Do you think it's time for SEGA to redesign Sonic for the 21st century, so he can appeal to adult gamers?
Do you think it's time for SEGA to redesign Sonic for the 21st century, so he can appeal to adult gamers?
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Can't wait for Call of Sanic modern hedgeheg - i hope it get's a rapescene.
This is so lame.
>Let's turn Sonic into Indie trash!
Can we not?
The guy who made that video is fucking retarded.
So if you were to redesign sonic v how'd you do?
>SONIC'S FACE IS NOT BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm tired of people making stuff looking like Adventure Time shit.
Not to mention him being a baby in the comments.
>Listening to nu-males
This shit triggers the fuck out of me
Not gonna watch the stupid ass looking video but why the fuck would they redesign Sonic. It's a shit IP but consistently moves units to a combination of older delusional idiots convinced the next one will surely be good and weird fucked up kids. They've got a good racket going
This video was fucking retarded. The guy outright said he wasn't a fan of Sonic, and you can tell. His idea basically turned the series into something else entirely.
What's worse is that his mindset is so shortsighted. "We need to pander to the 25+ demo for nostalgia, while also making one of the most iconic designs in video game history look like 2010s indie trash!"
Sonic was already redesigned recently. This design in particular is just garbage. What a joke.
Boring. generic. hipster garbage.
Good redesigns thread.
Basically, keep his 90s design. Shorter, cuter, brighter. That's it. His design is very strong initially and doesn't really age. It's just two circles with a very striking colour scheme. What else do you need?
As for the games, add an analogue trigger that makes Sonic accelerate. Like a racing game, but it's not a substitute for regular stick controls. Instead, the stick makes Sonic run, while holding the trigger makes him run FAST at the expense of vulnerability. That is, you can't boost into enemies and be fine. You actually have to pay attention and jump or roll into them.
Other than that, level gimmicks. They worked really well in S3&K and made levels interesting.
This guy actually knows what he's talking about though. I don't want Sonic to be a full racing game, but historically, SEGA has a supreme track record with those games.
It really shouldn't be too hard to combine the two.
Holy fuck the sonicfags shitting their diapees in this thread.
that Dead Space DLC was pretty fun though
lol fuck that indie simplistic bullshit, that looks terrible
it's because sonic games have been very inconsistent with their quality, not much more to it
Holy shit just let sonic fucking die please let him go with what little dignity he has.
>indie-trash developer tells Sega how to redesign Sonic
>"turn him into indie trash"
>gayman journalists run headlines saying "indieshit developer figures out how to fix sanic! What he came up with will make you feel shocked, but then inspired!"
Jokes aside, would anyone get angry if they went full New Super Mario Bros with Sonic? A bunch of games that are essentially the same mediocre platforming that cashes in nostalgia?
4 player multiplayer would be the tits though
The best part of GI Joe vs. Transformers is when Cobra Commander becomes a Decepticon.
I'd be alright with a Sonic 3D world, honestly.
>Mediocre platforming
NSMB is way more than mediocre. They look boring and generic, but the gameplay and design is stellar.
>character designed to be edgy, hip, full of 90's tude and a counter to slower, plain platformers
>turn him into a kid's picturebook puppet
The incompetance is astounding. This design is as far from sonic as you can possibly get.
The issue with this redesign is that it looks nothing like anything that Light would ever create.
Isn't that what they did with Episode 4?
>this shitty minimalist design
What is this dumb shit
>video was uploaded in summer 2015
>Sup Forums still discussing the same shit for years on end
guys, I think we've been on here too much
Multi-player wouldn't work. These games are fundamentally about running. You'd constantly have to stop and wait for other players to catch up, or vice versa.
It'd be okay if it was competitive though.
What is Sonic's demographic apart from autistics, people ironically enjoying autism, and kids primed to become either?
>"He isn't designed to appeal to children"
Sega should ditch this dumb hedgehog and make Kiryu their mascot
that was my thought, either split screen or online vs/coop where players would clip through each other, 4 player vs would be insane autism
Even as a person who likes minimalist design, this looks like utter garbage.
It would have to be split-screen though. Sonic games are all about finding the optimal route(usually upper) through a level and having two players trying to go different ways would be messy.
His design is like the one thing that never needed fixing, both his classic and modern iteration are well designed.
Best Sonic design, coming through.
Is Sonic actually popular with kids anymore? And I mean popular where they're rushing to buy the games when they come out, not the Sonic Boom cartoon.
>3D Sonic is trash
Besides this ugly ass design, he is isn't wrong.
He seems to be completely missing the point of sonic. It's like going to a Mexican restaurant and getting pissed off when they don't serve dum sung.
Nope. Kids don't really care about Sonic generally. It's a lost demographic by now, which is why games like Sonic Boom completely baffles me.
Didn't basically all the Dimps games do this to varying degrees of success?
Watched this when it was new and what he wants is to turn Sonic into a generic platform character which is really stupid. The problem with sonic games is not sonic the character but rather the game.
This guy and cwc should do a podcst.
Would boost sonic be better if the game had two modes of moving around? One mode is accelerating with a more fine tuned low sensitivity turning (it'll feel like a racing game) and the other lets you turn around much more quickly at the cost of speed meant for platforming or things like that? It might be a chore to switch between the two so often though.
why do people choose to ignore how successful Sonic Generations was
The Sonic Boom cartoon was oddly successful, and it aired almost solely in hours that kids would watch.
Thats literally what Sega tried doing in LW by adding a run button.
Because even Generations isn't perfect.
>MFW Indie hipsters get BTFO when their shitty ideas get ignored and Sega hires an actual fan game developer to produce their next Sonic game
It doesn't help that LW played like shit. I meant more in a Generations kind of gameplay setting.
I don't get the whole thing about Sonic's attitude.
He's not that edgy or anything.
>It might be a chore to switch between the two so often though.
I don't think so. It's just running around at a normal running pace, or slightly above, with the stick and when you get a clear, straight path, you hold down the trigger and go maximum fast, while letting go every now and then to perform slides, rolls and jumps to avoid obstacles. It wouldn't be hard.
Yes, but Lost World didn't really have the level design to make use of it. It was all pretty straight forward platforming.
I really like Boom Sonic, actually. He looks like a creature that could physically function in the real world and I'm upset the design was wasted on a shit game.
>He's not that edgy
He used to be but that was mostly forgotten in the Saturn generation.
if they continue to make games like generations and improve upon them they're good, and that's what they seem to be doing with the next sonic game
Sonic now a days is simple platforming or just easy running segments.
A guy from SoA even said during one of their streams boost is just a run button that makes enemies a non hazard.
Watching this to see what gameplay ideas he has. Some of these puzzle ideas are pretty severe stretches and wouldn't work.
>I believe if you're going to criticise the creative content of others, bring a creative solution to the table with you.
Jesus christ. It doesn't take a Gordon Ramsey tier chef to tell you your shit is raw. Fucking pretentious twat.
I like it. The dude knows what he is talking about. Sonic has been shit for a while so it's nice to see a change of pace.
But was he like that in game, or was that just marketing?
>take the Boom brand and let someone like Retro Studios handle the game while Sanzaru continues making 2D platformers
>boost is just a run button that makes enemies a non hazard.
Precisely. It's way too fast to not make you invincible. They should tone it down and make you vulnerable while running at full speed, but keep it at a satisfying pace.
Or, they could just make the boost button be a short boost that kills enemies, but can't be spammed or held in. Making it an offensive option as well as a movement option. It could replace the homing attack too.
I think the buying items from your backpack is a misguided idea. There's nothing interesting about solving or overcoming something because you spawned the right item. It also goes against the very thing he says in the video that the spirit of sonic is having a "keep it moving" approach.
Without completing dropping the current design and going "HURR DURR! JUST BRING BACK CLASSIC SONIC!"
Get rid of that mid section SEGA likes to emphasize in every 3D render
Shrink his lanky proportions a bit
Loosen up on that smile of his. It's got this weird dip on the one end that really bothers me.
Essentially, just give do to him what they did to his Sonic Runners model. He looked great in that. I was never fond of the overly long limbs they give him. Especially since he doesn't really do any sort of acrobatic moves.
Christine turns 35 today! Happy birthday Christine!
Marketing which was really big back then because the internet is still not this prominent.
>Retro Studios
Boost exists because Dimps realized making Sonic go extremely fast in 2D was not fun since you couldn't see ahead, the simple solution to using it in 3D is remove its ability to hurt enemies by running into them, make enemies more visible and and an option to press a button to start rolling as an offensive move.
>Yes, but Lost World didn't really have the level design to make use of it.
Sonic Lost World didn't do shit with it entirely.
Not to mention that the running speed should not be a button that needs to be held down. Add a fucking walk button, not a run button.
Sonic controlled just fine in Sonic Adventure 1, not 2, 1. I have no idea why they keep trying to reinvent that wheel. Give him his Sonic Adventure 1 movement with a camera that isn't fucking broken and paths that aren't small fucking tubes and we're fine.
>changing the formula for a series that is infamous for being so inconsistent that the community is the most split it could possibly be
Fuck no. Sonic's problem is the EXACT opposite of that. Sega should actually polish their gameplay instead of re-inventing the wheel every five seconds.
>an option to press a button to start rolling as an offensive move.
What if
Hear me out here
What if
We could press down?
Would that be possible?
>Turn sonic into a indie platformer
Yeah ,sure whatever
I don't care about sonic, but this sounds like suicide when there is already plenty of indies with that aesthetic
But then Sonic would go backwards.
Damn she thicc o_o''
Retro Studios would probably be able to make a decent game, but it wouldn't be a Sonic game at that point, so why bother?
Sonic isn't about 3D adventuring in a large world. It's about focused, arcade styled platforming.
>Sonic controlled just fine in Sonic Adventure 1
Sonic was way too fucking fast in 1. The only way to make that control scheme and sensitivity work would be to make levels way, way larger, which would diminish the actual platforming.
>Add a walk button not a run button
I think this is a bad idea. You already have an analogue stick. Press it all the way to run, press it a little to walk. There is no issue here. The problem is that you want to go faster than maximum, not slower than minimum. A FAST button, or temporary boost is a good addition to an already good running pace.
Does that even count it's just an old design with more polygons
I don't know about you guys but I absolutely hate having to stop somewhere and homing attack Eggman's niggerbots every 15 seconds.
He had acrobatic moves in Lost World and Adventure 2.
I don't think they emphasize on it enough
well I'd start by making a good video game, that would be a first for Sonic
>Your mascot made me love games and art
>4 games in a row
>Every single one of them opens up with the word SEGA being shouted at you without correct pronunciation
Yes. That's why you should add some better aerial offensive option. Like, an airdash if you want to accelerate while attacking, or just fucking jumping on the fucker.
The homing attack is annoying because there's a delay between pressing it and attacking the enemy, plus it can be used as a crutch when missing jumps. It's not challenging or fun.
Having a refined control scheme and a smoother way to attack things in the air could solve this.
It was especially bad in Heroes where his robots ruined pacing.
Best in Sonic Adventure
>That 3d sonic fangame looks good even though it is just recreating old sonic levels
Sonic is fine. Sega's the problem.
Oh man, you're such a jokester. That one has never been said before.
What's the difference between a game for adults and a game for edgy children?
Crash's design relied on low poly
>90's character is famous for 90's edgy design
Also the problem with Sonic isn't his design, it's the gameplay and how shoddy the execution has been since Sonic 3 & Knuckles (and Sonic CD)
>Sonic Heroes
>let's give the badniks HEALTH BARS too
It was my first Sanic game (I didn't grow up with SEGA consoles) and it really sullied my perspective on Sonic games until Sonic Rush and Unleashed day stages revived it back for me, sort of.
Sonic Utopia would be perfect, if the level design was more focused and it was slightly more linear as well as vertical.
Being able to get up high and gain a shitload of speed from ramps and such is really fucking satisfying in Sonic games. Utopia didn't capitalise on this at all, and opted for a large, sprawling, flat ground with some towers and ramps placed on it. It has potential though. Controls and sense of speed is pretty good, though it could do with a little faster initial speed.
I don't have a problem with his ideas
But his presentation makes it look like ye old indie platformer and that disgusts me a little
Well, wouldn't expect anything else from an indie guy
I can't even like, shitpost about it. That's just absurdly bad.
>Turns sonic into a generic picture book style