Just Chris, thanks

Just Chris, thanks

Fuck off

not my Chris

WE FINALLY RETURNED TO THE ROOTS ! Please disregard any RE existed after RE3, in fact disregard any RE existed after alone in the dark.

Sup Forums btfo again
Hunk never ever

Fuck RE6, and fuck this franchise.

>its real
First Horizon, now this. When will the anal reaming for this board end?

>For a month people on this very board were arguing to death that this wasn't Chris


I'm gonna miss Re5/6 Chris. I've grown really accustomed to his face and VA. Wish they would have just made a new character.

This one looks more like a genuine military guy than the bullshit anime air force pilot we got in RE1/5/6

I fucking won't. Christ "I Fuck Boulders" Redfield was a joke.

I thought the boulder stuff was ridiculous and I loved it, personally. RE has never really been a serious series anyway.

You misspelled generic.

I feel the same way, RCS did an awesome job voicing Chris, and it's a damn shame he wasn't even brought back for the movie considering he likes voicing Chris as much as Douglas likes voicing Wesker.

Fuck off Wesker

5 and 6 went full retard with the ham factor. The earlier games (even 4 to a degree) used hammy dialog/scenes to make up for the tense atmosphere of the game, as a way to relax the player both the make the following parts more tense and to give him a break. Silly shit was used in 5 and 6 like bloom was used in the rebooted star trek movies.

Chris's campaign being the worst part of RE6 took effort, I can't wait to see him try to outdo it.

I think 5 was a pretty Good sequel to 4 until the zombie starting shooting back and weskers 5 game plot turned out to be completely retarded

t. intimidated manlet

Buff McHuge Redfield was what really made him stand out and have some sort of personality, same with how Leon turned from generic inexperienced blank main character into a snarky super agent with great hair.

The game started in full fucking daylight in the middle of an african village. The most resident evil thing about 5 was the reveal trailer.

Capcom is too cheap to keep voice actors which is why they frequently rotate them out.

This ones also free?
Weren't the two already released dlcs also free?
What the hell does that season pass get?

I don't see how time of day matters at all. Is that really why you don't like it? Because it's daytime?

Do they even have 1 iconic-ly voiced character? I was going to say Frank West but they changed his VA and butchered his character with 4. Dante? The previous point stands with him too

They do now.


I will drink my own cum and film myself getting fisted but two niggers if it isn't a red herring

I never thought it was Hunk, but it's still not going to be Chris. The whole twist of the dlc will be that the character isn't really Chris, idk why people are finding this hard to understand.

For people who actually follow the lore of these stupid games. Chris wouldn't work for umbrella, not an umbrella that possibly has Wesker leading it. 6 has done clones before, people are actually being fooled by low capcom bait.

You were going to do that anyway you fucking faggot.

getting fucked and drinking cum yes, getting fisted by two niggers means I will and hero right after

This, this "Chris" might be like the "Ada" from RE6.

>In the spin-off

I wish they made a sequel to RE6 not a fucking VR garbage.

>Chris wouldn't work for umbrella
If only there was a way to make people do things against their will... Hm...

Won't work on him. His obsession is too deep