I've made it to the 3rd island and I'm growing tired of it. I think it's a great game but it is just growing stale for some reason. Should I stick it out or trade it for something else?
Anyone else sick of this game?
>trading your game
What are you, retarded?
If you are getting tired of it right now then play something else and come back to it when you are no longer tired.
It just means you have ADHD and can't focus on anything.
What's wrong with trading in/selling games? By the end of the console generation your left with a shit ton of worthless games that will never be played again unless you're a shut in.
>buying games that you are going to sell back later for $5
Why would you do this
>lvl 98
>tfw can't beat the twilight mission level 200 blob mission
>keep falling off everytime I do my combo
Fuck this boss
I sold it and got a bottle of Jack Daniels because I'm an adult and therefore not part of Nioh's target audience.
I suggest the same for you OP.
In what world does playing older games make you a shut in?
Currently Amazon will give me a 36 dollar credit to trade in
I'm sure Fuse on PS3 gets a ton of playtime
>lvl 98 doing 200
maybe theres your problem you fucking retard
anyone else sick of nu-Sup Forums?
stop walking forward while attacking
keep your finger off the stick and you won't fall off while attacking
>offering advice when you haven't played the game
mission level only means the level and amount of gear you'll get on that mission
Finally beat it. I don't know why it keeps falling off. I think the blob pulls me in some times.
next time just use Hyottoko Masks
they kill Umi in like 20 seconds
I did do that. It did no damage. Must be my level since I'm very low.
And you bought it in the first place because?
Nothing. As long as you know you won't play it again. You said you are growing tired of it.
Not that you no longer want to play the game. So all you have to do is not fall to your urge to throw it away only to want to pick it back up later down the line.
no i'm definitely not getting tired of it. then again, i have been pacing myself instead of rushing through it though. i got it on release day and am just now at the giant skeleton boss. if you've been playing the game for 12 hours straight every day since release then, yeah, i can see how you'd be sick of it
>mfw just finished the game
>mfw this ending credits music
>shut in
Are we still on Sup Forums?
first Japanese game, kid?
Man I hope the updates add some longevity to this game. I was burnt out by the time I reached the 5th region, and I forced myself to beat it out of stubbornness. Playing through Way of the Strong now and while it's nice to relax and not worry about finding Kodama or doing everything, it's just a monotonous grind for better gear.
I actually just beat it before Yakuya 0 came out
and let me guess, you paid full price for it?
never played an ARPG before?
they're gonna add a difficulty mode and pvp
I'm loving it but if you're not having fun you're not forced to play it. Return it and buy something else you might like. I've heard Yakuza 0 is pretty good.
I totally get it. I'm on the second island and getting bored. Might help if there were more types of weapons, or certain unique weapons to find as you go. The minimal weapons thing works fine with Bloodborne because the weapons are really neat.
Nothing is wrong with it. Trading/Selling it because you get bored is wrong. It's like saying you are gonna quit your job because you feel sick.
you haven't even unlocked any skills for weapons yet
In a world where you own weeb trash like Agarest and Omega Quintet, clearly
>tfw beat the game
>Still don't know how to do tempest
Grabs and critical attacks don't make a weapon that much more interesting, user.
>cherry picking
go through the skill list and watch some of the demonstration videos you dense nigger
Confirmed hoarder
>play new game plus
>everything is a sponge
>Fire wheel does retarded damage
I did. I can't say that I see myself using skills like a very unsafe-looking uppercut attack when I can just attack normally and probably be way more effective.
then sell the game. it's not for you
don't ever play a Ninja Gaiden game either
>Bloodborne has weapon variety
now that's a fucking meme
I have 110 hours clocked so far and I don't think it'll keep me entertained past 200.
Worth the money but less replayabillity than souls.
Sub missions in same areas as main ones and low enemy variety spread over shitload of missions doesn't help much.
Which still doesn't make anyone a shut in.
git gud
I beat a level 200 mission and I'm level 90
ya come back when it's 201
twilight mission user.
mission level doesn't mean anything retard
>people don't realize you can skip the credits like any other cutscene
I say sell it, you can get $50-55 for it online, just take good quality pics of it and show the inside. Or sell it locally on CList for $40-50.
I literally just sold it a few hours ago after having it up for a day on CList, I got $40 for it and now can get a 1tb HDD for my ps4.
Nioh is fucking garbage, after you sufficiently learn that the kusarigama is laughably OP and once you realize the game really has like 4 hours of unique content that's just fucking rehashed for sub and twilight missions it dawns on you that it's a garbage game.
The "starting point" hub world map is so bad, it's structured like a shitty iphone game, this game is all flash and no substance, it is anti-TECHNOLOGY and seems to actively take you out of the experience with the shitty out of place loot system and menu-hub design after every short ass level.
>says the guy who overlevel
KYS scrub.
Why is the label "Recommended Level" then? And gear isn't leveled.
I don't remember burnout setting in so fast for any game I've played in the last several years.
Nioh went from fucking amazing to a fucking grind in record time.
It's the recommended level for your gear so stuff doesn't 2-shot you while you have to spend 6 stamina bars to kill basic demons.
Will's level doesn't matter. If your gear is at the level of the mission or higher it's usually a cakewalk.
you can do 320 twilight missions at sub level 100 just fine if your gear is appropriate
mission level is an entirely fucking arbitrary number
Let me guess. With the help of slothe?
I'm not sick of it, and I'm on track to beat the entire game, which would be the first time I actually finished a game Pokemon Y.
However I can see it not enduring in quite the same way Dark Souls did, since its levels are less cohesive and the world/characters are not particularly rich.
Still, it'll remain one of my favorite games in years.
only magic I use is kekkai and spirit talismans
the game is meant to get easier in the endgame because you're meant to make actual fucking character builds. you know, like any ARPG
Diablo loot is the first sign that it's shit
Its not hard to get loots. Just kill the revenant and get the best armor already
I did a media blackout for Nioh so I was unpleasantly surprised to find this system in place.
Grinding loot is not my idea of good gameplay longevity.
it gets worst in ng+
no, but why is the giant skelly mission filled with damage sponge enemies? I've been leveling my shit after nearly every main mission, but I had to spend nearly 5 minutes fighting that Onyuki at the third crystal
>grinding loot
you literally don't have to at any point in the game
if you want a souls game so badly then go play one
In NG+ you do, anything that isn't at least divine +1 is automatically garbage.
because your character is built like shit
learn more skills, learn to use them, use set bonuses on equipment that will benefit you
you can forge gear and kill a few revenants and be completely set up. and +1 ect gear drops plenty frequently
>implying revenants drop + gear
Are you pretending to be retarded?
>do yokai realm at serpent boss level ng+
>we managed to get all the way to orochi
seems easier by yourself
I'm sick of it because I played for two weeks straight. Fun game, waitin on the DLC now.
no shit, but you can get a full divine set from revenants then easily start plussing it. (+10 gear is not even required to beat anything in the game anyways, it's just a little bit of endgame incentive)
how do I get a plus weapon and armor?
>By the end of the console generation your left with a shit ton of worthless games that will never be played again
Yeah, then 5 years later you think of the game again and think "oh shit, I wish I could play that again"
And then if the wish is strong enough, you rebuy it
I have major regrets from selling my n64 and gamecube, never selling games again.
Organize that shit. What's the point of collecting and showing off if they are all just stacked randomly
>No Diamond and Pearl
>No Modern Warfare for DS
>No Wii games
>No PC discs
>No Gamecube games
>No Gameboy games
>No Genesis games
>No Board games
>old games
How exactly do you play older games?