ITT: Games only you played

ITT: Games only you played

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but I have played it

and it's amazing

Me too. In fact, I'm going to download it and play it again. Maybe this time I'd get that other apartment and join X faction instead of Y.

Who knew that a sims with a story mode could be so G O O D

I played the DS port does that count?

Fun game BTW.

Is it better than bustin out? Or the other weird sims game for the gba with a tv show thing?

It does. It's basically the exactly same thing. Only the menu is always visible on the touch screen.

I've seen gameplays of Bustin' Out and it appears to be the same thing. The only difference is that the Urbz happens in the city.

It also has some new features that are unfortunately pretty glitchy.

It's basically Busting Out 2. A very good sequel.


Are those glitches too bad? Does it make it unplayable or should I play the DS version instead of the GBA?

that and sims bustin out were great
>lawnmowing job

Not unplayable... although you may just want to stick with the GBA one to be sure. I've gotten permanently locked out of what I believe were optional "clubhouses" or something. It's been awhile.

The DS bonuses are pretty throwaway.

Cool man. I was about to play it again and couldn't decide. I don't know how to instantly load a file on DS emulator and that cheat helps a lot in this game. Sacrificing that for DS new features was the question and I'm going for a no. It's not worth it.

Urbz and Sims 2 DS were my first Sims games and they were both so good. I thought all Sims games were like that and was super disappointed finding out they weren't.

I wish they kept making them in this style, anyone know any similar games?.

Played the gamecube version. Only time the turbo button on my one controller came in handy.

Urbz for GBA is fucking great. I downloaded it a couple of months ago and it's surprisingly a lot of fun, and the music's good too.

Burstin' Out is the same thing as The Urbz. Same graphics and gameplay, new story.

>want to play The Sims with direct control
>only Sims with direct control is Xbox Sims 2
>No Xbox Emulator
Why they stopped adding this feature is beyond me, it was one of the best things the series did.
Sorry senpai, but I played all 3 versions of the Urbz. Shit was fun.

sims 2 DS was the shit, would have been better if there weren't so many game breaking bugs though. I was almost done with the game but one of the main characters vanished from the save file. My favorite part was making and selling my own paintings in the gallery.

every time this game is posted the duck grows stronger.

>Duck with bread: "I am growing stronger"

>not velocirooster

>buy pet in Bustin' Out for GBA
>it goes out of bounds in the house and pisses everywhere
>environment stat is permanently tanked in that room

actually I can't recall if there was an environment stat in that game
regardless, it was fucking annoying as shit. never buy a pet.

This shit was awesome, busting out was gr8 as well

if you liked bustin' out, you'll be bustin' a nut with Urbz


How can other vidya music compare?

The ps2 version had it as well

Holy shit, this game had the best music senpai

did i miss a hot new meme?

fuck just seeing the cover made me feel old


I remember i loved the movie i was like 11 and i bought the game new with birthday money. I remember my mom telling me to wait because it will go down in price but i wanted it! I remember having fun with it but it wasn't that great. mom was right cause like 2 months later it was 30 dolllars. Ever since then i don't buy games right when they come out. I wait.

This but the GBA version

oh thank god i'm finally around to see a thread with more than 10 posts about urbz/bustin out

is there a single other game with similar gameplay?

It was the poor man's DMC. Still kinda fun in its own way. I liked the movie a lot as well when it came out.
don't hit the flowers
and I hate those fucking chickens

What is it about old school shovelware? A lot of games were pretty fucking decent. We don't have shit like this anymore. Modern gaming boils down to AAA titles, indie games, sports games, music games, and exclusives. I haven't been to a GameStop in like five years but I can't remember seeing a shovelware game that looked like it offered a little bit of fun.

Wow, I actually remember playing that now.

the GC version has it

>that part in Bustin' Out where you had to talk to Willy about something
>took hours of grinding to finally find him somewhere other than the boxing ring

>that other part at the end of the game where you had to have a specific affiliation with several Sims
>even more hours of grinding, finding them, and only being able to talk them enough to affect their affiliation by one or two points before your character couldn't talk anymore

I swear, the ability to invite Sims to your apartment was the fucking best feature they added in Urbz.

Was there even a good way to KO him? Every time i did it i didn't do anything different from the times i failed

>want to play sims
>look up pc version
>not the same 3d i was accustomed to on ps2


Played the DS version. Enjoyed it a surprising amount.

I remember a few people saying it was slightly influenced by timing but I think that was just placebo. I'm pretty sure it was just the strength requirement.

Also I thought of the worst fucking part of those two grievances.
>need to talk to a specific Sim
>call them
>oh hey I'm in [location that's really close to you]
>get there as fast as you can
>they're nowhere in sight
>call them
>no answer

>Get bribed into going to Talladaga with my dad over this game
>Sit there looking at it through the whole long ride home to Mississippi
>Really into Bionicle so imagining it'll be great
>Get home
>Beat it in 2 hours

>get the thief arrested
>ask for an errand
>they want you to return an item to the thief
>no way to ever talk to thief ever again

Also what was the worst segment of Bustin Out and why was it the Waterfront Villa?


I emulated it on DS, couldn't figure out how to get a house.

I've also played it on ps2, decent fun. More narrow but more energetic than Busting Out