ITT: Worst games of their respective series
ITT: Worst games of their respective series
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I don't remember the Assault Horizon box art looking like that.
you really think that ace combat 5 is the worst? Nigga....have you played assault horizon?
You are such a fucking faggot op
best pvp, tho
sometimes I listen to this and I imagine I'm playing the guitar with some hot senorita doing the castanets
I am pretty sure AC fans consider AH to be the worst. What the hell is up with you? 4, 5, 0 are the holy trinity of AC titles.
it still hurts
5 > 0 > 6 >4 > X
Haven't played the rest
Etrian Odyssey 4 if we're counting mainline only, EOMD if spinoffs.
But that's not Assault Horizon, you Idolmeister
postal 3
I drooped AH after the second mission so i forgot about it but 5 seriously is bad. I've been playing through the entire AC series for the first time over the past couple months and am currently going through and beating all the games on ace(or hard for the PS1 games) and this second playthrough of 5 has been an absolute chore. The missions are absolutely horrid. There are so many moments where you just sit around waiting for enemies to spawn in because the characters have to keep blabbing on about fucking nothing half the time. Not to mention garbage like the first landing on Yuktobanian soil where you fly around in circles destroying the same fucking bunkers over and over again. There's just way too much gimmicky shit, it's not fun. If the story and characters were actually any good it might be a bit more tolerable but that's just not the case.
Also this "holy trinity" stuff is nonsense. Both 2 and X are better games than 5. I think I might enjoy 3 more as well but i haven't played enough of that yet to truly say.
If you're gonna make a bait thread you could at least make it more subtle than that
This is just lazy
Guns of the Patriots is far worse.
valkyria Chronicles 2.
Fuck off nigger unsung war is god tier followed by Zero.
I don't know what to say other than that you are wrong. I mean if you wanna argue that it's the worst of the holy trinity than maybe that's an argument, but I still think 4 is a little worse. They're all still fantastic. The only thing I have against 5 is the anime melodrama is a little cheesier than the other 2 games.
Good I'm not the only one that thinks 5 was bad as well.
FYI this guy's some bored faggot from /aceg/, ignore him like we did
>EOMD if spinoffs
Etrian Mystery Dungeon? There's no O, so I'm not sure.
Stop bullying
No way buddy
I fucking loved 5
Stop being so defensive by stop telling someone they're wrong just because of a difference in opinion. Tell us why you enjoyed 5 and didn't think it was a bad game. At least this guy gave some valid points defending why he though it was a bad game.
>actually replying to your own shitpost
If the series was just the Holy Trinity this would be correct, but to think 5 is anywhere near the level of AH is crazy.
5 ain't the best, but if you actually prefer Assault Horizon, fuck you, you're objectively wrong.
OP already said he forgot about it
>Anons still reply to OP
>after stating he fucking prefers Assault Horizon over Unsung war
This twisted game needs to be reset
>not at the very least taking a cursory glance through a list of games in a series before making a statement like "respected game in series is THE WORST"
Fuck off OP.
>Not to mention garbage like the first landing on Yuktobanian soil where you fly around in circles destroying the same fucking bunkers over and over again
>being too dumb to follow orders and attacking them out of sequence
5 is way better than 04.
>blow up 2000 points worth of shit
>blow up 2000 points worth of shit
>blow up 3000 points worth of shit
>blow up 2000 points worth of shit with no radar or missiles
>blow up 2000 points worth of shit
>blow up 2000 points worth of shit
>blow up 6 targets
>blow up 2500 points worth of shit
>blow up 2000 points worth of shit with a boss fight afterwards
>blow up 10 targets
>blow up 2000 points worth of shit
>fly through a couple of easy tunnels and blow up 4 targets
But OP said he dropped ASS Horizon after the second mission?
Oops, I guess it's just a tick to add the Odyssey part, didn't actually know that.
>OP says 5 is the worst in the series
Take a fucking guess
My guess is he forgot about it like he stated on his post
TI-2 a cute!
5 was good except for swordsman. He was irritating and couldn't believe that he was the replacement for motormouth
You spelled "best" incorrectly.
>no graze counter
>esay as fug
>broken bomb
I'd much rather play that than that shitty first Breakout style game.
Yo wait. You dropped AH afta 2nd sortie, but you already had your second playthrough of AC5? That make 5 better tho
Oh my sweet summer child
Dont mind me just posting the best Ace Combat gaemu
Well, the first one will be always be the first. I honestly enjoyed it a lot for what it was.
But after the 10th game you would expect something better.
i'm never going to get over how disappointing this was
>use [PLANE] fifteen times to unlock [PLANE] but with a different special weapon!
>use new [PLANE] fifteen times to unlock the even newer [PLANE] with yet another special weapon!
Even all of 4's worst aspects put together are a thousand times better than 5's grind.
So last time I played this a couple days ago I was on the mission where you have to climb to twenty something thousand feet, wait above the enemy transport groups, and then when grimm says the thing shoot down the ECM planes and then the transports. But they keep escaping, by the time I get the last group's jammer down they're already basically at the border and I don't have time to shoot them all down. What the fuck am I doing wrong?
Do you have a plane with XMAA or XLAA missiles? Use those. Even SAAMs are useful for their extended range. You can pick off the first couple transports before the jamming begins and then use the rest on the jammers themselves so you don't have to get as close to them. Each jammer only affects the planes nearby so don't go running around the whole map only to double back and take out your real targets.
If you're still running out of time I'm pretty sure that you can finish the mission without going after the jammers if you get still pick off all the transports.
>Word game on series
>Posts the best game on series
If there's a rendered plane model then it's definitely a real target, right?
Demon's is worst. Dark refined its level design and gameplay where it wasn't as broken and easy.
Yeah, jammers just create fake targets to lock onto. Real targets also move more predictably while jammer targets will bounce around
>not 15
You mean exactly like 04? Because it sounds like you're complaining about 04 as well.
X2 felt pretty bad too. Even if In the Zone is so terribly bad-good.
If you played on a real difficulty you get more experience to unlock planes, you're not some pussy that only likes to unlock planes on Normal right?
>ac04 has 20 total planes excluding the bonus plane
>ac5 has 24 planes excluding bonus planes and grinding planes
Was too short and everything happened so quickly.
That ending though