This is/v/'s favorite 3D Zelda game according to a recent poll done here. Why do you love TP so much, Sup Forums?
This is/v/'s favorite 3D Zelda game according to a recent poll done here. Why do you love TP so much, Sup Forums?
It's not my favorite Zelda, but it's pretty good. All 3D Zeldas are good.
OoT = MM > TP > SS > WW
Mods killed Sup Forums culture so now any old 14 year old redditor who played this as a child can blend in here with all the other low quality posts.
It's the worst Zelda, bar none, it's bland looking, brooding, filled with deviantart rejects, with boring, shitty gameplay.
Literally nobody likes TP.
You are my nigga. That's my exact rating right there, if not giving MM just a bit of an edge
>according to a recent poll
>no hyperlink
WTF do you care of some random poll?
I honestly probably like MM a bit more than OoT, but both games are so fucking great, I doubt I could just say MM is better or I like it more. Both games are polar opposites, but they both do what they set out to do perfectly.
It's my third favorite after WW and OoT
Hopefully it'll be my fourth favorite next weekend.
This tbqh
I'd rather have one or two threads about Gorilla cereal and stock photo pizzamen than have at least one faggot trying to ruin every vidya thread on Sup Forums.
TP > WW > SS > MM > OoT > shit > BotW
I'm serious, unless you were rating my opinions., in which case you just have garbage taste
The thing is, it's hard to objectively decide which one is better. Deciding between MM and OOT usually goes for just which style is preferred.
MM > OOT > gameboy game I forgot the name off
You haven't even played BotW. And TP and SS are not better than MM and OoT.
Which is why I rate them equally. They're both fucking amazing.
>that one cringe as fuck dream sequence
I like TP for the most part but what the fuck were they thinking?
I have been playing BotW, and TP is by far the best Zelda game. It's the only one I truly enjoy to be honest. It has the best combat, dungeon design, world design, mechanisms for motivating the player, and story.
It has many flaws in its pacing, but the dungeons are better than Wind Waker and Skyward Sword at the very least.
it was frankly my first zelda and i loved it
plan to go back and finish oot/ww which i got to somewhere around halfway in each
also fucked around got the 2/3 of the pendant things in Link to the Past playing off a SNES browser emulator lol
Skyward Sword was corny as shit, albeit quite fun especially in that timestone pirate ship area
Also Ganon being the villain again, Zant being a shit villain, the severe underutilization of the resistance, and the bosses being cinematic experiences instead of real fights.
Twilight Princess is a great example of how design by comitte guarantees failure, there are good elements weighed down by pure shit.
You're probably lying but how is BotW?
you think there will be hd ports to Switch?
Also how are you playing BOTW? How is it? No spoils plz papi
It's a worthy sequel to Majora's Mask. It's not the best Zelda, but it's certainly not the worst.
>It's the worst Zelda, bar none
Terrible opinion thread?
Zant was fucking great until they managed to completely ruin his character in the span of 10 seconds. It's pretty impressive actually.
Ironically, actually a pretty fair score for TP.
Yeah, it was pretty fucking awful.
Is TP really worse than SS? I couldn't get more than a few hours into SS before I completely lost all my interest.
>he's a shit villain cause he's not muh ganondorf replacement
Zant actually had some character, beyond total evil guy. He wanted revenge against the people who sealed the Twili away, and he was presumably next in line to rule, but was ignored in favor of Midna.
Yours fits in pretty well
His temper tantrum made him look like a foolish spoiled brat and not someone to actually take seriously at all. They ruined what could have been a great original villain.
>bosses being cinematic experiences instead of real fights
What do you mean?
Different user, but at least he had a good boss fight.
Zant was cool until he turned into a autistic man baby who hits his head on the floor
it's oh so Japanese what they did to Zant now that I think about it
If TP was developed by westerners they would have at the very least retained his gritty, mysterious aura.
It's actually not bad at all relative to what I was expecting, I was really worried about it being skyrim tier but it's easily better than that. Without spoiling anything, if you're really sick of what Zelda has become and are excited based on what Nintendo showed you should enjoy it for at least as far as I've gotten.
That being said, it's just a less finely-crafted game then any past Zelda, which has always been the pinnacle of polish, detail, and fundamental design excellence. The game feels rushed and compromised. Not in a Bethesda way, just in a way where it almost doesn't feel like a Nintendo game anymore.
Except his behavior towards the end perfectly illustrates his character. A man so blinded by revenge that he willingly became Ganon's pawn, just to get some temporary sense of what it felt like to rule his own people. Only ultimately to become undone by the true ruler that he betrayed, and the magic that he considered inferior to the triforce's power.
>n-no you
I have no idea why people complain about this. He was cheesy and generic before that scene, and clever, ironic, and more interesting after it. Not that he's a particularly profound character in any case, but he would've been boring as fuck even by Zelda standards without a major shake-up or reveal.
Damn right.
Most of the bosses are very easy to cheese and don't really test your skills that much.
i mean he was mysterious is what I was getting it
sure there's something boring and generic about that but I also found it fit well with the whole game's darker theme
The thing that disappointed me most was how they ignored the items after their dungeons.The spinner, the ball and chain, even the control rod were pretty fun, but you never use them again
Fuck, while we're on this topic, Epona was next to fucking useless too. The wide fields were just tedious to cross, there was nothing interesting going on in the overworld.
The ball and chain is useful as fuck actually. I dida challenge run with 3 hearts, hero mode, and no sword skills (besides finishing blow), and the ball and chain completely saved me.
That is true. Apart from getting to the City in the Sky and the Cave of Ordeals, you only really use them to get a few heart pieces.
Though, to be fair, the same could be said for Ocarina of Time and Link to the Past.
>and the magic considered inferior to the Triforce's power
But their magic was inferior. The fact that he was strong enough to take over the Twili with just Ganon's power (a fragment of the Triforce) should tell you how powerful the Triforce actually is.
Yes, but the irony lies in the fact that Zant just tosses the fused shadows aside when he first sees that Midna collected them. The very same power that she used to kill him.
And of course, Zant was only using part of Ganon's power, not all of it. Hence why Ganon defeats Midna with ease at one point during the final boss fights.
>Twilight Princess
>Worst Zelda
>When WW and SS exist
Because all the teens that visit this site played this when they were 10 and it's their fondest memory of video games.
Why would Wind Waker be the worst?
>TP came put 10 years ago
I'm 18 and it was one of the first games I remember really looking forward to
The dungeons are shit and aside from the Great Fairy upgrades there's nothing interesting to find in the overworld.
TP (on GCN) would easily have the best combat of the series if enemies ever actually required you to use most of your moveset. The hidden techniques should have been mandatory so they didn't have to worry about players not having them.
In general I like the game, but I fucking hate Midna.
I'd love to see a mod that puts her into Evil Dead Regeneration, so that Ash can kick her into a furnace.
oh and I don't care for the "stretched political cartoon" faces many of the characters have. It looks like an Elder Scrolls game where someone got drunk and played with the facial feature settings. One character's got a forehead so big he looks like that Green Lantern villain.
Zant was weakened by an actual Triforce wielder though whereas Midna finished him off.
>forcing players to find the howling stones and learn the skills
I don't know...
You're right about the other games, TP just feels especially heinous.
>fishing rod
>dominion rod
>epona whistle
I think that's half the items, all pretty much worthless after the area where you get them
They could have put them in forced mini-dungeons or something, it's a shame that it throws all these cool moves at you but you never need them.
Or fuck instead of giving Link all these items he'll never use after the dungeon give him the moves there.