What trilogy series middle game was better than the first and third

what trilogy series middle game was better than the first and third.
>pic related

The Mass Effect Series



Ratchet and Stank


Dead Space 2

Lord of the Rings, Mass Effect, Diablo.

1 was much better than 2 you fucking pleb.



prime 2
modern warfare 2
killzone 2
resistance 2


This is the truth.

Does it have to be a trilogy? cos between silent hill 1 2 and 3 id say 2 is the best.

Not OP, but the final Ares fight ruined the first God of War for me.

It was so fucking lame. Ended the game on a whimper.


hitman 2
max payne 2
resident evil 2
crash bandicoot 2
donkey kong country 2
gta vice city (i count it between 3 and san andreas)

Too many underage will never play this game.
Also the best of the trilogy

My 12 year old cousin knows what siphon filter is because my uncle let him have his old ps1. im very proud.

Donkey kong country, crash bandicoot, jak and daxter

I dont know, GoW 2 had some gameplay polish, but most felt like filler, most extra weapons were crap. Plus it ended in a cliffhanger, which is always bad.

GoW 1 was simpler, but felt good and the plot was self contained. If you beat the trials you get a lot of info, including a spoiler of GoW2/3, that kratos was actually a son of Zeus, hated all the gods and was going to eventually kill them all (well, zeus was his objective).

It also dropped a plot point that he had access to the soul of Ares in a chamber in olyimpus.

Easily ME.

>that level on the pizza hut demo disk
>the other level in a urban area where you tase people until they're on fire

so hard but so fun for a dumb kid

Don't forget to find him the taser on the first level

how is 2 better than 3?

Max Payne fucking 2 the fall of Max fucking Payne

motherfucker have you played jak 3

The 2nd jak was the best

3 is definitely better than 2.

But 2 is the worst one
1 > 3 > 2


I've only played the first two because I couldn't be bothered with the third after how much I disliked the second. fuck that game

I think i agree with you. I feel that 1 has mroe memorable (like the exploding restaurant sequence, the ending, etc), but the lows of MP1 are fucking rock bottom. Whenever i want to replay MP1 i remember the fucking snow cargo levels and quickly loss interest. Such a fucking endless grind that area.

No GoW 1 is better than 2.

No ME1 is better than 2.

Okay but the whole series is shit anyways.

Correct answer but 1 is still really good.

KYS 2 is shit, 1 is the best.
Personally. I'd say Max Payne 2.

Resident evil 2 if im allowed to use the first three games as a trilogy.

Dead Space 2
Uncharted 2
Crash 2
Max Payne 2
ASS Creed 2
Old School Runescape (Classic and RS3 count so it's a trilogy cocksuckers)
Ratchet & Clank Going Commando

Sly 2

Destroy All Humans 2


Mortal Kombat II

DAH was a trilogy?

Path of the Furon

It only got released on the 360 in the U.S for some reason

Arkham City

Don't forget Big Willy Unleashed.

kek that shit was trash alongside PotF.

Age of Empires.

Dark Souls

oh my god i forgot about that atrocity

i remember renting it from blockbuster and despising it because the controls were fucking horrible


wrong, but city isn't too bad. knight is a terrible game though desu

>Resistance 2

come on now

Dark souls

Fucking lol

I actually liked the """plot""" though I can't remember much of it.

Damn, the Wiii was such a piece of shit.

Modern Warfare 2



>nobody posted TimeSplitters

Good, 3 was the best.


Future Perfect was a much easier game and dropped some of the Goldeneye-isms TS1/2 had, but it's still a very well-made game.

Gears of War 2

But the 3rd game was the best user.

The first three MM games are the only important ones so it kinda is a trilogy.

jak and dexter

It's much harder to find examples where the third is the best. The second is usually the best because it polishes the first and doesn't go overboard on the new and untested stuff.

Lost Planet


Streets of Rage

I guess, not really a trilogy

Three games loosely related via world, lore, aesthetics, and game design. Team ICO's games are more of a trilogy than some other series.

2 had

>good boss fights
>much better variety in the magic department
>the only satisfying final boss battle of the trilogy
>twice as much enemy variety as 1 and 3 combined (helped in part by not only reusing 1's enemies but including entirely new variations on the same enemy type)
>the hammer
>those pegasus battle sequences

3 was pretty and the item system was good but goddamn did the game completely drop the ball in every other regard. What a boring mess.

Jak 3 was a hollow imitation of 2 that vaguely attempted to inject some of the spirit of 1 but failed.

The game still featured excessive travel times between objectives but in 3 this was compounded by the desert which was absolutely horrible. The story was a complete clusterfuck that made no sense coming away from 2 with new characters popping up and old ones acting different for no apparent reason. The plot threads between the desert city and haven were only vaguely related so the game butchered its pacing trying to tell two stories at once, especially once you have access to both cities.

The only thing 3 did good was the new weapon mods and light jak. But because of the drastically reduced enemy variety and complete lack of difficulty the new mods were for the most part useless because there was nothing much to use them on.

2 had far and away the best story, hampered only by a hubworld that became a bit of a drag later on. 1 had a charm and atmosphere but the story was practically nonexistant and the game ended pretty much just as it was really getting good.

And it's STILL being updated.

Shame about the HD/Voobly divide though

sly cooper

>the desert is bad
Stopped reading there.Opinions discarded

Knights of the Old Republic 2, if TOR is considered the 3rd game.

Come on OP.
I love god of war, fucking love it. I replay the series once a year.

But God of war 2 was good, not great like 1 and 3.

GoW1 > Gow3 > GoW2 > psp titles >>>> Fiery shit > GoWAscension

>a rolling vista of nothing with nothing but the exact same copypasta annoying enemies slamming into you every 5 seconds.

Maybe not campaign mode but online was god tier and easily elevated it to a 9/10.

What was it that was so bad? I love the GoW games but never go to this one.

1 was very unique tonally among the three so it vs 2 I see as fairly even.

But 3? Come the fuck on. 3 was a joke. The only good fight in the game is Hades. All that trash with Pandora. The way all the buildup of the previous game and its titan war is unceremoniously ditched 5 minutes into the game as if a completely separate dev team took over. The pathetically contrived means by which they tried to emulate Zeus' betrayal with Gaia's.... betrayal? of not grabbing Kratos when he was falling off her butt and for no apparant reason rattling off some stupid monologue about him being a pawn. THE POWER WAS INSIDE YOU ALL ALONG

That fucking stupid scorpion.

It was awful.

I remember playing the demo with my brother and both of us were blown away.

The 2D Layton Trilogy