>Video games companies treat women with sex appeal as something really shameful

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I like the stretching shirt better

I like the right more anyways.

After is actually sexier.

t. cucks

those boobs are too big


Nope, you are just too gay.

>those tits


In the after image she isn't really wearing anything.

>giving a shit
uncuck your head man


>Japanese devs self censor their game and make a thong into panties.

>Said they did it preemptively for western markets

>Japan goes ape.

Maybe if the Japanese players didn't didn't abandon console gaming for mobile then the west would have so much sway. Just saying.

Shit like self-censoring happens from NES era. Even after Mortal Kombat era, companies kept doing that to sell to a wider audience. Just saying.

>japanese dragon
Thoroughly deserved for having such shit design.

>after moding

That kid must have the world's biggest boner.

Well gee you'd think it'd make more sense to edit the same screenshot rather than using a different one.

I'm talking in context with the scene, she explicitly said that the less revealing bikini were just her scales.

she sounds like a granny

if it was after localization her tits would be smaller and she'd be spouting memes

So what is she, a deer or somethin?


>stop watching anime
>see pictures of this new shit coming out
>it has everything I liked
>SoL shit
>no annoying beta males
>thicc loli
>thicc Milf monstergirl, literally my fetish

She's a serpent.
Check the wikipedia page.

Going by the manga what the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl would look like if it was human.

That's only the beginning of it.

She is Mexican

Not even memeing, I want to try and watch this anime...
but those fucking horns look so goddamn trash, its like they didn't even try at all.
I'm into cowgirls, succubi, and any anime bitches with horns, but they seriously disgraced my fetish with this shit.
Assuming the writing and animation is just as bad as any other softcore porn anime, its probably not even worth my time. Real shame too! I probably would have loved it if they had cool horns.

Maybe if you knew anything about what they're based on you'd understand.

Manga ramps it up by ten.

You can thank the betas and feminists for attacking video game companies over "sexist" body image.


I've never seen two characters so blatantly designed around fans making doujins of the two in my life.

Who are you quoting?

This looks entertaining.

Enlighten me you egomaniac.

tfw you will never be Shouta

>hurr durr spats/stretch/feathers is actually more sexier durrr i'm not mad at all because they censored it because im such a cuck

I watched it on a whim, 2 ep yesterday, rest of what's out now today.
It's actually pretty decent for slice of life bullshit.

Isn't she that one Aztec God that DOESN'T need fresh blood everyday?

I only like huge tits when they're compressed in tight shirts that cover a lot. Fight on, user



I've come to the conclusion that the standard anime is ruined by having the main characters being a mix of males and females.
The ones that don't mix tend to have much more focus in their core material.


>sex appeal
You meant soft porn.

The fuck are you talking about? The literal clothes she's wearing isn't clothes? It's scales? How does that work when the before image shows skin where the "scales" would be?

Which European country is the third one from?

obviously the slav version is the best version

Second from right should be Europe.

Get cancer and die with that meme

Too lewd

Yeah, but that doesn't stop her from gnawing on people. Besides, she ruled over the Aztecs until Cortes came to conquer the Aztecs.

>Showing some skin
>Soft porn
Even went to a beach?

Based poccna

Lurk more.

Did they change the data slate to a bible in the USA one? That's pretty good.


I want to hold hands with this Mexican woman

Of all things i hate, one of them had to be the flavor of the month that drives the autists here nuts.

I'm aware that what people are saying but their jack shit about this dude having those weird ass horns.

I think it's the first loli I've seen with that body type. They usually all look like the same skelly shit with big head. Are we finally reaching a new age of fanservice? Is the THICC taking over the anime industry?

It does say "Europe"

dragon loli is only a kid by appearance, is a lot older than any human living in that world.
the other girl didn't know what was about to happen

You want some thicc loli?

Yes bro because the original really screams "Retarded half-hoop horns"


Did you?

Tell us about all the 12yo girls with gigantic breasts and tiny bikinis for their size.

>it's a loli is 50000000 niggrillion years old episode

All the other dragons are at least 3 times that age.


It's depressing that my firefox addon for exhentai just stopped working out of the blue.


She's a literal child by dragon standards, though we don't know her actual age.


The serpent but don't really see horns.

What about Xipe Totec?

this is a mexican dragon

>the desolusional retard

>she eats people
Explains her fat tits.


fucking retarded nigger
just login

Like they didnt do whatever crossed their minds with the design


Quetzalcoatl is the only true god of the sky, only the four titans from above have power over him.

Does this looks like a 12 years old girl?

And yes, I have seen many teenage girls with revealing swimsuits. Unless you live at Sweden where things like that are absolute haram.

Let's give this sadis-dick sun god a taste of his own [META[META]]cine, man!

Quetzalcoatl Magic.

Xavier the Renegade angel?

Yep, that's definitely what Mexicans look like. Never change Japan.


>no annoying beta males

But they're the best part of this show.

I'll take this over what Mexicans actually look like.

nah he's a fag and doesn't even want to rub the THICC SPICC

Why did you remind me off that user?

pretty sure regardless of being a child by dragon standards, they get to know a lot of things

>temptress loli

You're posting the right things to me.


Because, like Eurobeat, it is the greatest thing to have ever been conceived by man.

who's the one in the suit.

Nope, doesn't work.