Wow, I thought it was impossible to make worse party members than me2 ones, but Bioware fucking did it!

Wow, I thought it was impossible to make worse party members than me2 ones, but Bioware fucking did it!

ME2 had a great party cast you double nigger

you clearly mispelled ME3

>ME2 was bad

worst meme

ME3 didn't had garbage like Jack as a party members
So already better party than me2

>ME3 didn't had garbage like Jack as a party members

You're right, instead it had The Situation, Beefy Mcfuckhuge. ME2 gave me a Geth and Hitman Pepe.

Other than Jacob 2.0, I think they look like a promising cast. Sounds like they all have very unique motivations for being in this new galaxy and I think that could lead to some interesting characterization.

ME2 had the best cast of the series.

Can you fuck the black dude?

Not buying this game at all unless it has a huge price drop.

>ugly woman
>cartoon rabbit
>cool skellington
>That Asari actually looks cute in this picture
>Ugly man

Looks bad, and there are so damned few of them. Is that really the whole cast? Presumably they will have some DLC bullshit additions.

I thought Coras design was shit, but Liam really takes the cake.

I was willing to look past ME3 for this until I saw the trailer

Why the fuck does everything look soft and made out of pastel colored clay

>no qt quarian or salarian
Fuck you too biowear

>cant fug your sibling
damn incestphobes at bioware, its 2017 come on!

This. ME2 had easily the best cast in the entire trilogy because it was Companions: the Game.

>still can't fugg dwarves because lead writer says it's pedophilia even though they're hairy and very masculine
>Oh that elf that looks like a tall 12 year old? Fair game bro!

I'm bringing Liam and Drack with me.

Who will you chose V?

>I'd hit it.
>10/10 would stick my cock in.
>Gonna fuck that Turian.
>I might hit it if I can.
>Awkward, but would definitely bang.
>0/10 wouldn't bang; bestiality is a sin.

Its a good thing Gaider left because after seeing the Hobbit movies he said he rethought over the idea of dwarf romances and decided they were good, so we dodged having some hairy dwarf gay romance he would have put in the next DA game.

ME2 had the best party members of the series. Kasumi and Legion are GOAT.

Andromeda just looks bad though. Female Turian why? What the fuck is with Cora's hairstyle? Liam is yet another token black dude. Peebee is fucking horrible visually and apparently has autism

Anyone know why there isn't a SINGLE white male?!

I don't even give a fuck about that, though. This is the kind of game you'll wish you were playing as their father because he looks like a cool motherfucker.

>no class system, anyone can use biotic abilities
>Cora is a biotic

What did they mean by this?

>Good thing

I'd rather fuck a dwarf than a quanari any playthrough. There's absolutely no way you can make them sexy.

Of course the human male is a nigger. Im done with western games until they unfuck themselves

I like Vetra

>no quarians
>no salarians
>no drells

This game becomes more and more of a failure each day and it's not even out yet. Bioware, the absolute legends!

>No male turians
Literally what's the fucking point

Won't someone please think of the white man?

Honestly though, no idea. You can't change the avatar at all in this?

everyone had some kind of daddy issues.

Biotics are a religion now like Jedi where anybody can become one if they believe hard enough

They didn't put ONE hot female in this piece of shit to romance? Fucking bioware man...

They missed out big time by not making Harding romancable. She should've gotten the same treatment as Josephine, in my opinion.

Agreed. At least they added a pseudo-couple type thing for the DLC.

But user, party members =\= love interests.

>rogue academic

Literally what? What is a "rogue academic"? Oh no she's going off the rails and taking archaeology 201 before archaeology 101!

>crisis specialist

Why is a camp counselor allowed to come with you into the field?

Since they all look like shit it will come down to personality. Oh fuck, maybe that was what they were going for, not sure what to do now, i wouldn't wanna encourage that shit even if i can overlook it.

It's only for the protags, buddy.

Please tell me this game going to be a bait and switch with this fellow.

She even flirted with you, had romance conversation options, and actually REACTED when you flirted with her.

She was the best romance option, and they just teased us with her.

She was a qt too

r8 me

Peebee and Cora

I agree.

So there's no cis gendered romance options either right?

Harding for life.

What are you saying? In DA and ME series all of your love interests short of prostitutes or whores were party members

>Female Turian why?
Get out.

Crisis Specialist seems like a medic to me.

No fucking clue what Rogue Academic is supposed to mean.

The only one that looks interesting is Vetra. Perhaps that's just because I don't know anything about that character.

What kind of fucking name is Peebee? I thought Asari had names like Liara or Samara, not fucking Peebee.

>tfw no male turian to make calibrations with

>>rogue academic
Heretic in religious terms, maybe?

It's her nickname.

No fucking white males. I'm out.

But not all party members were love interests. That's what I'm saying.

Fuck all of those, you're telling me it's Anno Domini Two-Thousand and Seventeen and I still don't have an Elcor companion? Was a single staff member at Bioware even awake during this game's entire development cycle?

protag is a white male

She's a walking skeleton. What else you need to know?

He's a white male patriarch. See him fuck up massively or something.

what was garrus calibrating exactly?

tfw less-integral members of the ME2 crew were so forgettable that I can't even remember the mercenary-dude's on the far left or the ninja-chick's on the far right names.

He's a manlet

ships weapon systems

Thane's probably my favorite thing to come out of this franchise so I'm inclined to agree.

>wanting the useless peaceful elcore companion who will get trapped in small spaces
>Not the 6 gun wielding mind controlling hanar

>he can't remember zaeed and his war stories
you ain't my nigga

the Thanix cannons, thats why you destroy the collector's ship so damn easily thanks to all his calibrations.

>and apparently has autism
is that a bad thing?

Fuck you twice, Zaeed was the best god damn companion in the entire game

>Brand new galaxy
>One new alien species

Oh boy

How the FUCK could you forget this exchange? Did you even get the DLC

their priority is fuckable aliens

From left to right row by row
>strong military lady trope
>furry bait with sensitive feelings
>cold edgelord mature woman that's not romancable for some reason
>budget wrex
>manic pixie derp girl
>token black guy with 0 personality


Qarians didn't even send a colony ship. They dead, nigga.

>peaceful elcor
>ME3 talks about how in war, elcores are dropped down by plane and have tank guns mounted on them

i played ME because i wanted to fuck a buckethead
the fuck is this

He looks like he's supposed to be in FF15.

I'm assuming there's been no Geth and no quarians because both could be killed off in ME3.

The only way both could be wiped out is if you sided with the Geth during the Rannoch campaign, which wiped out the quarians, then picked the red ending, which wiped out the Geth.

Red ending canon?

You might not have ever even seen them if you didn't play the dlc nigger.

>Peebee pooboo

My Heart

>Continuation of plot

Whew friend, you got a LOT of disappointment to look forward to

kys talifag

Dad's the true villain.

Does anyone else expect more Reapers shit? I just feel like they are gonna pull something like "ooh no! there's Reapers in this galaxy too that weren't affected by ME3's ending!"

>6 party members
cool, i'll just stick with the krogan and the turian.

Jaal and Vetra are neat.

The rest all seem pretty shit and "safe" though. Another fucking krogran party member? Really?

>fem turian for me to cum inside
>brogan to bro-out with
>blonde chick to talk about space shit with
>dumb blue bitch to trigger
>Andromeda native to show me around and tell me what the scouter says about his power level
>token black guy
Could be worse. Much worse. Also ME2's party members were easily the best, I mean just by Grunt, Zaeed, and Miranda alone. Extra points for Archangel's recruitment mission.

one true answer

You're clearly a moron but ME3's Squad was:
Buff McHugePecs
Javik the DLC Prothean
Ashley (Male)/Kaiden (Faggot)
Liara who is a complete Writer's Pet
Sexbot Edi

And that's fucking it.

Holy fuck at least Andromeda has a Krogan.

>didn't protect her smile

fuck you

i thought andromeda takes place before ME trilogy
the fuck


Why the fuck did they send Krogans on this mission? Like the plot is a few arc ships of specific races sent off to colonize a new galaxy sometime around ME2. Why would you waste one of the big arc ships on the race of dumb brute warriors who can barely reproduce.

This is Bioware's best set of companions by a country mile

If I can't fuck Vetra, or she turns out to be a gay only romance option, I'm not buying this game.

It's the same amount of party members from the original ME. That's kinda shitty actually.

And it's not like the humans are going to be any form of interesting and the krogan is just going to be a grunt/wrex copy paste.

Kinda seems like a shit show in the making.

No. Reapers are done. Their story is finished. They will never be revisited again and Bioware has moved in a new direction for villains

Andromeda has a new devious race collectively refereed to as "The Leapers" which are an ancient race of gigantic living spaceships and they hibernate in "Dark Space" for thousands of years and then return to the galaxy every few millennia to destroy all the Andromeda's most advanced civilizations; motives for doing this are completely unknown, and they claim that it is beyond mortal understanding

This. I wish Nathaniel was a romance

Oh and Garrus and Tali were there.

The only 2 to make it into the squad while the other guys from ME2's squad are reduced to sidemissions.