every level manages to feel alive and inhabited.

I remember that level. It was one of the few Spyro one levels I hated.


It takes too many A presses, even with spawning displacement

More like "lets take what should be a single star secret world and stretch it into an unbearable slog"

i love fetch quests

It's hard to be good when they already got a perfect snow level way earlier in the game.

Same thing with the wing cap level. When you get access to it, the entire first room of the castle is lit up by a giant light. Looking up at it takes you to the wing cap level. Eventually the light goes away forever, but you can always go to the level. Always annoyed by it, and as a kid I feared that my copy of the game was defective somehow.


it's the only level to feature 2 of the worst spyro enemies
and it also looks like shit, which is not usual for spyro

The fact that Bowser's sub leaves Dire Dire Docks permanently after you beat the first stage is annoying.

Replaying through Donkey Kong 64 makes me realize every level is this.

It all feels like scrapped Banjo Kazooie worlds.

>want to replay TTYD
>get here

Anything past Dead Simple on Doom II

>everybody says SM64 and Banjo Kazooie/Tooie are 10/10 games
>everybody thinks of multiple levels of these games when they think of shit levels in vidya
Which is it guys

Isn't Fungi Forest literally a cut BK level?

>JRB and DDD are absolute shit
>has the best soundtrack in the game by far
Great job Memeamoto. Great fucking job.

Also Dire Dire Docks is way worse.

>Tricks and Traps

Yeah, in regards to Wet Dry World I agree that it felt really unsettling. The background, which as you say looked like a city devoid of life, combined with the discordant bright color palette made it seem like some nightmare scenario.


The last level of Super Mario 64 that had a bunch of stars. You are supposed to explore the entire level, but because it takes place in the sky, you only have a few routes to platform through instead of being able to run or swim anywhere.

would cutting content make game better?


there meant to be chill

>annoying as fuck to play when you're in a rush and want to get to stuff you remember liking
It's definitely the latter.

ID Games tried to do too much with the limited game engine. Thank god they eventually made Quake.



Apparently yes.

It amazes how much I managed to entertain myself on that game as a kid, it's such a tedious slog now, every single thing has 4 more steps in it than it should.

whats your favorite sound bite?

It's also the only level with a female dragon statue

Judging from the thread, most of the more hated SM64 levels are more linear or (or small in DDD's case). The reason I dislike Rainbow Ride is because you have to wait so much, you go the same route whenever you start the stage and it's very easy to fall and have to start all over.

Take it back, motherfucker. TAKE THAT BACK.

This. If there were ever a level that needed a wing cap, Rainbow Road is the one. I get why it isn't there, but it seems silly now that it wasn't included.

>if you're too low level or dont have enough items to beat the smorgs you have to reset and do the whole fucking train again


The only part of this that I dislike is the filler in the middle where you have to go into the factory type place. The rest is amazing.

Fuck I wanna replay this game now, fuck you Nintendo and never releasing a GameCube greatest hits remaster. Probably because you're afraid everyone will realize how shit your games now are compared.

Control, in Goldeneye. All because of this part.

Behold pure autism.

In some cases, yes it absolutely would.

I played through this game a million times and never had any problem. It came out when I was like 8 so can't imagine anybody with a normal iq having a problem either

Maybe the Switch Virtual Console when it comes out will have.

It's a far shittier version of Big Boo's Mansion that they decided to throw the color green everywhere for no reason. It also isn't fun to play through, and the platforming in it sucks dick compared to every single other level. Also the music is forgettable.

Pic related is a far superior level.

Nah it's not the linearity. It's the swimming and the waiting as you said. The Bowser levels were some of the best in the game in my opinion and those were linear.

It relied on the novelty of being 3D

God fucking damn I love this game.

As difficult as this stage was for me in younger years, even then I could appreciate the challenge.

You're still wrong about the mansion stage though.

Why arn't platforms a big thing any more?

You are right. Wing cap would have completed this level. Without the wing cap, this level feels incomplete.