Careful about supporting Berserk and The Band of The Hawk, there's been censorship done. Make sure you tell Koei that censorshop isn't okay whatsoever.
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Having a ton of fun with the game but the bathing shirt was a huge let down. All we have is tank top casca
Shut da fuck up
>It's just a costume for Casca that doesn't make any sense for her to be fighting in anyhow
>Western version actually has more gore
So basically SJW's opinions on Berserk of all things is more important than appeasing fans? Got it. I'll skip this.
Come on, Berserk isn't a series for that crowd.
it wasn't as bad as I was expecting, one outfit gone and the boxart being a little less risque is pretty much it. Censorship sucks, but this isn't a big deal IMO.
Looks like a cheap job though. They didn't really put effort into the violence.
Exactly, the game is still very fun
I really should read Berserk at some point.
Any censorship isn't okay, user. With this, they're saying actual Berserk fans aren't important.
>more gore
>less sexual
My eyes are happy but my penis is sad.
LOL. who cares about some shitty musou. Also,
>Censored Shilling
>hasn't read berserk
It's okay. Golde Age is the best until everyone inevitably dies again.
The only thing I've read is when Guts is a kid and he gets raped by the black dude.
Its because they didn't want the Cero Z rating which they would of gotten. Also it is not censorship because it was done by them. The Esrb is a ratings board and not run by the government.
Censorship is not just the gooberment doing it, user.
Heads up, they fixed the trophy syncing yesterday and I got my Amazon preorder bonus code email a few hours ago. Still no word on the missing Pro support.
Pretty fucked up launch for a game I've been waiting so eagerly for. Not having playable Skelly is a much bigger sin than not having rapeshirt Casca.
If only this had the budget of Dragon Quest Heroes or Hyrule Warriors.
The other issue they didn't want to run in is getting sued by some flyer over christian parents group. These are the things you have to do when you are selling a product.
They can't be sued for this. The game isn't marketed at all, much less to kids
By definition it is. Also they could've added in those parts. The issue is that it would get an AO rating which means it couldn't be sold in most big box stores or even amazon?
What is it with japanese and their fucking numbers and huge as fuck HUD all over?
Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom would be the best looking game if it didn't have that horrendous HUD that you can't even mod.
I would pay like $100 if someone removed the hud.
Censorship is the suppression of free speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.[1]
>sjw meme again
censorship exists since forever, in the past it was mainly ultra religious conservative soccer moms. I'm quite sure majority of censorers are still those
I live in the Land of the "Free"
Why do people care so much about this kind of thing?
who cares it's just less content lmao
You'll care when it moves on to something you like.
You know the saying, they came for x, they came for y, then no one was there when they came for me.
and it wasn't suppressed. They made the call to remove or unpublish those parts because they wanted to sell the game to the biggest audience. Its not censorship. You could have those things in a game. You are just going to risk getting your game an AO rating, same with the japanese version toning down the violence to get the Cero D rating over the Z rating. Every culture has its hangups.
>playasia ad at the very beginning
fuck off, op
>They made the call to remove or unpublish those parts
That's what censorship is bro. It's self-censorship.
Ya but KOEI did it themselves. It wasn't an authority. They know the ratings and know what they can get away with. and they play towards those ratings.
It already has happened to stuff I like. I never gave much of a shit.
It was motivated by sales.
Doesn't Japan have some weird taboo with depictions of dismemberment? What's up with that?
That arguably makes it worse. Self-censorship is a hell of a lot more powerful than censorship from authority. Almost all the censorship of western stuff is self-censored.
You're a good little slave then.
Kinda think they'll release the Casca bath outfit later in the US to make more monies. Don't care about the boxart because it's boxart, who gives a shit.
The rating system is an external excuse generated by the industry for pubs and devs censoring their own games. They can say "oh the big bad ESRB made me do it" but the ESRB was created by the industry itself.
>pc version doesnt' even support Mouse controls
Covered by harmful (to their bottom line) and inconvenient (for their bottom line).
The ESRB isn't going to give them an AO rating for a slightly transparent outfit.
That's really pathetic user. Either you're an apathetic panty waste and I pity you or you're a mind numbed NEET and you're worthless.
I think you're seriously underestimating what it takes to get an AO rating, its not just freely handed out to every other game like PEGI's 18.
Ya because the alternative is government. So they have to be careful.
Boxart is always censored in the west because muh children can see it on store shelves.
Missing dlc costumes is just as common but it's normally due to cross-overs or promotions. Sucks regardless.
so what's your solution then? they leave in the anime tiddies, get a Cero Z rating and subsequently get carried in less stores?
Sales are more important than pandering to you and your tastes. I'm sorry if this upsets you.
Because games are about art and are not about making money by selling the most amount of copies to the most amount of people.
First they came for the pirates, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a pirate.
Then they came for the key resellers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a key reseller.
Then they came for the heavy discounted buyers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a heavy discounted buyer.
Then they came for me—someone who merely wanted games to be on sale sometimes—and there was no one left to speak for me.
the gameplay is the same no matter how much 2D tit is being shown.
It's not 'censorship', it's 'localization'. They don't even translate the dialogue word for word. Is that 'censorship' too? Maybe we should just ban all anime in the west for this '''''censorship'''''.
You realize not buying anime games convinces the devs that maybe we don't want them? Maybe they should just stop making games for us and keep them in Japan.
Only two cases of vidya censorship in recent memory have truly irked me: Criminal Girls 2 (game ruining, typical NISA bullshit) and Tales of Beseria (plot ruining, completely unnecessary) . I don't have it within me to get that pissed off again, especially over a DLC costume and boxart.
Shonen Anime is also toned down as well when it comes to violence.
I don't give a fuck about them censoring games if it's necessary to achieve a rating they can sell at. But when western versions of games get censored, that's never the reason.
I doubt this game is sold in any physical retail store besides maybe Fucking Gamestop. Weeb games just don't get stocked much of anywhere. Too many copies of Cawwadooty to sell.
so what isn't censorship then? If your definition of censorship is that broad then any change made to a product for the sake of sales is censorship.
You're just like a SJW, abusing the term "rape" to better fit your narrative.
Some things don't translate and some things there are no equal to in North america.
The government only threatened to regulate, it didn't do it. They could've called gubby's bluff back when the Nighttrap and MK scandal broke
believe it or not, America is not the only country in the world
Berserk has a much larger following in Europe than it does in the states.
What's wrong with being like an SJW? They are fighting for what they believe in and so are we. Two sides of the same coin etc
Rockstar games tend to have full frontal nudity. Are they censored in Europe?
So, bargain bin game then?
Also, even if it's small, censorship is still CENSORSHIP.
Oh that was because the cutscene of the kid getting skewered? Thats an easy one. They would of gotten an M rating for that.
Ah that sucks. I'll still be buying it, but I hate supporting this kind of crap. Even if it's minor it's the principle of it.
You wouldn't have bought it anyway.
You're only allowed to be a lazy push over that watches the world go by and have no opinions of anything or you're a psycho extremist.
the outfit is literally in the game though
just not a playable dlc yet
where are his nipples :c
They literally could've turned the screen black right as the blade was thrust forward, without showing the kid getting stabbed. The ending would have still worked, and the impact wouldn't have been so dulled.
Some animus don't even draw them. Berserk animu did though
Why does a T-rated game have more 3D rendered nipples than a M-rated game?
Not exactly. They would have gotten an M equivalent in Europe, and decided to censor both North American and European versions of the game because it's less effort than just censoring Europe.
you're being intellectually dishonest
Your critical argument has no logical conclusion. You're just complaining and offering no practicable solution. It's trite.
No, I just think there are more important things to waste my energy getting pissed off at than a piece of entertainment sold by a business showing a little less skin and blood.
Because the ESRB doesn't play the games, they just watch a video of the cutscenes and shit.
So basically it's not censored at all and is even gorier than the Japanese release, got it.
or belly button
nipples are too lewd
Because the board is dominated by waifufags and other retards that just want to jack off. A stupid "sexy" costume for Casca no one really gives a shit about anyway is now a reason to protest the entire game.
They really are ahead of their time.
>boy elf is naked
>girl elf is not
Fucking bullshit.
Then fuck outta this thread with your high horse
I legit forgot Puck was a shota-fairy and not some chibi retard. No idea why Miura did that.
Ya that all comes down to what magazine they are published in. Young Animal will publish sex, violence, gore, nipples. While Square Enix publishing like Gan Gan will do nudity but not draw nipples or Shonen jump will publish nudity if it totally not sexual like showing Goku's Elephant.
Irrelevant ?
The Japanese have laws about that.
What 4 down 1 across
Idolmaster ungayed him.
It's DLC, who gives a fuck.
People with "principles"
She's also 10 years too old for those same people.
Black Desert, I think.
But GravityRush2 has nipples worldwide.
probably a combination of laziness and wanting the manga to change moods for whatever reason
That's not what you tell them. The message they get is "Our product doesn't sell in the west. Better never bother ever again."
>A crappy alt skin that makes no sense story wise
Oh no this is a travesty!
I wanna try out gravity rush 2 but I kinda disliked the first on vita. Is it better on 4?
shes wears it for awhile in story while retarded
A western focused game doesn't fall under those rules.
Is this the fucking 20s? When will idiots stop saying this retarded garbage.
I hope the game leads to more Casca 34