Is the Switch the first system you can do this with?

Is the Switch the first system you can do this with?

Other urls found in this thread: switch

>not getting gains and doing that with your laptop

Er, how would "gains" help with that in any way?

You can do that with anything though

I would hate to be that grill when that thing loses its grip due to wear and falls flat on your face.

These things are built sturdy. By the time it loses its grip they'd have already moved on to the next system and bought a new one.

Plus it's not too heavy. It'd be a brief "ouch" but little more.

Well, now that the idea is in my head....

that doesn't count

No because the JoyCons are defective

That picture is lame because you still have to sit up for it. Switch is different because you can lie down completely for maximum comfiness.

It does though. So.....


Couple this with a wireless keyboard

>trying to sleep with a creepy af mechanical hand hovering over your head


all that shit xD

>those hands

>Someone bumps one of those desks the wrong way

Braver man than me.


i don't know why these pictures are so fucking hilarious

>being such a huge pussy that you are so afraid of that completely non-threatening thing that you can't even sleep.
Grow a pair user.

The real question here is can a Sup Forumstard get any fucking lazier? You deserve your obesity, fatty.

you're just jealous

This position is never comfortable for more than 10 seconds.

Or maybe I just have a super shitty back.

No. I prefer my bitches bent a little bit differently.

Now THAT is more like it.

still doesn't count because you have to have your arms up. switch controller is split for max comfy

you could probably do this with a wii

Yeah man because people generally do so much exercise while playing video games.

What the fuck are you gonna do, play your Switch in the gym? Walk on the treadmill and play some Mario? Yeah, bet that'll get you some mad pussy.

I have two TV's, a flat screen HD TV and a small crt. I usually play modern games on my big TV so I always just lay under the covers or sit in my chair with no issue because wireless controllers. As for my crt, all my older systems are close by so I never worry about cord length or getting tangled under my covers, and my Crt is on my desk next to my bed so again I can lay under the covers or play in my chair.

He literally said the wireless keyboard thing, idiot. With a wireless keyboard your hands will be resting on your lap.

>cute face
>ugly old man hands

More power to ya, user.

That's all the response I need to make.

You expected something different on Sup Forums?

No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!

Is that Kristen Schaal? God I wish her nudes would leak.

What do people expect that shit to accomplish?

>switch controller is split for max comfy
Unless it's cold and you decide to put your hands under a sheet or blanket, cutting off the signal and rendering them useless.

Pic related is the accessory I'm waiting for. Hear me out, Hori. A phone-like cover that will protect your Switch's glass face when closed like (left most image), and then you can fold in into a stand so you can stop relying on Switch's weak small, thin plastic tabletop support (pictured on upper right). What do you think?

They can also put small pouches inside where you can slide cartridges.

yeah but what if you drop it in a riverbed? You'd never find it.

goddamn it user I'm serious about it.

I can't find any other pictures that doesnt have this gay ass pebble design.

I was only kidding silly goose

This response made me chuckle for a little bit. Well done.

just make sure your hands are outside the blanket otherwise you will have latency problems.

>bump table with shoulder
>get decapitated

were you have been living? switch

So you don't get tired holding it up after ten minutes.



WTF! I love the Switch now?

you can't do it with the switch anyway. the joycons are confirmed to only work when pointed directly at the console

Go to bed, greg

Eh? Are you for real?

Anyone else see these images and crave an asian wife? I need it so bad college is taking too long T_T.

I got that shit preordered already. Would have liked a classier leather look tho

Make it yourself.
That's what men do. They craft shit. Are you a man or not?

RIP in pieces gook-kun.

Am i literally the only one who played their Wii U while lying in bed? pic related isnt exactly the stand i have but they do make ones like in the OP for the gamepad. Why do you think there are two screw holes behind the gamepad?

No, I pay other people to craft it for me and ship it to my door. I'm busy doing other stuff, like not crafting shit.

post the edit

You sissy. Go buy a purse or something.

>implying the joycon signal will actually allow you to do this

That seems awful

if you need to do something like this fucking kill yourselves

How so? Try making an actual post.

Doing anything other than sleeping in a bed sucks. It's not comfy and you'll get uncomfortable in like 20 minutes

Thank you for the actual post. I disagree though, I have a Kindle which I read in bed and it's great.

The switch should come with a free snuggie. Also I don't get why people are complaining about battery life. You should have a plug in available in every room and i doubt you're going to play it in public for more than 2:30 hours. I can't imagine how legendary of a autist you'd have to be to be playing that shit for more than 2 hours and 30 minutes in public. The only thing I can think of is if you're on a greyhound or something.

This shit is meant for a nice couch or while laying in bed. Shits gonna be nice. Lets just hope mainline games won't absolutely require waggling.

Nintendo dropped that stuff years ago. Just about every Wii game after a certain point had classic controller options.


>not wanting to be comfy

Does the japanese qt require shipping?

Yeah! If you don't play your Switch like this, you hate fun.

*bumps table*
Nothing personal kid

You've never dropped tour phone on your face when falling asleep while browsing Sup Forums?

>presses charges and sues user back to the stone age
Tell Tyrone I said hello while I'm busy injecting my arm full of drugs I bought with your college funds

That's how I played vidya all the time when I was younger. Then I started getting into PC gaming more so I spent most of my time sitting at the computer playing games.
Now when I try to lay on my stomach and play games my back starts feeling really stiff after a couple of minutes.

*Doesnt have the money and commits suicide right after the lawsuit*
You snooze you lose user.

i want to rest it on my chest with the joy cons under the blanket. will the blanket block the signal?

Came here expecting to see this.

Thanks, chap.

living the dream

why wouldn't you just hold it?

chinese face is already flat

You'd get sent to Hell for this so I don't think that's a good idea.

You're just getting old, I think. Your body can't take it.