Is it possible to play FPS games as well with a gamepad, as you can with a keyboard/mouse?
Be honest. I'm a gamer who's looking to get serious with FPS titles.
Is it possible to play FPS games as well with a gamepad, as you can with a keyboard/mouse?
Be honest. I'm a gamer who's looking to get serious with FPS titles.
No, I game on PC, PS4, and Xbox One and a half-decent mouse is miles ahead of even the Xbox One Pro controller. I think a controller can be fine and still provide an enjoyable experience but you will never be as fast or accurate with an analog stick.
>Needing a poll for this
No, you can't. It should be obvious.
Yes. Controllers are more accurate.
Unless you are the fucking best in the world with a controller, No.
Not on PC, play on console with the rest of the disabled if you have to use a controller
I play FPSs on PC with a controller all the time, and I do well. Too bad games like Overwatch actually try to gimp the controller sensitivity on controller. The max sensitivity on controller is like mid on mouse
definitely not
Not a controller faggot but whoever made this webm probably sucks with either device.
I could guarantee you could not kill me a single time in over 50 rounds of a 1.6 match if you used a controller.
I guess it's physically possible, and the best ever controller user would usually beat a trash mouse user
generally though, no, not even close
No its not, a good controller player can certainly keep up with a decent M+KB player depending on the game but there is a much higher skill cap on a mouse.
The biggest thing is that your aim is controlled by your entire hand and can't snap your aim or "flick" the way a mouse does a controller has to deal with linear movement. Where as on a mouse you have the entire mousepad to work with and your aim can instantaneously move almost anywhere you want it.
Jokes on you, I don't play CS with a controller.
I played it too much on Kb+m that by the time I got a controller for the PC I couldn't play with it.
That said, you would still probably wreck me since I never played 1.6 and started at Source
I appreciate the detailed answer, as well as you explaining the science behind it. Truthfully, I just get annoyed trying to learn WASD for movement.
Even most consolefags admit that a keyboard and mouse is by far superior
>Is it possible to play FPS games as well with a gamepad, as you can with a keyboard/mouse?
No, of course not.
>Truthfully, I just get annoyed trying to learn WASD for movement.
You get the hang of it after awhile but its really worth it, you will never want to go back to a controller for FPS once you get the hang of it.
Well, again, I appreciate the honesty. I'll at least keep a gamepad around for fighters, and Contra. That's for damn sure.
Depends on the title. You will have lowered max potential for aim when compared to keyboard/mouse, however if you get really good at gamepad aiming, you could probably be better than about 70-80% of the server. But this requires that you practice a whole lot with controller aiming.
I played console shooters competitively and then for fun used controller on my PC for games like TF2, Overwatch, CS. Most people aren't really that good with aiming, even with mouse/keyboard. I'd reckon you could probably bottom out at like diamond in Overwatch with controller, mid/high esea open in TF2. But again I played console shooters like an autist for five years of my life for at least six hours a day, and while it's possible to get better faster than me, I'd say it's still going to take a while.
Absolutely not.
But lying on a comfy couch with a controller in you hands is another kind of fun. Exclusively for single player games, that is. Competitive FPS with a controller is hell itself.
My post wasn't stating that it was stating the complete opposite.
That the moment you stepped into any game that values precision you would immediately cease to function at all.
>Well, again, I appreciate the honesty. I'll at least keep a gamepad around for fighters, and Contra. That's for damn sure.
For sure man I always keep a controller around and use it for at least half my games thats one of the nice parts of PC you always have your choice of controller
Yes, but only with auto aim.
There are many games where a controller is just as good as kb + m, and even a few that are better with a controller. FPS games are not one of those.
I'm going to post a few of these
Just as an addendum, generally controllers are nearly comparable to k+m for projectile aim, as a lot of that aiming comes down to intuitive feel and prediction, which is something one can learn with controller. Again it's harder on controller but it can be done. The problem is that most FPSes are centered around hitscan weapons, and you will be in a significant disadvantage there. You will have to learn how to outplay your opponent positionally and through better movement and hope that you hit shots every now and then.
Just try playing a sniper in a game like Battlefield. You'll easily realize which works best.
>Is it possible to play FPS games as well with a gamepad, as you can with a keyboard/mouse?
However modern console FPS are designed and balanced around controllers, so using a mouse in their single-player campaigns is nothing more than cheating.
Of course, they let children on PC do this, otherwise these would throw a tantrum, because they usually suck at video games.
>I'm a gamer who's looking to get serious with FPS titles.
>even asking this question
With auto aim, maybe in general, or enough in certain circumstances for it to sorta balance out
but with mouse and keyboard theres a higher skill ceiling, a person could maybe do better by trying significantly harder than someone playing with autoaim and a controller, like by having more experience
No, but that doesn't stop me from playing literally everything with it, even The Secret World and other non-standart gamepad games.
No, mouse is the best there is. Try disabling autoaim and magnetic bullets (If any console games let you) and compare the two.
This has been attempted multiple times by CS players.
If you're a computer player looking to get the most out of your mouse, disable all mouse acceleration in the windows control panel + the registry edit. This will be difficult at first, but it will make you better.
>play overwatch on PC with 360 controller
>usually win by a significant margin, and always have a positive kill death ratio
I want you to think about how you interact with a computer on a daily basis, and consider why a mouse was chosen to do so compared to something like this.
I know some people use an analog stick or something for movement, but I might be thinking of how some console adapters do that, movement with analog, mouse for the aiming and such.
There we go. Thats all I have saved.
>I know some people use an analog stick or something for movement, but I might be thinking of how some console adapters do that, movement with analog, mouse for the aiming and such.
Care to explain further? I'm intrigued.
Competitively, no.
In single player, yes. That's why the have the sweet feature called aim assist.
Like in this blog post, a dude connected his PS Move navigator controller (the small thing with the analog nub, Dpad, X and O buttons) to his PC and used that instead of WASD for FPS games
I might do this when I get one, since I like a mouse for aiming, but I prefer an analog stick for movement.
Another example is something like this thing
No clue if it's good, I'd rather have something like the blogpost above instead.
It's because a joystick for movement is superior than a keyboard since with a keyboard each key is either in an on, or off position, whereas with a joystick you can control exactly how fast you want to move out of 100%. Mouse will always shit all over a joystick aim though, so some people have been doing shit like what posted. Gets you the best of both worlds. I would be surprised if shit like this doesn't catch on, or at least gain popularity in the competitive fps community in the future.