Are there any good games about Garfield? I remember a decent one on the Genesis called Caught in the Act.
he's back
Are there any good games about Garfield? I remember a decent one on the Genesis called Caught in the Act
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It was actually pretty fun. Anyone remember the minigames from the garfield website in the late 90s/early 2000s? Also fun.
>that ending
The Halloween games where you had to collect donuts and shit were fucking fun as hell.
>yfw Raymond 4:13:15
Literally what the fuck does it mean. I'm so lost.
tfw made it into the video
good shit
The Genesis one got castrated due to memory limits
Never forget
Uh did i miss something? What is the point of this? Seems like pure autism to me.
a webseries
that has been on hiatus for 9 years made a sudden comeback:
Holy shit.
good game
>inb4 "Garfield is awful"
Nah, it's good enough to have lasted decades. Most of the hate comes from jealous unsuccessful twats like David Willis who will never be a household name, or that Rethuglican who draws Mallard Filmore.
>Ywn you realize that Garfield creator Jim Davis is worth 2.4 BILLION DOLLARS
oh dear
what the FUCK
Is this humanity's magnum opus?
I can't even begin to fathom why and how this exists.
Is this Sup Forums's pannenkoek?
this is one of the greatest youtube comebacks of all time, the production value is amazing.
the bukkake video went too far
Did you call Sup Forums? I did
Now where could my pipe be?
>start watching it
>5 min in decide to see how much longer the video is
>one hour
a lot of the strips are classic not funny newspaper comic.
There are people who don't instantly check how long a video is as soon as they open it?
I haven't found mine
They called people pretending to do a sex survey, and they made this with it.
Actually it was voluntary, people called them
>Justin Roiland singing In The Air Tonight
Alright. Watching it now! You're right. I should've put a question mark there.
i still dont get how they are spending so much money in those videos when they are getting like 5k views each
is this a money laundry scheme because holy fuck what the hell
>mfw going to that URL near the end
>make some extra money
>have a hobby in kinography
how are they even going to get they money they spent back in the first place
im fucking amazed because somehow because someone somewhere edited and 4 hour video for youtube
they had nine years to do it
they also have another channel, and made this
>sat through 4 hours just to hear my name
>They never did
>Garfield on the black couch
>Max Landis, 89
Ialways knew garfield was just a tulpa
>Max Landis
Did you call in too late?
You guys found the hidden channels, right?
>both are nearly 5 years old
>including the ultimate enemies video
Holy fuck
Who were jon's two sexual partners?
Hah. Jon Arbuckle, 0.
Level 99 and only 7MP
We're getting a bit too meta here.
Who the fuck are these people even and how is this not the most visible thing on the internet right now
>tfw i have no idea what this is
where the hell do i even start
is starting even worth it at this point? apparently this shit's old as fuck
in the trailer he says two
just binge from the first video to the last
it's simple
The Ultimate Enemies video has been sitting in that channel for almost FIVE YEARS and nobody found it
What the fuck
>This is Jay Bauman, negative 2.
Hah. Jon Arbuckle, 0.
watch the actual video you ninny
>he didn't watch the end of the survey results
He corrects himself right before the mindfuck shit.
there's a point where the joke has gone too far and they've clearly passed it
>tfw watched the entire thing
it was legitimately entertaining
Oh fucking shit, I did not know this was revived. I know what I'm spending my night watching
>4 hour video of people saying how many sex partners they had
>somebody had to gather people for this and record themselves saying the peoples' names as the garfield cast
>someone also had to seamlessly edit all the footage for the same 5 seconds to loop with different names each time for 4 hours straight
>that Max Hardcore cowboy hat
>one video is 1 hour long
>another is nearly 5 hours long
have fun.
Good holy sweet Christmas it just keeps going
Art takes time.
Is this like, shitposting transcended into an artform? That's what this feels like. Just an meticulous, carefully crafted and wonderful shitpost.
>That clock
They spend way too much time on that
I spent way too much time watching it
Time none of us will ever get back.
I called not to long ago when the video came out.
Be honest
Did you watch the whole thing? At normal speed?
How are you going to get the money you spent on video games (>implying not all NEET pirates) back? It's not about making money, it's about having money and spending it on stupid bullshit you enjoy.
son of dob
Twitter was ablaze with Lasagna Cat tonight, and now it's here, too. What is going on?
Dawn of a new age
"To dziecko nie jest moje. Te dziecko jest coś z ciemności. Ja porodziłam ludzkie przekleństwo. Ja mogę zapytać o łaskę, co ja nie dostanę. Moja dusza będzie połknięta i wymiotowana, i połknięta jeszcze raz. Na zawsze. Chory żart ale nikt się nie śmieje. Moja krew zostanie. Śmierć nie jest końcem. Jestem w piekle. To jest piekło."
"This child isn't mine. This child is from the darkness. I bore the humanity's curse. I can ask for mercy, which I won't get. My soul will be consumed and thrown up and then consumed again. Forever. Sick joke, but no one's laughing. My blood will stay. Death isn't the end. I'm in hell. This is hell."
it updated after 9 years
Caught in the Act for Game Gear is that one terrible licensed game burned into my memory forever.
Also where do you even get the idea for a scene where a polish girl has an abortion in a toilet, gives a long speech to a fetus, and then connect that to garfield?
Like 15 videos just today
the Garfield franchise is truly a gift that keeps on giving
I enjoyed Caught in the Act as a kid, but even back then I knew it wasn't a great game. It also felt weirdly truncated, like there was supposed to be more levels.
Its supposed to represent the dead medium of the newspaper funny on the next generation of children. Something that was brought into the world but something no child wants to have. No one wants to read an old rag or hear about a cat who hates Mondays. The era of Garfield in the next generation will soon be lost.
The innocence of our generation is being forced upon a generation who wants nothing to do with it. IT is their curse that we have bestowed upon them much like a girl with an unwanted pregnancy.
But user, comics and abortions go hand in hand. At least that's what the internet has taught me after all these years.
why is adam sandler taoasting toast with garfield
>captcha is an image of a cat in a basket
Literal kino
god damn ruskies
How have I lived on the internet this long and never seen this shit?
>old twitter layout in video
>twitter account existed in 2015
god I love the long game
Why do i want to keep watching this? It's 5 hours of nothing but something in me want to watch the whole thing, why? How?
Check the upload date on this.
You're a faggot.
What me wanting to suck cocks have to do with this?
Ah, so the art is suggesting that if you're a virgin, you'll die out in the desert by the hands of a naked white nigger.
did anybody even know about this video before now? Did this really slip by undetected for 5 years?