>open world
For what reason? I'm playing this right now after finishing DeS and I gotta say the open world infuriates me.
Open world
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It's kinda cool having a bunch of shortcuts weave the entire world together, and presents an alternate route for every stage.
where have you been
DeS came out in 2007 and theres been 4 dark souls games since
It isn't open world.
I like DaS1's world the most out of all the Souls games, but you'll be happy to hear that DaSII and DaSIII's worlds are far more linear (despite still being technically open world)
Im doing my first playthrough and im upto Lord Gwyn. Any suggestions for my new game+ weapon?
Played through with a lighting halberd and loved it. Dumped most of my points into strength and endurance
It's not traditionally open-world, but it still fits the definition because you can freely walk from almost any point on the map to another spot.
I look at it more like Castlevania than an Open World.
Why is this game so janky? I just can't stand this game, nor can I understand anyone who can forgive these debilitating faults in mechanics.
Elemental weapons such as that Lightning-upgraded Halberd do not scale with stats, so all those dumped points into Strength have largely been wasted.
It's almost always better to upgrade to +15 and then use Resin buffs if you want elemental damage.
It's close enough.
is this bait
I'm not sure what's wrong with this webm, you got hit and knocked back off a ledge.
Scrap that character. Yes, you're about to spank Lord Gwyn's shit, but you invested in strength. You need to restart and do dexterity.
OK I'm 10 hours in.
What's the point of Humanity? What do you do with it?
Six-year-olds have beaten this game. Are you less functional than a six-year-old?
But STR+DEX is the true master race
>open world
The interconnected level design of DS1 was god like.
I'm playing Nioh atm and its insane how much i miss something that should be unimportant.
Use humanity to reverse hollowing at bonfires, allowing online interaction (summons, invasions, etc).
Use humanity to kindle bonfires for more estus.
Liquid humanity (the number next to your health bar) boosts all of your defenses, item discovery, curse resistance, and the attack power of Chaos weapons.
>he leveled dex
>allowing online interaction (summons, invasions, etc).
It's important to know that being in Human form only allows other people to join your world.
You can still join other people's worlds in co-op in Hollow form.
>46 poise
Enjoy being stunlocked m8
>This is objectively the more boring build for Dark Souls.
Well, you're correct.
loving every laugh!
just beat the lost sinner in DaS2
when is this game supposed to get bad??
A little later
Iron Keep comes before that
Unlike DS1 it doesn't 'get bad' after a certain point. The game is consistently okay throughout, and the DLC is top tier so even if you do get a bit bored later there is something great to look forward to.
only if you're playing softs
>rolling backwards against an Ultra Greatsword Black Knight
it isn't supposed to be an open world, it's supposed to be like Symphony of the Night
how the fuck do I beat gwyn
git gud
shoulda dodged, fag.
>open world
Dark Souls isn't open world you dingdong.
>Not cheesing that knight by making him walk into fire like everyone else
You ever get bored of this?
I do it for you.
I knew it was bait
To add on to 's post.
You also gain a liquid (also known as soft) humanity for completing your objective in their world, whether it's killing them as an invader or helping them beat a boss.
Don't get hit
How do you beat this stupid bitch?!
Every time I get close, she just fucking teleports away. I haven't upgraded a bow because that shit's clunky as hell, and I can't close the gap quick enough. I've died like 10 times from attrition and the servers are so fucking dead that I can't summon anyone.
The fact you can go anywhere you want is literally the best part of the game, it is the only souls game that made a properly connected world. It is really nice to have other options for areas to explore if you get too frustrated in one
if youre going to complain about something, complain about how spells cant stack and have to use up additional attunement slots
I used sorceries, and just stayed way the fuck away from him always. Or learn to parry
Beat DeS as my first soul game a while back and I've been meaning to get in on Dark Souls.
So like DeS where you can go to whichever archstones, Dark Souls lets you go to any sort of path you wish?
only das2
good joke
After finishing analogue of 1-1 you should have 2 items that allows you to deal with them
And souls for the cat ring too
So what's a problem? Your feelings?
Run faster.
You can explore valley of drakes, catacombs, new londo, blighttown, great hollow, or undead burg from the very beginning, just after the tutorial boss, if you take the masterkey. More paths and areas just keep opening up as you continue.
However the game has a specific path it wants you to take, made obvious by which enemies are tougher. There are frequently multiple choices of similar difficulty, however.
>Dark Souls lets you go to any sort of path you wish
Sort of. There's an item you can pick during character creation that opens up a bunch of stuff, but for the most part the game "suggests" an order to do things by presenting you with differences in enemy difficulty.