This comes out in 4 days and there's been 0 hype for this

This comes out in 4 days and there's been 0 hype for this

Is it dead in the water?

Other urls found in this thread:

neo/v/ hates beat em ups

Sup Forums doesn't like anything that's good. We only shit post and console war here

I'm excited for it, but I donated fucking years ago. I don't see how a 2D beat em up takes four years to develop.

I just hope it last more than 4 hours

I am fucking hyped for this shit. So glad this finally coming out. Just need Scott pilgrim to come out on steam already.

>Just need Scott pilgrim to come out on steam already.

Naw, we can do without it

>. I don't see how a 2D beat em up takes four years to develop
It's been 3 years and about 3 months since the campaign ended. Also, a year into development they realized the tools they were using were going to be insufficient to fully realize the game so they swapped engines and restarted development from scratch basically. It's a small team and shit like that hurts, but it was all worth it in the end.

It's a pretty substantial fucking game actually.

Mildly interested but it still bugs me that the devs didn't seems to understand the bancho aesthetic the original games had at all.

River City Ransom the US game was not about banchos and this game is a sequel to that. It seems to be tripping a lot of people up that this is actually River City Ransom and not Downtown Nekketsu.

As long as we keep getting more solid beat'em ups I'm all for it.
Alien vs Predator by Capcom was the fucking shit. River city has been awesome since the first, and I can already tell this one is going to rock my shit.

The game is called River City Ransom, not Downtown Nekketsu.

What don't you fuckers understand?

>River City Ransom the US game was not about banchos

It's just that all the characters were designed as banchos aesthetically and all the sprites reflected that despite the localization.

>and all the sprites reflected that despite the localization
Eh not really. You can argue the pompadour but in the US that's a greaser thing not a bancho thing, and with the change to tshirts and jeans it is very much a greaser aesthetic like seen on the cover
The US version of the game, while still carrying a lot of Japanese things in design, was still very different aesthetically to the Japanese version and definitely had different character designs.

It's actually pretty cool to continue a series from a heavily altered localization and expand upon the things that people who played the localization were fond of.

Though it looks like the game is more about fist fighting and combos than using weapons and stuff. I hope there's still a lot of weapons to use and cool interactions with them. I was playing River City Ransom the other day and I never even realized that you could kick garbage cans.

It has de-emphasized weapons in a lot of ways. You can still pick up weapons, throw them, kick them around, tires bounce and roll and will fuck your day up, etc., but you can't rely on weapons because the AI starts countering you if you use the same attacks over and over again, so if you keep trying to hit someone with a bat they're going to block and counter you, so you have to do things like swing the bat at them a couple times then throw it at them and combo with punches and kicks. Weapons can still be pretty devastating but they're not a crutch.

>the black girl breakdances

Anyone get into the beta?

How was it?

Yes. Sufficient to say I really like it.

How much of that would you say is a single playthrough and not just replays?

That actually sounds pretty cool. I never get tired of beat em up games, but that sounds like a good way to keep the gameplay fresh and always changing.

I have no problem with this

My one beef with most brawlers is you find one technique that works and you stick with it since the enemy AI basically consists of "Okay, I'm the blue one. I better be more aggressive. Also, I have a slide move. Use that more often".

Don't forget the big lips

The steam beta is only the first chapter of the game, so yeah it was a FUCK ton of replays. I must have replayed chapter 1 like 15 times and just in general fucking around. There has been a ton of rebalancing to the game though and grinding stats is more important for certain things so if you were to run straight through chapter 1 as quickly as possible I'd say it would take you around 3-4 hours including grinding to get your stats up and buying items and stuff.

It does a great job of making your interactions with enemies varied since you constantly have to think about how you're attacking to intentionally mix it up so the enemy doesn't counter you for doing the same stuff too often.

None of that is in the game. There's also a good amount of enemy variety and every gang fights totally different from each other, they all have different moves entirely and different AI patterns. They are legitimately different characters.

How many chapters will be in the final game?

I think they're calling it a 3 chapter game, but chapter 1 being the introduction chapter carries a lot of tutorial stuff and story setup and is shorter than the other chapters.

Does it suffer from the same issue that Scott Pilgrim does?

Where you could level up to the point where enemies become a joke and there's no way to downgrade?

The scaling is much better than Scott Pilgrim. You can grind out a lot and that will go a long way to making the game easier, but as you go through the game the AI gets better and their stats get better as well so they're going to be keeping up with you to a fair extent. It will probably end up being the case that if you grind out to max level and fully top off your stats the game is going to be pretty easy, but it's going to be a lot of work to get there. I doubt most people will bother hitting max level on their first playthrough.

>the black girl looks the funnest to play

She's got one of the higher skill ceilings in the game. Not all that hard to get started with, but she's got some fucking crazy shit, she's basically a Tekken Capo character.

So if it's an open world River City Ransom does it kind of play like Kenka Bancho or Yakuza?

>So if it's an open world River City Ransom
River City Ransom is always open world. It was basically the first game of that type, it was a genre starter. It's more accurate to say that Kenka Bancho and Yakuza play like River City Ransom.

But yes, in a lot of ways it's that style of game, although done very differently.

I like that. Most likely a day one for me.

Weird to think about that but I forgot you could just go wherever in the original.

Anyone know if the devs are considering a console release at some point? Could def see myself playing this with senpai and friends.

Totally could, and it was up to you to explore and find the story and how to advance. It was an incredibly revolutionary game for the time and created a lot of things that are still used to this day in action games. It's ACTUALLY insane to think about just how influential River City Ransom actually was.

They don't have the funding to do consoles at the moment so it's entirely based on how well it sells. They want to port it to as many consoles as possible if it does do well though.

It doesn't look very good. Nothing about it really resembles River City Ransom.

How does it feel to be blind? What you meant to say was, "I don't think it looks very good. I don't think it looks like what I think River City Ransom should be also, I'm a faggot."

Is this a beat em up? It looks like a beat em up judging from the art, very beat em up-like. If it ain't a beat em up then I don't give a fuck about you, your game, or this thread. I'll take my leave now.

Just how open is the world from your impression of the demo so far? What is there there to do?

How is the music in this game? It's the one thing that worries me. I can't get in an ass-kicking mood unless I have kick-ass music. So far, I have only heard the ho-hum music showcased in the gameplay trailer and the launch trailer.

Granted, the cover of the boss theme used in the launch trailer is awesome, but it's just that -- a cover.

Please aleviate my fears bros.

Dude, River City Ransom was one of the first beat em ups ever. It was like Renegade, which was River City Ransom the prototype, then Double Dragon, then River City Ransom proper.

It's pretty sizable, not huge massive gigantic, but pretty big. There are some secrets here and there and some stuff you can collect that will fill up your hideouts, but it's not like Yakuza or something where there's a million side things to do. It's a pretty straight forward beat em up where you mostly advance the story, but there's cool stuff to explore and see.

It depends on the area you're in and what's happening. Most of it is pretty catchy stuff that I'll hum along to without thinking about it, but if you're expecting like hard rock ass kicking fast paced action music it's not really that. I love the music but it might not be everyone's cup of tea.

>Is this a beat em up?
first post: "neo/v/ hates beat em ups"
third post: "I don't see how a 2D beat em up takes four years to develop."
seventh post:

>Genzoman shit

Because most people don't hate him as much as you do.

this game is so fucking white, there's way too much scott pilgrim influence.

I want to play as a these guys, not nu male white bois.

>there's way too much scott pilgrim influence.
No, there's way too much River City Ransom influence. You know, the original game in the US. The game that Scott Pilgrim aped and did a bad job at.

>I want to play as a these guys
Then play Downtown Nekketsu. That's always been there for you.

Look nobody is fooled and we all know the dev is in this thread but the game doesn't look that great. It's mid-2000's Newgrounds at best.

nu-River City Ransom

>and we all know the dev is in this thread
Nice boogeyman bro. I don't care if you like the game but you could stop being retarded at least.

>IP count stays the same every time someone posts something positive about the game

>I want to play as a these guys, not nu male white bois.

You know there's been 5 games released on the 3DS, right?

Well, I was honestly asking questions about the game and it was good to have answers. I don't know how the actual game will turn out, but I really love beat em up games so I'll probably look more into the game.

Yeah because the thread only has a handful of people in it and the only one who's played the game is me. Doesn't change the fact that you're a boogeymaning retard.

The thread's had 17 individual posters and it's been staying the same every time you post dude

The fact that someone has to ask "is this a beat-em up?" with something named River City Ransom is a depressing one.

When did I say anything to the contrary? Are you this stupid? Do you not understand how moronic you have to be to assume that one of the devs is here?

Bitch reminds me of Eddie from tekken and fucking love Eddie. Bitch is automatically best girl and best character. I'm gonna play the fuck outta her.

I'm really tired of NES-inspired aesthetics and homages.
How about a Yakuza-tier sequel would th cel-shaded graphics following the Neo Geo Kunio-kun game artstyle?

why does the art look like dobson?

Whatever you say buddy. I'm sure nobody notices there's always at least 30 seconds between you responding to me and somebody saying good things about the game

I don't see any inflation

Stop responding to him idiot.

She has a handstand stance. She's literally a Tekken Capo character.

It's clearly capoeira.

You guys better buy the game like respectable adults/members of society so that it sells well enough to get a ps4 port.

>I'll pretend I'm not that other poster! That'll show him!

Doesn't the PS4 have enough generic throwback games?

So this or tokyo rumble?

If you actually cared you would have picked up Tokyo Rumble, but you didn't.

The fact that it has online multiplayer at launch guarantees my purchase

I just wish they would reveal the price already. That would determine whether I buy another copy to gift it to a friend or not.

I want all the games, user. All of them.

Most fun, you illiterate.

>I just wish they would reveal the price already
They did. $15.99 at launch with discount, $20 full price afterwards.

>higher skill ceilings
>a Tekken Capo character

Neato. Steam store page still just has Available February 2017 on it.

Higher skill ceiling in this game. Everyone is pretty simple and straightforward for the most part. Provie on the other hand has handstand stances and cancels and air pinwheels and a whole bunch of crazy shit going on. Her and Paul, the boxer, are probably the hardest characters to master.

They've mentioned it on twitter and in the steam forums and on facebook, etc. If you look for it you can find it. I think they wanted to have a preorder option but Steam didn't allow them.

>Is this a beat em up?
I hope your mother dies of aggressive stomach cancer.