GOTY : Nier >>>> Horizon
>tfw it will get a 6 to 7.0 because reviewers can't be assed to complete all ending and "objectification of woman"
Speaking of Nier, any of you fags here watch Project Runway? A new episode just aired, and some girl was showing off one of her clothing items she made that looks like what toobie wears, and she said its based off of a game with an android.
Is she /ourgal/?
I fucking love 9 "A world without machines is a world most pristine" S
Why is there no NieR: Automata threads? game is out.
>Watches Project Runway
The Taro audience everybody.
Real gamers watch RuPaul's Drag Race.
Not for two weeks
is this something new we haven't seen already? that jap streamer just got some weapon's achievement, maybe he collected them all?
Nippon's have been playing it non-stop
I think he means it's out in Japan. And it has English in the Japanese version so you can pretty much play it today if you can get it shipped quickly or download it.
So, how many western reviewer will hit on the game because of 2B's leotard ?
All of them. That's why I'm hoping it will slip under the radar and get released and sold before they unleash their sperg-rage on it and it gets "patched" out.
Oh, okay
Why not both?
I love robutt girls
Most of them. Polygon won't give it more than a 7, if they can even figure out how to play it. Jim Sterling will heave his enormous mass out of his cuck chair long enough to scream about it on his terrible show no one watches and give it a 3 or 4. Kotaku will write about a dream they had last night. VG247 will play Nier 1 and write an article about that by accident.
They aren't going to patch it, though. Don't worry. No one in Japan even reads western blogs.
The color palette is so drab and trash.
It's open world for no reason, doesn't actually build a world around it's setting.
Combat will get boring quick.
Stupid anime bullshit writing.
It's just a bad anime in video game form, you can't seriously think this will be good.
>5/10 >>>> 3/10
What an achievement
>No one in Japan even reads western blogs.
You buy the game for 2Butt's thighs.
Then you stay for the gameplay elements, story etc. (...and 2Butt's thighs)
Yeah, I can see that happening. IGN might shit on the game too, because it's not that good looking and they are just bad.
So A2 end confirmed? Fucking great.
>Then you stay for the gameplay elements, story etc. (...and 2Butt's thighs)
Us, yeah. But "western journalists" don't see things like us, they will just focus on her ass and "how it's bad to have sexy woman in a game" and "look at Alloy in Horizon if you want a good female character", blablabla, you know how they work.
It'll be super conflicted if Bayonetta's reviews were any indication.
>no saves until you beat the first boss on hard
It's already not casual enough for reviewers. It'll get average reviews, develop a niche following, then get some honourable mentions at the end of the year.
tl;dr me the endings
That's a pretty decent fate for a game to have.
You stomp on 2 naked alien men called Adam & Eve for Ending A as 2B, then you do it again as 9S for Ending B. Then shit hits the fucking fan and 9S goes nuclear and kills fucking everything in his rampage to God. You flip between him and A2 until the climatic duel where you pick who wins. Then God sends the 2 naked men into space and 9S if you choose to.
You then shoot Yoko Taro with the help of players from all over the world for the true ending.
>Ending F has still not been found
>I've never played Nier or Drakengard
theres long list of those endings user
What is the Red Eye Virus anyway?
I'm not big into the lore of the thing.
Adam says it was created by the plant aliens to take over the robots as a last ditch attempt at winning the war.
There are like at least 26 fucking endings.
>Ending F: [f]alse end
Leftover of the Salt Virus that makes humans into salt that the aliens used to infect all the robots, who are Emil clones meant to fight the aliens. Naturally the aliens fucked themselves over anyways because the virus turned the robots against them later.
2 naked twins with 9S to an alien planet to build new robots together.
Basically a gay threesome. The true ending happening immediately afterwards when the Pods decide to rebuild 9S, 2E, and A2 to let them live.
>true ending
B-b-but there's still endings we haven't seen, right?
[F] has not been found.
[G]-[Z] are all joke bad ends.
Accord has been doing shit about her job.
Wasn't there a streamer that was working on getting all the endings? Is he on a break now or has he run out of ideas?
>majority of the endings are lazy shit "LOL" endings
he's actually taking a break right now.
B-but muh 40 hours story playthru...what happened?
Whipped this up after seeing all the ending. Should I replace the anime shota with a Metal Gear picture to be consistent?
Isn't that what you would expect if a game has this many endings?
Called me when you find something new.
You actually got that when you go through 5 ending.
Why doesnt 2b get a good end?
metal gear rising 2 looks great
She would have gotten hers if she just did her job as she was supposed to.
>No gay threesome pic on D's What I got.
Wait is that true?
How the fuck would that even work?
>No blade mode
This is more like Legend of Korra 2.
Apparently tons of them are shitty joke endings that you get from doing obviously stupid shit.
Buy Gook Psn Points
Make Good Psn account
Use Good Psn points to get game
The JP version is dubbed lol. It will run you 80$ though to play a week early. so its up to you.
A-Z endings.
Expect F as a novel or DLC
They're either glorified game overs or joke endings. A through E are the main endings, G through Z are "bonuses". F... is somewhere out there, I just know it
Wait I thought it was cheep in Yen?
This is 2B or A2?
The premise behind the drakenguard/Neir franchise is there is some type of android master minds who go from timeline to timeline to find the right one for what ever they are trying to achive.
Some timelines are shit where you die right away
others change how you view the story.
Until you see a rhythm game ending. No one has found the true ending.
It's Raiden you dipshit
I had to pay for car repairs today and it was a bit more than I expected so I had to cancel one of my preordered games since I'm also getting a Switch (if I can find it). Decided to cancel Nier since I'm hearing it's short because you're meant to play through it more than once and I already have enough trouble completing one playthrough of a game. I'll still get it when it inevitably goes on sale though, I loved the demo. Was it a good decision though?
the demo seemed kindof janky and un fun to me, especially for a platinum game
am i doing something wrong?
I would recognize my Raiden waifu, so fuck off.
Is this your first time playing through a Yoko Taro game? You're supposed to playthrough all the endings since the 1st ending is like 1/4 of the whole game.
Just played the demo. It was cuhrazy how come Sup Forums lied and said this game sucked?
Every new game is sucked for Sup Forums
Because anons trolling over ending A the easy mode ending botg story and gamewise.
Yep I hadn't even heard of Nier or Drakenguard before this to be honest.
Accords just observing timelines.
She's even mentioned in Automata and helps you indirectly without ever physically appearing.
wtf I hate Nier now!
It's not quite on the level of cuhrayzee but it's pretty fun smashing robots up.
Because they only got to play as ass girl for like 10 hours before switching to somebody else
>people still think there's an ending F
>only got to play as ass girl for like 10 hours
Preorder status: cancelled.
DLC or Novel
>your purchase is determined entirely by how much ass girl is in it
The part when you get into the mecha was pretty cuhrazy. You rip off its arm and start hitting it eith it and you fly at high speeds while it shoots a hundred bullets at you. Talking about the demo here.
....Ending E is a fucking joke, people simply want a proper ending for the story, user.
Still, I doubt Ending F exist or story related at all.
it looked cool but wasn't very fun or responsive
So Robutt is the new piano baka?
The rest of the game is though. Not like QTEs in Bayonetta or TW101 are fun or responsive but they look badass.
>le so whacky virgin weeb pandering game is goty
Nice joke
Nioh is the actual goty
i think you meant yakuza 0
>Combat will get boring quick.
Stupid anime bullshit writing.
user must have never played a Platinum game.
I think you meant Persona 5
its jack the ripper
The fan service is both a blessing and a curse, it's good because it will help the game sell better but it's a curse because so many people will be unable to see past it
I don't doubt it in all honesty.
Fuck gameplay and creativity, we need to push agendas.
It wasn't even really a twist like piano baka, we knew 2B would be the first character you play as and it was reported you would switch characters in further playthroughs. Idiots just weren't paying attention
I love how all the anti-shills on Sup Forums are clamoring to find excuses as to why the critical praise this game is getting, and deserves, isn't justified. Watching people strain to come up with reasons why this game is bad even though respected publications have almost unanimously said otherwise. What's better is that all the most relevant and respectable journalism outlets, like IGN, have heaped praise on this game while only the lesser, irrelevant, outlets were the ones to give it luke-warn praise.
Face it Sup Forums, Horizon is a generation defining experience
The last three have all been fanservice you pleb. Quit acting like this is something new.
>metalgear fags
Honestly, I'm happy. I don't like playing as girls.