How could Sonic even compete?

How could Sonic even compete?

Blast Processing

Mario was faster, Sonic's screen was just zoomed in in comparison.

>not for resale


Pls explain the joke for me fampai

>How could Sonic even compete?

Considering it cracked a dent in Nintendo's monopoly and started them in the downward spiral, I think he did a pretty good job.

>sonicfags actually believe this
The Playstation killed Nintendo. Sonic had nothing to do with it.

>The Playstation killed Nintendo
That's also wrong. Not saying they didn't weaken nintendo, but saying they killed them is celebrating early at best.

Check the boxart

Ah, didn't even notice, thanks.

I think the truest statement is to say Nintendo killed themselves.

Millennials don't know the feels about games you are not allowed to resell because it says so

how can SNES compete?

>Developed a hit game and pack it with the hardware
>Hardware flies off the shelves and Nintendo starts losing position in the marketplace
>3rd party developers now have an option and start developing for SEGA Genesis as well, letting them escape Nintendo's iron grasp
>SEGA developed the SEGA CD, a project that ultimately fails, but was enough to catch Nintendo's interest to pursue a similar device.
>They partnered with Sony
>That partnership eventually crumbles, giving birth to the Playstation
>Several high profile 3rd party devs jump ship and start developing a majority of their projects for the Playstation
>Jump to 2017
>The PS4 is the fastest selling console of all time while Nintendo rushes out the Switch to get past the mistake of the Wii U

And it all started with a blue rat


-sonic levels are longer and have more replayability
-smw has 96 exits, not 96 levels
-can save in smw but only after end section castles and maybe ghost houses(?)

>Not For Resale

My fucking cartridge had a huge "NOT FOR RESALE" sticker on it and I thought it was something the store had put on it, and before I came to that conclusion I thought the game was called "Sonic the Hedgehog: Not for Resale".

It's the full title


I know this is bait, but it's pretty dumb to compare World to Sonic 1. World had 3 previous games to build off of while Sonic 1 was the team's first ever game. Mario 1 started off with a lot of flaws too.

both were shit, stop playing children games

>Mario fans grew up and became productive members of society.
Have you seen Bob Chipman?

You also get saves from Switch Palaces, at that point you have a save practically every 3 or so stages.

>tfw we were close to a SEGA/Sony partnership, but SoJ shot down Tom's idea

I wonder if Nintendo even still exists in that timeline.


Movie blob.

Oh ok
Thank you