Are we actually in the beginning stages of another great video game crash without being aware of it?
It would explain why everything is so SHIT.
Are we actually in the beginning stages of another great video game crash without being aware of it?
It would explain why everything is so SHIT.
Games are still good. People care more about games being hyped than playing games they think look interesting.
marketers are too smart to allow "crashes" these days
>Starting thread with alien pic
Stop posting to Sup Forums for a few months, suddenly every game magically gets better when there isn't 4 months of circlejerking hype followed by 8 months of dissappointed shitposting.
Good games show up, are good, and leave after their welcome is done. Bad games fade into the background.
people have been saying this for like 5 years now. Video games are no longer the cottage industry they were in the 80s. a crash like that is probably impossible now.
>everything is so SHIT
Only nintendo seems to be shit these days
>It would explain why everything is so SHIT.
Because you're a joyless fucking cunt who spends all his time shit posting on Sup Forums and visiting shit hole websites like neogaf which ruin the fun of gaming for everyone.
It's not just Sup Forums. It's gamefags, it's neofags, it's Fakebook.
Gamers are all fucking miserable cunts.
Don't you want to pay 60$ to play a game from 2010 with more polygons?
maybe for you guys, but for people who started playing games way before gen 7, everything looks like shit. Im sorry if you grew up eating shit.
It's getting there. Instead of everyone putting so much faith in the power of marketing to get people to buy crap, the big studios are putting faith in the power of social justice to get feminists to buy crap.
It will work about the same way. Companies that are stupid as Atari was will die like Atari did, and Japan will just keep doing their own thing and earning their license to print more money as always.
>work 10 hours a day
>finally go home and relax
>post for 5 minutes on Sup Forums
>go to look at game library
>nothing looks appealing
>spend hours going through store queue on Steam
>almost everything is varying degrees of SHIT
>anything of interest is Early Access
The more likely situation is that you don't like games anymore. I'm sure for the most part you play older games you grew up with. That's ok, there are plenty people like you who just grow out of games and the only ones they can stand are the ones they grew up with. There's plenty great games still coming out these days, even if you hate them and don't get why people like them, they're still here and they're still coming out.
It's so weird how many people don't get this. They're like incapable of realizing that as you grow older you start to hate newer shit and hold onto old shit. I figure it's because most people's childhoods are more enjoyable than adulthood. And by childhood I mean even shit like college days, those usually seem better than adult life even if you don't accept that.
Tl;Dr OP, just like alot of people on Sup Forums are growing out of the hobby and can only stand shit from when they were younger.
>Are we actually in the beginning stages of another great video game crash without being aware of it?
What a self-defeating statement.
>another great video game crash
Wow a literal retard doesn't know why this shit happened and why it can't happen now.
Sounds like you've played enough games to reach the next level.
Congratulations! Only the most novel ideas will now penetrate your tastes - and for how long?
Might be time to go back through ealier generations; or take a break entirely; try some creative pursuits.
If you spend enough time away you'll drink deep even the most foul shit and it'll be sweet.
It's too late for another crash. You're here forever.
I never understand why people don't develop cheaper gameplay intensive games with older engines. This triple A schlock costs too much to make to try anything risky.
>PC gaming
found the problem
Games have been shit for 22 years now, so I don't see why you think a crash is still coming.
gosh I wonder if you've heard of this newfangled thing they've got these days, it's called "indie games" and they're games developed on the cheap! They don't have the big budget of a AAA game, but some of them are still pretty good! You should check them out!
It's not that all games that are coming out these days are BAD, it's just that the decent ones are only entertaining for a month at most. None of them have the staying power most of the staples from years ago did.
>video games are considered a fad by the general public and held together by the rugged, collapsible reins of Atari
>video games are an established cultural institution and the industry makes billions upon billions upon billions of dollars even on its worst day.
Your post is a catastrophic expulsion of ignorance and you should feel ashamed of yourself for even giving it a serious consideration.
you mean like that famous, legendary game Super Mario 64? Months of gameplay on that one, yup.
Or how about Metal Gear Solid? Almost 12 hours of gameplay on that bad boy!
>world is on verge of war and global economic collapse
"guys..are we expierencing VIDYA GAEM CRASH LIKE IN DUH 1970S ???"
But Nintendo had nothing to do with Fallout 4 or Horizon: Zero Dawn.
fucking this. God, you people are stupid some times. Learn to separate your own personal opinions from objective analysis of an industry and its trends.
Well, given that souls series games are praised to high heaven despite unironically being worse than E.T., I'd have to say that the answer, sadly, is "no". Videogames are simply dead.
>nintendo is shit
>nintendo didn't make those games
That means those games are not shit obviously.
Just like in the 70s with the Cold War.
I was in the middle of writing an essay basically explaining the same points, but then I found this post.
Well done, user.
I dunno, since January we've seen the releases of Gravity Rush 2, Resident Evil 7, Nioh, and Yakuza 0 with Nier Automata, Breath of the Wild, and Persona 5 on the horizon. Personally I'm also feeling A Rose In The Twilight in April and Ys VIII in the fall. This year's already fast shaping up to be my favorite since 2007.
Then make a game
but those are all shit
>Its a "I read the wiki article on the great video game crash so I think its going to happen again" post.
Did any here read Spielberg paper about the Film crash?
Long story in short: Long time ago we have just 1 film at year like Jaws, then we have 5, by 90s we had 10 importan films at year... right now, in 2017 we have like 50 big films. What this means? there is not enough space for each big film to cover the budget, each one will have a week or so, and 2018 scenary will be worst. 2016 was full of big films that failed.
The same is happening right now to videogames. Not enough space for each game. Did you notice how your backlog is bigger and bigger? The crash is happening, not now, just in a couple of years because the market is too big and greedy.
The industry has been slowly crashing since the introduction of mobile phone games
Moms and dads aren't going to buy a $400 Nintendo for Timmy to play with anymore, they'll just let them play shovelware on their phone
Exactly. Plus the diversification of genres with new technology ensures that limbs may fall but the whole gaming market is strong as a whole. I think there will be a crash in the VR market it seems vastly over inflated for what has been delivered.
I fear for the effects raising kids with their faces shoved into phones and tablets all day will have
I dunno about a VR crash, maybe if they can bring the barrier of entry down considerably between cost and specs quickly enough. As it stands now it's squarely in enthusiast territory but maybe in time it'll go the way of the HDTV, just the sort of standard issue, relatively inexpensive tech you'd expect to see nowadays.
90% of them will grow out of it and lead normal, healthy adult lives, albeit in a different societal and technological context. Same reason why a lot of kids glued to their consoles back in the 70s and 80s ended up as decently well-adjusted people.
I'm in the same boat. I find maybe 2-3 games a year that really really suck me in. Really sucks.
I think he's referring to most AAA studios that spend most their (non marketing) budget on graphics.
post it
Probably no different than the kids who had their faces shoved in TVs and comic books.
This. You're just a bunch of contrarian hipster faggots
Yes and no
The 83 video game crash was only a hand full of American companies going down and only effected North America.
It's possible that Microsoft and Nintendo could drop out of consoles soon giving Sony a monopoly with the PlayStation for a while.
Victory based decadence could lead to Sony going under.
After that though companies like EA and Ubisoft could just move to PC/smartphones
So play older games. If you also think they're bad then it's a problem with you, not the games.