What do you think of the beta?
Ghost Recon
Worse than i could have imagined.
Shitty MGSV in Stealth
Shitty TPS in Action
Honestly not sure what it has going for it other than Multiplayer. Graphics weren't great, car handling is laughable, map is dull, overall feels a bit clunky. Also carries the Ghost Recon name for no reason
Roomate is running a 680 and it runs like fucking garbage, on lowest settings its using up 100% of his vram, im running a 1070 i7 build and its not even using 25% vram.
The guns are terribly modelled and they look like plastic toys. The AI is garbage and driving is terrible.
I'm on 580 on the lowest settings, running just fine, (If pushing 25FPS is your thing) but everything looks like ass.
25fps is unplayable
it's meh.
>Shilling your youtube channel
fuck off
nigga I just made a clip and thought it was funny
It wasn't.
it's pretty fucking horrible, seriously, it's really bad.
the game runs smooth but you feel lag when driving, it just rubber bands all over the place while driving, and to help that the driving physics are the worst i've seen in an open world game.
never forget the ubisoft motto: Lots of potential, always fail to deliver.
>Trying to fly the Helicopters
Holy what the flying fuck
alright then, I was laughing my ass off after I did it and the guy sent me a message about being pissed off
Played five minutes of it.
Walked up to the first camp and wiped them out.
no one cares
stop replying to me then ;^)
They made Far Cry 4 in third person but somehow even less fun
the cars are to slow desu
Not gonna buy it. Maybe on sale. It's basically GTA V+MGS V+ Far Cry 4 had a gangbang while Arma 3 is tied up in the corner and forced to watch. But somehow nowhere near as good as any single one of those games.
Pretty much every single thing about it is somehow disappointing. Like you get an attack helicopter! Fucking badass time to go light up a base and support my squad-mate from the air!
Except you can't aim at all and the helicopter handling is so terrible the guns are useless except as noisemakers.
Shitloads of guns and customization! But you're gonna have to play the game for an infinite amount of time to unlock the ones you want.
Loads of gear and tactics! Which all boils down to tag all your enemies so you can see exactly where they are, abuse their line of sight to kill the retards, rinse and repeat.
4 player coop! Part I was most excited about. Honestly doesn't seem to add much to the game, super unfortunate.
All I wanted was a casual alternative to Arma because my friends won't play it. But this just seems kinda dull. Which coming from an Arma player who's used to walking for 30 minutes, shooting twice, then waiting ten minutes for the extraction helicopter to get there...has to be pretty dull to disappoint me. Zero adrenaline rush.
>What do you think of the beta?
What the fuck is this shit ? How many years has it been in development ?
This game is like weed : it's makes me laugh for no good reasons.
I got to make my guy look like Matius from Mercenaries
Never has bugs/glitches/goofyness of a game pissed me off, but this is the first. I wanted to explore the map and handle side missions before I jumped in with other players. I failed every single side mission more than once because of the retarded A.I. teammates, enemies dying but still running in place or shooting. And trying to line up a shot by leading a moving target with silky smooth 24 fps (Yes PS4...) is the gayest thing ever.
It wouldn't have hurt to just use Future Soldier or Advance Warfighter as the base for Wildlands. The Division has more tactical movement than this.
>I failed every single side mission more than once because of the retarded A.I. teammates
user you don't even have to use them. Hell, the only thing I knew they could do is the sync shot, how did they literally make you fail every mission?
What were even doing?
I'm actually enjoying it. It's better than far cry 4 and I enjoy the tactical approach to each mission. The only things I hate is my teammates and helicopters suck ass. I can see how people hate it but it's still a decent game.
It tries to be GTA 5 Online but fails horribly in every aspect.
They would "kill" an enemy, but sometimes the enemies will still run around firing. I fired back, but bullets pass through them with no hit marker. Its a good thing I was recording this though. I have 6 videos to upload to youtube, and then I need to trim the videos so I can tweet it to ubisoft.
The rebel guy sounds like John Redcorn (it might even be the same guy), and I can't get over that. Especially with how he keeps talking about "our people"
put some on youtube and give us a link lol
>Get into a firefight
>Take a hit
Honestly that's the only positive, the customization is nice.
Everything else is shoddy.
Are you retarded?
Ubisoft really try their hardest to be hip and trendy but they seem to fail literally every time.
If it's anything like the closed beta, it's just so incredibly average at everything. Combine that with the fact that it is an amalgamation of every other Ubisoft open world game sans towers, it ends up not being an interesting to explore world because the only reason to go any where is resources/ upgrades.
I'd have an opinion if it wouldn't break or freeze every 5 minutes I try to play
I haven't played MGS V, this makes me want to play this or a different stealth game.
It runs like shit. It's GTA Recon. I suppose they wanted to combine MGSV and GTA but fuck me if it didn't turn to shit by making it all play like a Far Cry game.
I didn't think that Ubisoft could make an ok TPS into a shit TPS. Thank god that I wasn't expecting anything
no idea what this is, but assume it's black ops shit. why the fuck do black ops always have the "lol i'm dressed so fucking casual cuz i'm so pro i don't need gear" look?
the idea is that they're some sort of behind enemy lines undercover anti drug unit
or something, i honestly don't know what the fuck ubisoft is doing with the clancyverse anymore
looks alright, reminds me of the original Rainbow 6 ghost
fun with friends
absolute horseshit playing singleplayer, companion ai is beyond salvation, it's complete fucking garbage
huge map
bad hombres
it actually looks like a lot of fun!
It runs so poorly on my PC, it's riddled with bugs and the gunplay is abysmal. I wish they would just let Tom Clancy rest in peace, he's rolling over in his grave with this fucking garbage games boobisoft has been making.
It says right there "Some items appear translucent to allow you to see under them."
Why act like a feature is something broke?
wonder if the console release was their priority
Yes, that's exactly why. Special operators love looking as outside the norm as possible to show off how elite they are.
As for black ops, issuing uniforms to soldiers on unofficial operations is really stupid.
Because that's how real SF dress. Specifically because they can. Everyone else has to wear uniforms. When you're the one guy wearing business casual while everyone else is in multicam, they know who the badass is.
Play it then get back to me.
Because I thought it'd be fucking badass and I'm stuck at...well, it's ok. It has everything that should make it amazing, but it isn't.
Abysmally average.
Only thing it's good for is blowing up shit with friends - which works only because there's nothing really directly like this on the market
That's a PSD. When they do real shit, they dress appropriately.
Devs think differently.
>Choose the gear that suits you best: pick a mercenary look to blend in with the Bolivian environment or go with all-military attire if you think that’s how spec ops should dress.
Pros: Nice variety of backpacks for character customization.
Cons: Teammates don't react to being shot or your grenades at all.
I uninstalled after 30 seconds.
He's in casual clothing because he's not in action
You're a funny guy
but still I had to disable crossfire because the game doesn't have support yet even though it's releasing in two weeks.
The game crashes if I try to turn off the radio.
I still haven't even begun driving because it crashes.
Having a blast playing with my brother.
>Fighting to destroy mortar installatioins
>Get caught
>Attack chopper magics itself into existence right above me and starts mowing down my team
>Destroy it
>Another magics itself in right above where it crashed
>Take cover in a tunnel
>A mortar shell goes through the cliffside above me and hits me
>Go to leave
>A truck with a guy manning a minigun on top spawns in the tunnel I just left and guns me down from behind
Game's garbage. Whoever thought it would be a good idea to just spawn infinite reinforcements wherever the player happens to not be looking at any given time is retarded. I've looked away for a split second only to look back and see two cars parked six feet away from me with an attack chopper overhead. Shit's real stupid.
One of the worst betas I've ever played. Horrible controls, no weight to combat, vehicle control is terrible.
There is not a single thing this game does even remotely as good as any other game. I'm usually extremely forgiving of games, as long as I can find some fun in them, but this game is pure garbage. It really really is.
Damn this game is bad.
this kek
what a flop, not that I expected anything else.
Where do I find the ubisoft club crap? Says it should be in the game but I don't see it.
show us
>that opening video
>promise of huge zones of tons of content
>everything is drive here
>the driving sucks ass
>shoot guys
>the shooting is fucking horrible
>press to E to upgrade/grab gun/get supplies
>Crates of ammo at every turn
>hidden collectables that aren't entertaining to collect
It's stale, its generic, it barely works, and isn't fun. A game no one asked for, and it will be a game no one wants. the fun I had playing it was derived from laughing at how terrible it was.
Ubi you've done it again. An expensive looking piece of hot trash. How do you manage to do it so consistently?
How have they not gone bankrupt? Who keeps buying these games?
This game is a chore to play.
>that opening video
"It's a game for gamers, by gamers My name is chad, and I'll see you in the battlefield ghosts"
That poor guy may as well have been a robot or a cartoon.
The more I've played it, the less I want to.
I almost feel bad for those guys. Pour years into a piece of shit like this.
Game feels like a poor man's MGS5 with a little bit of Just Cause and older Tom Clancy games, minus the good gunplay and silent attacking. This game is just not fun. I wonder at what point do they sit down and try their own game and realize "this sucks." Or is ubisoft that delusional that they actually enjoy playing these games?
well i'd assume that sometimes you'll be fighting an enemy who doesn't know what you look like, and thus dressing like an american soldier isn't a good idea.
other times you'll be doing covert ops, so you won't want people to know that american soldiers are operating in the area.
I have a gtx 1080 and 6700k, why am I getting like 30 fps on max settings 1080p?
You must be if you think the Heli controls are even remotely considered passable for a triple A game.
Released drone
Spot everyone
Rinse, repeat
>Run to the big lake
>Plan on riding around on a jetski or something
>No boats
>guess I'll swim to the middle so it gets marked as having been discovered
>Run on in
>And run
>and run
>You don't swim in it at all
>It's a giant waist high puddle
>When I reach the discovery point I'm told it's a giant salt lake
What the fuck is this?
Ghost Recon: Buglands
It is like Ghost Recon and Farcry had a retarded baby.
Pick one friendo
Can't do open world things that Grand Theft Auto III managed to do years ago in the PS2 era.
How is this game like 2 weeks away from release?
Had fun remaking Valkyrie, but that's about it. Maybe they'll fix it in a year or so and I'll pick it up off a key site and play with friends.
Genius level AI
I keked at that comment
a far cry game has more way freedom compared to this garbage
bravo ubisoft
mgsv is super cheap by now I bet.
galaxies ahead of this trash. no coop though
You can buy MGSV on G2A for like $10.
Terrible dialogue and voice over quality (Not OG RE1 bad, but still bad) Horrendous vehicle physics and vehicle controls (especially aircraft). Way-off-the-mark on gun sounds. Uninspired GTA style wanted levels that spawn enemy reinforcements like GTA V spawns cops on you. Weak cover system that uses the magnetized shit that terrible games like Kane & Lynch: Dead Men used. Shoulder switches when you don't want it to. Forced input response lag (like The Division) makes vehicle handling even that much more obnoxious (bye-bye innocent villagers attempting to walk along the roadside). Fairly dumb enemy AI makes taking out a whole enemy base fairly easy until the GTA wanted level enemies start spawning in, including chopper after chopper.
It's a completely uninspired mess that needed another year of development time for the rookie studio to work out some weighty kinks. They did not listen to a word of player feedback from the closed beta. This thing is rushing to retail no matter what. Do not buy this trash.
>can't just kill people driving around without getting mission failed
why did they try to make this game no fun?
MGSV is pretty much this but with really good optimization and maybe some of the most satisfying controls i've ever tried.
Everything from the animations to the responsiveness works perfectly.
It's the best operator simulator for me, if you are not willing to go full autism and get into ArmA 3.
>tfw having to suppress GTA thoughts
I had more fun customizing my operative than actually playing the brain dead game. The driving sucks shit as well.
the customization is pretty cool, everything else feels so fucking bad. also this game runs fuckin' dogshit on PC.
I dont get how people cant run this game
3550i CPU
8gb ram
480 4GB
and it runs flawlessly
and experimentation.
the world in mgsv is barren but once you find an outpost, you can go crazy and experiment however you want, unlike this game.
OP here
should I get it
I agree with many of you criticisms, and It's an okay game at best
But my friend REALLY loves it, and wants me to buy it
wat do
>What the fuck is this?
A giant salt lake.
Tell your friend if he loves it so much to either buy it for you or go fuck himself
>cant manually switch sides
970 with an i7
Game ran like absolute shit, was shockingly bad
even my xbone runs it WTH!!