The Joy Con connection issue

This thread will probably get buried and ignored in favor of the 'NINTENDOOMED' threads, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyways.

Basically, a YouTuber makes an objective video about the whole situation and explains what's going on in far more detail. It can be fixed, but the battery life's gonna have to take a hit.

Other urls found in this thread:

Well the battery was like 20h right?
How big of a hit are we talking.

My bad, new link:

He didn't say how much so I'm not sure. If I were to guess, it would sacrifice about 5 or 6 hours in favor of better connection.

I wonder how come they didnt find this issue sooner.
Maybe because japanese people have smaller hands that dont cover the joycons as much

A lot of shit is being said right now. Some is saying it's a US only problem.

There's a tweet of the guy who first bringing it into the light saying he was 13 feet away from his TV (which makes his complaint invalid).

It's Nintendo.
Most of their test groups probably were asian children.

They should just make an option giving you the freedom to adjust the signal strength to give you the best choice for your fathand x waytotv quotient.

Bluetooth regulations being harsher in murrica maybe sot hey have to tone it down? No that makes no sense.

>Make bait thread
>Hope people respond and get angry
>Get angry at the people who responded
>I troll you faggot!
>No I troll you faggot!
>You're mad!
>No you're mad faggot!

Every single thread. Every single topic. Every single day.

That doesn't really apply to this thread (so far) though. Everyone is being calm and civil.

I troll you faggot!

And yet I cant leave.
And its been 12 years already.
Im going to die here, under a pile of shitposts.


And have a bump

>fat guy in shorts

didn't watch

This is actually incredibly accurate

Sorry, I don't listen to wife-beating assholes.

A pretty fucking big one if the signal is weak enough to get obstructed by a fucking human hand. Bluetooth is designed to go right through walls, let along a tiny bit of meat.

I have no idea what you're talking about. But what he said in that video is objective, past drama he had with his wife is irrelevant.

>fat guy in shorts
Literally Sup Forums

being a white knight has never gotten anyone laid, ever.

I have a blue tooth headset and that fucking thing starts to fail when I'm like 7-10 feet away from my phone or tablet, i dont6think I'm ever gonna be in a position where I'm trying to play zelda while being over 13 feet away from the console.
So, tl;dr, I legitimately don't care.
If it can be fixed via firmware update then cheers, if it can't then how bloody bad. I'm buying a Pro Controller anyway so I care even less still.

What happened?

I'm actually asking for real here, Is Nintendo finished? like business wise?

They're literally liquidating all their stock right now. The new CEO was seen running to the helicopter pad on top of nintendo headquarters with duffel bags filled with a cash and a literal golden parachute on his back. It's over.


end of an era I guess

This is a fuck up no matter how you look at it.
They can either update the firmware and reduce the battery or they can't and the issue persists.
Or you can always buy a pro controller goyim!

you do realize water - ie the shit the human body is made of - absorbs bluetooth waves, right?

Don't forget, you're here forever.

Key word: body, not hands

the fuck do you think hands are part of

>you're holding it wrong

are these nintendo fans really this fucking stupid?

THE WHOLE SYSTEM AND JOY-CON HAS BEEN ADVERTISED AS SOMETHING YOU CAN USE ANYWHERE IN ANY CONDITION. The fucking first time they showed them of the asian dude was lying on the couch. And guess what? They even made a game where holding it behind your back etc is the whole point, aka 1,2 switch - milking cows, pistol duels etc etc. You don't sit in a direct line of sight to the console when you're playing those.

And here comes this fat greasy faggot trying to tell me I have to sit in a certain way if I want to play nintendo switch because my body is mostly made up of water.

Jesus christ

body generally refers to the torso

is this hell?

that may be true, but it doesn't make the whole situation any less ridiculous. it's not like my phone disconnects with my Bluetooth devices just from holding it with two hands.

>are these nintendo fans really this fucking stupid?

Are you new, or were you at least around for when Kid Icarus Uprising came out?

The game's controls were so rancid it came with a shitty stand to try to make it more comfortable.

It's so bad that is uses the second analog stick of the add on/New 3DS but only to swap controls to south paw, not to give you better controls.

And every single Nintendrone praised the controls to no end and would dogpile anyone who suggested they weren't flawless.

Great game outside of the land-mission controls. Sort of like how the Werehog ruins half of Sonic Unleashed.

Star Fox Zero doesn't have bad controls, you just didn't play it for enough hours to get used to them

did the wiiu gamepad also use bluetooth?

So according to this if I'm either using the joycons in the cradle of on the sides of the console this won't be an issue

Good cause that is how I planned to use it in the first place

That's assuming they can wirelessly update it, we don't actually know if it's a software or hardware issue.

>"the gamexplain dude though is obviously not much of a tech-head given his clumsy and broad attempts to explain what was going on, he has no idea, really. Of course anyone with a bit more nerd in their blood knows exactly what's going on here."
What a jackass, Andre is a cutie.

>tfw hands are beautiful long skeleton hands and will never fully block the joycons
Feels good senpai, but this still means we can't do the comfortable arm folded position while covered by a blanket when using the cons. Also can't put hands behind head, (MAYBE) can't play the joycons inside coat pockets so you only appear like a normie just staring at some normal tablet when in truth you're actually playing animu games, etc.

I knew that 20 hour life was too good to be true.

Is that the cool one or the autistic one?

marble mouth