Hell yeah

Other urls found in this thread:

The free armor set DLC

They were going to sell that DLC if sales werent that good.

Armor looks like shit, but 1 million first week sales for Nioh is fantastic. Great to see good games do well.

>update coming out today as well

Anyone know if the patch notes have been translated?

And now to play the waiting game for Capcom to jump on the bandwagon by making a new Onimusha.

Link them and I'll do it if it's not very long.

And fuck it up by having western devs make it.

Here, it was linked in the OP's article.

That's pretty good for a new Japanese IP without much marketing.

I've pretty much done everything though and got +5 on all my weapons and gear, I dont have a whole lot of reason to keep playing unless I want to try platinuming.

And an exclusive one, even.

>update makes it so ammo can be sent to the storage
thank god

>low budget
>little marketing
>happy when you sell 1 million

Other devs take notes please.

1 million + 1 if they don't be stupid in the next couple of weeks.

>on 54 m units
What a fucking flop

That was over a decade in development limbo

KT are probably pretty happy they asked Sony for help with publishing now, since they were really unsure themselves whether or not they could actually afford to market it overseas.

Some items added(weapons from the sound of it)
bombs, arrows, etc now go to storehouse when you're full on them
mission start grabs items from storehouse
system menu now has tabs for weapons and armor appearance(I could be wrong on this
Guarding now centers the camera
title screen now says what version the game is
something about some spider spinner thing giving priority to paralysis? I assume this is an armor piece I haven't found yet.

shit ton of bugs fixed that I'm not gonna translate

Did they make it so I don't have to fight THREE KELLEYS?

>why should we be happy making X amount when if we inject more we can earn 3 times that

>something about some spider spinner thing giving priority to paralysis

It probably prevents the spider guardian from overwriting your element with paralysis.


>What is deadspace
Fucking EA

The Spider spirit overwrites your elemental bonuses and shit with his paralysis bonus, maybe that is what they are fixing?

and to think, if it went on PC, they'd probably have 2~3m sold.

Signed: someone with a phone for web browsing, and a PS4 for general media/gaming.

That makes sense. It says weapon attribute now has priority.

Team Ninja spent 4 years developing it.

>nioh SHIPPED over 1 million copies

That's nothing. Most games send out that many copies and 2 months later you can buy them for 15 bucks because they don't sell.

>implying PC pirate cucks buy games

KT's games do not sell well on Steam actually.

54M users have different tastes you mong

Plus they sunk about 18 months into their initial version that got canned after Shibusawa saw it and ordered them to start over because it was too similar to Ninja Gaiden.

Though admittedly I think that user just means all the money that Koei/Koei Tecmo spent on the game before it really actually went anywhere. Plus the film that was aborted in the pre-production stages.

Nowhere in the article says shipped you retard. Those are both digital and physical sales.

>Team Ninja spent 4 years developing it.
Team Ninja were caught off guard by how well it's selling. It's impossible to find a physical copy world wide. They had to discount the digital copy on JPSN as an apology to people who couldn't find a copy. The game blew away their expectations.

Bloodborne was at 2 million in September 2015, Nioh might outsell it since it's easier. I really, REALLY hope that once Japan embraces the PS4 we get another wave of good, low to medium budget games that don't blow 90% of their money on advertising and voice actors. Bloodborne was low budget and a huge success, Nioh was in development hell for a long ass time but this most recent iteration was made fairly quickly for not a lot of money since Sony took care of marketing.

I just really miss the days when Japan was pumping out tons of great games while still having the money to make more than one every ten years.
*2~3m stolen

You don't, at least not all at once.
Just don't fight in the big room with piss filled cylinders. Let one clone follow you and fight him in the small room where the ogres were before, as close to the door you came in as possible so you don't attract attention of the rest. If the 2nd one joins anyway use your living weapon and finish off the first one. Then the 2nd one and then the 3rd still waiting in the big room.
Never had all 3 jump at me all at once when I did it like this.

The game was actually sold out in the US to the point that you couldn't buy a copy anywhere for a few days.

Major online retailers have the game on backorder for at least one month from what I can see.

You're wrong about this one, kiddo.

>1 million in 2 weeks is a flop

way too high of a number probably range around 500k-700k off of pc only

Try harder, Xcuck

>They had to discount the digital copy on JPSN as an apology to people who couldn't find a copy.

They extended the Yukimura armour period by another fortnight, too.

Do KT games ever hit this amount of sales so quickly?
Pretty damn good for a new ip anyway.

>and to think, if it went on PC, they'd probably have 2~3m PIRATED.

>Give PC all the shovelware Dynasty Warriors clones

>Won't give PC Ken's Rage or the newest Kamen Rider one.

They deserve to flop. Berserk is boring so the game can't be good.


More like everything about the game would have just been datamined and pirated. Fuck PC gaming. Thank god the Nier release was delayed so people have to actually look for shit.

No, a million sales in two weeks for a modern KT game on a single platform is really, really good.

Though admittedly they had Sony fronting the publishing costs outside of Japan this time.


>niche game with small budget and next to no marketing whatsoever sells 1 mil

This honestly makes me really fucking happy.

It's almost like releasing demos and taking player feedback into account will make a game sell assuming the game is good.

no AA games reach 1 million that quickly

Remember when PCucks were shitposting about Nioh tanking when it came to sales? Good times.

I hope this means it never comes to PC.

So now that Nioh 2 is all but confirmed, what are your hopes for it?



I want to be set in the Taisho era(around 1920 for non-weebs)


I want to see Team Ninja, Japan Studio, From Software, and Sony Interactive Entertainment all join forces for Nioh 2.

Increase budget by a shit ton.

Refine the game.

PvP at launch, make it an important aspect of the game, rather than a feature tacked on two months after the game is released.

Better graphics obviously

>what are your hopes for it?
More weapons, bigger enemy variety, more stages so you don't reply through same area 5 times when you do sub missions and a bit of balance / limit on cheese.

A bigger development budget, even if it means Sony getting involved in a bigger capacity.

Because they can't port for shit.

Demo's are a double edged sword. It can massively help a game but it can also doom it entirely, there's plenty of games that put out demos that then sold like shit. Luckily team ninja had a solid game to present so it worked out in everyone's favor

Yeah, the game has to be good for a demo to help it. It's weird how that works.

i really like this game and im glad they are taking steps to increase the longevity of the game

I was in HK a couple weeks before release and there were a fuckton of posters and demos in pretty much every game store I went to. I imagine it had some decent marketing for Asia but sweet fuck all for the west

I cant get over that his nipples are eyes

>That's pretty good for a new Japanese IP without much marketing.

This statement vastly understates just how successful nioh must be. I honestly can't think of the last time a new Japanese IP as niche as Nioh was this successful.

Niche titles like these tend to sell 30k - 200k at the most. I still remember the two weeks or so wonderful 101 came out and it only sold about 30k worldwide.

>put demo out
>the game is shit
>nobody buys it, especially not people who would have without a demo
>put demo out
>the game is good
>people buy it to play more
could this be the secret to vidya development...?!

i think they blew the load on showing the enemy types in the demos



Assign dodge/roll/sprint to O button.

Make X button for jump.

Final Fantasy Souls when

Is this game worth it if never played a Souls game before?

Gladio's DLC episode for FFXV was suppose to be similar to that

They showed off a fuckton of stuff pre-release, to the point where it was a bit alarming.

The only bosses in the final game who weren't actually shown in either the demos, press footage of Famitsu articles were

>The White Tiger
>Hundred Eyes

Yes. A good starting ground because it's easier than Souls games.

I put like 30+ hours in the three demos. This is way, way more than the hours I've put into many $60 games that have come out in the past few years. So I'm glad TN got rewarded even if I'm not too thrilled with the end result.

Bakumatsu period for shinsengumi, assassins and western advisors, and more nip demons like the weird shit in Ookami as regular enemies and not bosses.

Is this only for everyone that purchased before? Was planning on getting it this weekend.

i'm happier for team ninja than anyone else

they've said in interviews that all the cod-bro pandering in ninja gaiden 3 was a mistake, and that they've since become committed to just being true to themselves. that they're then rewarded with massive success sends the best possible message, to them and to other developers, and on top of it the game is fun and good, too

i don't care if we get a true ninja gaiden sequel, or a nioh sequel with less padding, or something new entirely; they're an incredibly talented developer and i'm glad they're Back

Did they even show most of the human boss fights (Okatsu, Magoichi, Yoshitsugu, Yasuke, Kelley)?

>Capcom makes a Monster Hunter souls like spinoff

I played the alpha and I thought the game wasn't good. I wasn't going to buy it but then they announced the last trial demo and they said there were some exclusive items you would get for beating it. I wanted to get those items just in case the game ended up being good so I downloaded the demo and I really liked it.

Honestly player feedback was a huge deal, they fixed pretty much every single issue I had with the alpha.

Considering the PS4 is the casuals' console this is pretty good

Not actual footage of them, but yeah, there were Famitsu screenshots of all the notable NPCs and their boss fights.

It comes with the new update so I assume its for everyone including future buyers

>nioh is a massive success
>kat is getting 2B's costume

Say it with me






>removing muh 320 items
what hurts the most is that the glitchfags were right


Just kidding I also have a PS4.


2b is getting a kat skin

>always thought he was the genius of team ninja and the reason why ninja gaiden 3 sucked was because he left
>devil's third is even worse than ninja gaiden 3
>nioh is probably the second or third best game team ninja has released

>bombs, arrows, etc now go to storehouse when you're full on them
Thank fuck
What a great qol change

anyone that genuinely thought it wasn't a glitch doesn't understand video games very well

the fact that revenants never dropped 320 shit should've been an immediate indicator

wow an armor set
amazing, truly based team ninja rewarding their loyal fans

Is it? Because I've heard it's harder than Bloodborne and Dark Souls.

We're getting PvP for free fag


we were getting pvp free anyway

The Portuguese as enemies in Nioh 2?