Nioh tops 1M worldwide sales

>As thanks to the users who purchased Nioh, Koei Tecmo will distribute the in-game “Golden Nioh Armor” pictured below as a present included with title update version 1.04 due out today (February 24).

Thank you all for buying William-sama game

>1M worldwide
so, it flopped?

>inb4 retarded fucking Sup Forumsedditors think 1 million is bad for a modestly budgeted non-AAA game from a fairly small dev team

congrats to Team Ninja though, they did great

For a brand new IP it's extremely impressive. They knew people were gonna like it though, he was already lined up for inclusion in that Musou Stars crossover game.

That's really good! I could see Nioh potentially becoming about as big as Onimusha used to be back in the early '00s.

Hopefully this means a sequel might actually get a bigger development budget, even if Sony have to get involved with it on a deeper level. Most of the game's flaws seem to stem from budget woes.

knowing theres a white man under that weebshit really makes me cringe

knowing there's a fat neckbeard behind this post REALLY makes me cringe

>Preorder Nioh Armour looks dull as shit and has an ugly green colouration
>Free Nioh Armour is pimping as fuck


oops meant for >>literally all nioh players

nice post structure, reddit

>gets BTFO
>ur just a r-redit!

nice meltdown

I just hope Capcucks see this and revive Onimusha

Is it heavy armor?

Will never use.

>gets BTFO
>starts projecting

you know what would be even better?
a fucking pc version
fuck you kuckei tecmo

This makes the armor look even better.

Because it's gold.

Kek, I'm hoping for an edit with the mask.

You know you can put on the lightest armour in the game and glamour it into heavy armour, visually?

Good point.


Looking at it now, the normal mask looks pretty similar to the face already.

15 months in GIMP


it looks horrifying
and you can't tell it's never ever face since it's too small

Hey Sup Forums, should I get this or Yakuza 0?

Why not both?

This upcoming patch fixes the ability to get level 320 weapons from crafting stuff (probably the kusarigama one that seemed to be bugged) and I think they are implying even ones made before the patch will have their level lowered.

Some items that exceed your carrying total will go to storage, thank fuck.

Various other bug fixes, no documented balance changes. Looks like they aren't going to nerf stuff just because of "git gud" fags whining.



Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it normal that a well-advertised console exclusive AAA game sells that many copies? Why is everyone making such a big deal out of it?

The items going to storage is good news.
It really breaks the game's pacing to constantly go into your inventory to empty it.

>Koei Tecmo

>about as big as Onimusha used to be back in the early '00s.

Was Onimusha ever big?


1 and 2 were fucking huge in Asia and reasonably big in the West. 3 did alright in Japan and so-so in the West. Nobody at large really cared about DoD anywhere.

They would have had to advertise it for your statement to be true.

Nioh basically got the same treatment as Demons Souls with the alpha and beta being the equivalent of the JP and Hong Kong releases hyping the niche cult crowd into getting the NA release.

>Series had 4 main games with 2-3 spin offs, sold 7.9 million units by 2012
It's moderately big, nothing crazy but still noteable

there is a difference between being viral marketed on Sup Forums and being well-advertised.
Not a single one of my normie friends knew what Nioh was

Its not a AAA title for one thing
The demand is so high they had to make a new batch or push people towards digital
1 million in sales, not shipped, is amazing for a non AAA

do i need to upgrade all my shit towards the end of ng+ to stand a chance?

Well the demos did a good job advertising I guess.

No, you'll get crazy good drop rates anyway so just work with what you got.

Yakuza 0

reading this post REALLY makes me think

what exactly is there to nerf though?

i'm using a +7 axe and +5 katana atm. still rockin 4 set of warrior of the west. obsidian gaunts and omyo mage hat but only the gloves are upgraded to +4

>exclusive to PS4 at the moment
>new IP
>not a sequel
>not a big budget first person shooter
>not a Western studio
>not a cinematic experience

Considering these points, Nioh did very well.

>new ip
>1 mil sold in 2 weeks
>physical copies sold out
Stay mad soulscuck.

A game made by a single company with Sony only footing the bill for localization outside of japan.
The game didn't even get advertising.
I'd say it did damn well giving it's circumstances.

They lined up William in Musou stars for advertisement purposes. That and like 6 DoA character are in it so why not one more team ninja character.