Are people obsessed with framerate the audiophiles of vidya?
Are people obsessed with framerate the audiophiles of vidya?
yes, but you can be a videophile and audiophile for videogames. most games also have audio
Audiophiles are their own special class of autism.
Why the fuck do you feel the need to categorize trivial stuff? Why do you have to create shitty threads like this?
High end headphones / speakers can completely change the way you hear music. But if you're talking about the people who spend all their money on tube amps and special thousand dollar cables, then definitely
Frame rate literally affects gameplay.
No, that's fucking retarded. It's like saying that people who don't eat literal garbage out of a dumpster are the audiophiles of cuisine.
Framerate differences are noticeable.
Audiophiles suffer from a placebo affect.
What do you mean? There is a difference in sound quality between good and shitty headphones. Do you mean a person who buys 20 thousand dollar headphones?
>Framerate differences are noticeable.
t. frameratephile with a 144hz monitor to play Farming Simulator
Audio quality literally affects listening.
Who do you think I am?
Yes. I don't recall the last time the need for me to hit pass 60fps on any games at day one, as long i'm not chopping shit with frames under 40 i'm happy enough.
It's the gen-z minecrafty babies started to have gamur hardware pushing 144hz daisies.
So how many more of these sorts of disparaging threads are we going to be seeing over the next few weeks as the Switch and Zelda are released? We've all noticed how you clowns have been slowly ramping up the amount of these pathetic threads as an attempt to buffer the backlash your cancerous corporate overlords are receiving.
Sup Forums should be split again: one board for pc gaming and another board for console gaming so the Nintoddlers can furiously shitpost alongside the sony and xbox fanboys.
It's thanks to your ilk over the years that mods have completely abandoned the board. I hope your happy, you cancerous faggot.
>mods abandoning boards
Nope the're posting in new vegas or todd threads and banning fart posters. That's all Sup Forums mod does every hour.
You have a board for fat, autistic fedora tippers though
Go back there
But user, these threads are made by sonyggers mostly.
Most audio quality is shitty, enjoy spending hours just to find lossless files before you can even listen to music.
Also, enjoy your 128kbps streamrates
is there any double-blind test which has confirmed that audiophile shit isn't pure placebo?
by the way, a $100 visit to an ear doctor to get your shit cleaned out will go a thousand times further for 'audio quality' than a $2000 amp
No, it's more like a fan of cars that prefers compression in all their cylinders.
No because the difference from 30 to 60 to 144 is substantial and easily noticeable, anyone who says otherwise hasn't seen it or has fucked up weakling eyes (glasses wearers).
Audio has difference quality like all things but the level at which hardcore audiophiles are existing is pure insanity. You don't need to take an 8 weeks correspondence course to get high fps, tweak settings, build a powerful rig. High-high end audiophile shit is borderline holistic medicine tier, taping crystals to their cables and shit.
Yes but who are the food reviewers of video games?
>fucked up weakling eyes (glasses wearers).
So 85% of musards?
Shoenice is based af
Reviewbrah is legitimately crazy, but I guess that's okay
lost my fucking shit at the huge device and the 'converted with youtube mp3' 128kbps bitrate
are audiophiles worse than pedophiles?
>no more daily joey/jack threads on /ck/
>no more sending that faggot ken hate mail
this still blows my mind:
anyone have the pic of the dudes setup where all of his cables are on risers
apparently there's a community within the audiophile world who believe audio sounds worse if your cables touch a surface
Notice they lied and said he's going to college.
Solid 60fps is the 320kbps mp3 file of framerates.
30 with drops is the 2006 youtube compressed audio file downloaded and reuploaded and redownloaded again at 92kbps.
Does anyone have that video where the dude starts wincing because of the headphones he is listening to?
Doesn't he start crying?
That's a parody video fyi
>t. guy in the video
because you can get "better" at listening to music
He's not?
It's not being better at listening to music, it's being able to hear more detail in the recording. Good audio gear is kind of like a good graphics card in a computer.
>t. meme
stop trying to fit in newfag
One you go 240fps@240Hz with gysync, you can't go back.
y tho
the human ear can only hear a certain amount of noise per second user CMON
If you think under 60 FPS is okay kill yourself
>I don't recall the last time the need for me to hit pass 60fps on any games at day one, as long i'm not chopping shit with frames under 40 i'm happy enough.
How often does anyone on Sup Forums complain about 60 fps?
Once in a while some 144hz fag might call you a poorfag and that's it.
>its gen-z
No, you millennial idiots got cucked into thinking that 60fps was fine and that 30fps was cinematic.
Prior to you idiots, 60hz was a pariah, it literally caused headaches, eyestrain and worse - becuase we gamed on CRTs where 60hz was fucking terrible.
85hz is the bare minimum needed for fluid gameplay without physical harm.
what he's listening to:
of course
This meme is so fucking funy.
Framerate is a 100% objective, measurable thing.
All the audiophile shit like "colour" and "brightness" is 100% subjective bullshit.
>These headphones hurt my ears
This. Less than 144hz is scientifically confirmed to damage your eyes due to strain.
This is why PC players all use 144hz.
Colour, bullshit.
Brightness - just describes audio that is really high in treble, to point of being uncomfortable to listen to for long periods.
>tfw playing a game with 30 fps lock
The only 'audiophile' thing I've bought is a $10 braided Zeskit cable for my Superlux HD668bs because cheapo cables kept breaking
It's a breddy good cable, definitely sturdy. Would buy again.
I know this post is a joke, but after using 240hz for months now, 30fps really is truly unplayable. Even 60fps is very bad.
30fps and 60fps arent even playing a game
it's an assault on the senses
>Spent ~$600 on a simple amp/dac combo and HD600s
>Every song is suddenly new again
Im not convinced anything beyond this is worth the money, but holy shit entry level stuff makes a night and day difference.
They can fuck off with the $500 balanced cable shit though.
I use Rutracker most of the time where most of the uploads are FLAC. No real research time needed. Though I don't require FLAC and sometimes don't really want it. Don't go below V0 if I can help it but sometimes I have no choice.
>Build pic related
>Play Ghost Recon Wildlands open beta
>60 FPS at 1440p
How fucking unoptimised can a game be?
I own HD800s and can confirm that the audio meme is real.
Is it a different engine from For Honor or Rainbow 6 Siege? I get 240fps on low in both
How do I filter torrents on Rutracker?
wtf is he doing? source?
It generally says what file type it is in the title of the thread. Don't really need to filter. The filtering on the site is pretty obtuse anyway. They've got so many categories and the window to choose them is so tiny. I'm not even sure if you double click on them or what too. Though you can filter for lossless torrents as they're uploaded to a separate category, it's easier to just look at the title of the thread.
How does it feel being a retard? 240hz is less smooth than 144hz, it's literally just 120hz. It's a marketing ploy.
You're thinking of interpolated 120hz monitors which falsely advertise as 240hz
The BenQ XL2540 is genuine 240hz. BenQ doesn't even carry an interpolated 120hz monitor.
Oh really? Sorry. Could you give me a link to that monitor? How does it compare to 144hz?
above solid 60fps yes, below that is like hipster justifiying shitty cassette quality because of muh experience like the retads in the movie after seing the hobbit in higher framerate than usual and feeling sick.
>Content bitrate 128 kb/s
personally speaking, I play competitive FPS. It's not as big of a leap as 60>144 but it's extremely noticeable. You especially notice the difference during high-movement moments like flicks. On 144hz you often lose clear vision of what's going on, on 240hz you can still see.
60 fps is painful on the eyes. I don't know how retards can argue 60 vs 30 when they're both dogshit.
Its a standard, hard to achieve by consoles and tablets, thats why the fight.
They barely reach solid 30fps...
Its like real 1080p.
Since they render the shit at lower res, and then upscale it using gimmicks, its the same fucking thing.
isn't OLED supposedly capable of up to 10,000hz
Both sides are retards. 4k 144hz is the only standard.
Anything else is console-pleb level.
I found your problem...
>bbbut nothing uses more than 4 cores!
It really does.
Protip: the consoles have 8 cores and games are being threaded to high hell and back to get performance out of them.
The consoles also have relatively low IPC per core and only run at 1.6ghz - but they're also only doing 720-1080p and only doing 30frames per second.
You're trying to push 4 times the Xboners resolution at almost 5 times the framerate - consider that upping the framerate means AI, physics, etc is all going to need to calculated more often (almost 5 times more often).
Now even if your CPU is double the IPC of the consoles - you're still only running ~2.5x the clockspeed - so considering the 5x increase in workload, you're only just scraping by in per-core performance, but you're still missing 4 cores, so you're stuck with 60.
Who is the Chaotic Neutral guy?
Not settling for 240hz?
Fucking poorfag nigger.
>being a 1080p pleb
what is this, 2003?
>Not knowing a damn thing about CPU architecture and trying to compare core-to-Core two vastly different types of processor
>Still push the "muh ceepeeyooo" meme for vidya
Just shut up dude.
>he doesn't have a custom overclocked 480hz CRT
>implying I'm any less than 5k special commissioned monitors
You're a consumer grade faggot. I don't even know what 1080p is.
It sounds like you don't know what you're on about but are very salty...
Good thing that i lost some of my hearing in the military. Can't hear any difference after 160 kbps.
>he's not gaming on an oscilloscope
>On 144hz you often lose clear vision of what's going on, on 240hz you can still see.
Bullshit. The time it takes for the chemical reaction that occurs when light hits the cells in your eyes and the information to transmit along the nerve to your brain to be processed is longer than the time between frames on a 240Hz monitor. A 120Hz monitor is already pushing the limits of human perception, claiming you can clearly see the difference between 144Hz and 240Hz is akin to claiming you are superhuman.
Who /1440p144hz/ here?
>claiming you can clearly see the difference between 144Hz and 240Hz is akin to claiming you are superhuman.
Do you have fucking problem with that?
Honestly the standards for FPS are so low right now I am just happy if a modern game is at a stable 30fps
Get any good compensation for it?
I tried, they told me "pls go and stay go"
They are the people with functioning eyes and some sort of standards. If you can't tell the difference between 30 and 60, you are either retarded or lying.
>because you can get "better" at listening to music
I have no idea if you're being sarcastic or not. You can get massively better at listening to music through practice and this is well known by professional musicians.
The first time I tried out earplugs I was completely blown away.
you get better by understanding, not repetition. this is important, it will be on the test.