I'm sorry, Tribes players. You warned us but we were too busy looking toward the future to see the wisdom of the past

I'm sorry, Tribes players. You warned us but we were too busy looking toward the future to see the wisdom of the past.

t. Paladins player

Other urls found in this thread:


I really don't understand why they decided to fuck up their game so bad when it was doing so well.

>need a gold sink
>rather then just up the price on cards and bit and release some good costumes to buy you fuck up the entire game and make it borderline P2W

what happened?


Basically they locked cards that change champions a lot behind a pay wall unless you want to grind forever. There are pro players with 1000+ hours in the game and they can't even get all the cards they need without spending money.

They're genuine criminals over there at Hi-Rez


You know, call me crazy, but if I can pay 2 roflstomp everyone I'm tempted to do it now. But I'm afraid the population is going to decrease if they can't be competitive anymore as plebs.

The game may have a lot of players but the majority of them are 3rd worldiers and don't pay a single cent. It's obvious that hi rez is willing to lose some of the f2p in order to milk the whales.

>Esports manager got shit on so hard for his lazy damage control he dropped all pretenses and is revealing his jewish powerlevel

Lol hi-rez always fuck up their games.

I want Maeve to purr into my ears!

Damn son. Hi-rez just doesn't learn.

now we just wait for Overwatch to die
then battleborn goes F2P and becomes the one true TF2

back to the general with you heathen

I just hope the game doesn't totally die. It's pretty fun bar the grind and the VAs are all really nice.


>he fell for the hi-Rez meme again
You must pretty slow

they have a really good thing going with smite. I dunno why they decided to go full jewmode with paladins tho.

it's alive on consoles

>good thing with going with smite

i would rather them add the most cancer skins ever rather then lock game changing mechanics behind a mighty grind/pay wall.

>VAs are all really nice

If that's the worst thing in the game, it's pretty good.

Why pay2win in paladins when you can just buy overwatch instead?

And I'm not shilling OW, just saying it's stupid to spend on microtransactions instead of just buying a full game with no restrictions that you own forever.

>Prettyhair takes the "vanilla challenge" to play as level 0 account
>account is actually months old

really makes you think

Because it was just fine about 3 days ago; some balance issues here and there, then OB44 hit and everything got utterly fucked.

>trusting hi rez



Because even though it's screwed up right now, it still manages to be a lot more fun?

>Pay for a game when I can get the same general experience for free
>Enjoy it without having to spend a dime
Gee user, I just don't know. At least, this was before all of this nonsense I'm hearing about.

Because Hi Rez has a tendency to shoot themselves in the foot without rime or reason.

>loot crates: the game
ah, wonderful

>without rime or reason

>implying that isn't the exact same fucking case with Paladins right now except Paladins is much, much worse.

Stop denying the truth to yourself, the game is fucked and Hi-Rez has but a small time window to fix their mistakes.

I wouldn't play Paladins even if it had no microtransactions, it's shit. Headshots do almost no bonus damage, many characters cannot headshot (including the sniper character) etc.

It's even more of an anti-skill game than Overwatch and it's infinitely less polished.

>many characters cannot headshot (including the sniper character)
>her ult literally highlights the enemies' heads to help you headshot them easily

but i don't have to pay 60$ for paladins.


this is literally misinformation

kinessa can headshot

no matter how badly paladins gets fucked, it's still better than OW. OW is a game broken at its fundamentals, with its low time-to-kill that deters aggression and teamwiping ults, and no character changes will be able to fix it.

>many characters cannot headshot (including the sniper character)
that's wrong though, every character with hitscan can headshot.

That's not even right, but I wish it was. Headshots with OW-tier hitboxes are anti-fun.

>playing free games
>when you can give activision-blizzard your money

Do you not love Blizzard? You know they have a gay character now right?

Thanks for reminding me of the atrocity that happened to Tribes

this nigga looks like T8 Druid set.

Kinessa can't 'headshot' except when her ultimate is active, and it's not a 'headshot', it's an 'upper body shot'

i'm being a retard here, but by low time to kill do you mean it takes forever for things to die in OW?

This is actually embarrassing.

she has a legendary card now that gives her %50 more damage to headshots.

>The sniper actually has to get a legendary card to even do headshot damage of any kind
People play this game?

When was the last time you played?

I'm roughly ~4400 SR in ogrewatch and tried some paladins scrims. There are really no good players in Paladins from what I could gather.

>no matter how badly paladins gets fucked, it's still better than OW.
I think the same, I dropped OW months ago and I don't plan to go back. Depending totally on a healer is fucking shit, Paladins I can just go for cover and then get back to battle

the opposite

you can headshot without the ult, and you can headshot on top of that bonus. That's just plain misinformation.

>Paladin's ripoff of Pharah is somehow slower and less fun to play
>only character who is moderately fun to play but still gets hard-countered by half the cast

Why can't I just rocket jump?
Why can't I go fast?
Why can't games just let me have fun?

>Why can't I go fast?
That's a card again now.

Because HiRez is blinded by money, and they also don't play their games. It'd help if they actually played their games because many of their balance """patches""" are moldy band-aid tier

how much do I need to spend to be a god on Paladins? If I can make some brazilians and latins break their monitors from rage I might swipe the credit card.

You're still slow as shit. Honestly, you're a slow fucking blimp even with the legendary. It's not difficult at all to hit Drogoz if you possess a modicum of aiming ability.

just buy a bloodborne machine and play battleborn my dude
>getting top kills as healbeams guy

you'll just be roflstomping BRs and Ruskies cause those are the only people who play this game currently.

Unironically liked Battleborn when I went to a friend house, but I am not purchasing it as I already have Paladins and OW

The opposite

Oh, you'll be getting BRs and general spanish speakers mad. 90% of them are always raging. You don't need to spend anything, especially if they fix things.

shit ive been warning you fags since global agenda.

these fucks love to chase after E-Z money, if it dont make bank in the first few minutes they abandon it while making it extremely p2w and other cash shop revenue increases that are easy to do.

Hi Rez are scum, stop pretending that they're not gonna do it again.

>Trick me once, shame on you
>Trick me 3 more fucking times I better kill myself cause I don't know what the fuck I'm doing anymore.

I stopped trusting those fucks after tribes went through the same shit global agenda did.

I'm going to get Overwatch once I platinum Battleborn, which should happen in the next ~40 hours. 200 so far.

well unlocking cards and getting essence to unlock legendary cards is complete RNG because you get them from radiant chests. So it could be a fuck ton of money or hardly anything. It's completely random.

>Got free gameplay
>somehow tricked by hi-rez

Only people who got tricked are those who spent money.

Not anymore. HiRez likes to remove fun whenever they get a whiff of it.

is that an amputee being fucked

I have literally no sympathy for you Paladins faggots

You're either
>Too new/young to remember HiRez fucking up tribes and need to get the fuck off this site, both for our sakes and yours
Seriously even the redditors that migrated here after the shazbowl probably know better by now.
>Too retarded to realize casting a wide net and then hooking the whales when the hype diminishes is HiRez's company wide business strategy

Retards like you that don't have the self control to vote with your wallets have been more damaging to the industry than any greedy businessman/ceo/scamstarter ever will be.

>they locked cards ... behind a pay wall unless you want to grind forever
It's not p2w then its p2notgrind :^)
Who cares if the grind takes fucking forever you can unlock them by playing the game :^)
you dumb nigs can't detect sarcasm so I'll just make it obvious.

>I'm sorry, Tribes players.

Fucker I've been warning you since Global Agenda. Hi-Rez is a master at creating fucking awesome games and then systematically ruining them.

yeah i feel real sorry for those that spend money, but i feel more sorry for the players who expect Hi Rez to not shit up and abandon another game.

Like they make good games, they have talent and good ideas. They just have some greedy fucks running that company and they always love to just make a game and abandon it a year later.

All their games are half baked, incomplete, and just never finished. They don't pursue continued support, they pursue quick cash without reinvesting it into their products.

The headshot hitbox is so busted you may as well not even aim for the head as 75% of the time, you get the standard damage.

Globa Agenda was one of the best mmo I had play, I am amazed they managed to let that game die

>can't hit headshots

>"the hitbox must be busted"

if no money is being made, expect a swift death

t. tribes

global agenda was legitely a good game, god fuck i miss the gameplay it was fucking good.

the engineer drone build was fucking fun and the game felt really well balanced, all the clan/guild wars going on over territory were also fucking great.

I was so disappointed that they took a good fucking thing and just said, "ITS TOO HARD TO WORK ON SO WE TOOK A POPULAR WELL KNOWN TITLE AND ARE GONNA MAKE A QUICK BUCK OFF THAT INSTEAD!"

like FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK hirez and all that support them.


Fuck off Drybear. Your servers are massive shit. I can aim directly at a persons face and not get the headshot bonus, but if I aim at their chest, I get two "headshots" in a row.

herd somone sed hitboks

Let me spell out for you, exactly, the hirez business model
>""""Adapt"""" and interesting or popular core concept like Skiing or "hero shooters"
>Do a really good job making half a game
>Release a 1/4 of said game in "beta"
>Astroturf forums and imageboards to get everyone interested and purchasing
>Seem almost insanely in tune with their community because they're the ones making said memes
>Slowly piecemeal out the other half of the content you have done while maybe making some more if it seems to be really keeping momentum
>The moment things start to slow down crank up the P2W to hook some whales and milk them for profits until their shopping addictions have them dried out
>Move on

They're literal fucking parasites on the industry. Anyone who cannot see that by now is clinically retarded

>It's not p2w then its p2notgrind :^)
>Who cares if the grind takes fucking forever you can unlock them by playing the game :^)

People are unironically saying this on twitch.

>Paladin's ripoff of Pharah
seems to me like you never played tribes ascend, the inspiration for pharah, which was made by hi-rez as well
so you tell me which is the ripoff, if at all

>pay money or grind for thousands of hours
LoL players would defend this

>Sup Forums actually plays Overwatch for poor people
what happened?

Global Agenda was one of my favorite games of all time. It's death cause a two year long rut in my life where I was completely disinterested in any and all multiplayer.

>I am amazed they managed to let that game die

They did not "let" it die. They let it fester but constantly saying "Were fixing x!" For five months and then silently ignoring the problem while throwing useless updates at us. Then when they realized the community was finally getting tired of their shit they dived right into F2P P2W bullshit and never looked back.

My favorite build was Nanite Poison Medic. Spike everyone on point to over heal their health and then tease a heal wave from the enemy medic then drop a ton of poison nades on point and laugh as the enemy team melts to DoT's. I loved getting near team wipes as a poison medic then casually flying over to the engineer who is panicking since he was trying to set up a base behind his now gone team and finishing him off with a bro tank.

That was the best part of the game the sheer number of builds you could go for.

Does it matter? Whether it's a rip-off or not doesn't change the point of my post. Which is drogoz is fun but he's also slow as a slug through peanut butter. The legendary helps but a lot of heroes just shit all over him

I wish he wasn't reliant on his spit combo.



>seems to me like you never played tribes ascend, the inspiration for pharah, which was made by hi-rez as well
Hi-Rez didn't make any of the original Tribes games, you fucking retard

>the character models are this low res
jesus christ, i thought this was 2017

You all acting like your shitty knock-off was even on the radar of anyone with taste is hilariously sad.

Tribes was a mistake. No idea how Hi-Rez thought that could make money. It's only able to appeal to oldfags who still play the originals, and apparently if you ever cross the Tribes autists, they'll go after you forever.

>He says, posting Overwatch

Is this a fucking Warcraft 3 model

Overwatch is nice but their complete lack of content is really off putting.

The amount of content is okay, it's just that the whole game can be summed up as being nice to look at, but not fun to play.

Stop being entitled, the game isn't P2W, you don't need every card.

>every single pro overwatch player who tried paladins said it was way more fun
Your next post is b-but pros don't count

Do you think Randy Pitchford invented Duke Nukem too?

Next you're gonna tell me Paladins had a gremlin in a mech first.

Technically it's still not dead. The servers are up but empty.